W11_01 Antenatal care Flashcards
what’s included in the pre-conception assessment?
LMP/cycle length/regularity;
folic acid;
immunization status;
genetic and familial risk;
maternal conditions;
obstetrical history
what’s chadwick’s sign?
blue discoloration of the vagina mucosa because of increased vascularity to the pelvic organs
what’s hegar’s sign?
softening of the uterus. A probable sign of pregnancy
what are the positive signs of pregnancy?
positive pregnancy test;
auscultation of fetal heart;
perception of fetal movements by examiner;
ultrasound demonstration of fetus
what’s time 0 of the gestational age?
last normal menstrual period
what’s naegle’s rule?
LNMP + 9 months + 7 days
what’s the average length of pregnancy?
280 days = 40 weeks GA;
38 weeks conception
note: the longer the time elapsed of gestation, the more poorly US is at dating the length of pregnancy
accurate to 1 week in T1, 2 weeks in T2, 3 weeks in T3
if the uterus is between umbilicus and xiphoid, how long has the pregnancy been?
36 weeks
if the uterus is between the symphysis and umbilicus, how long is the gestation?
16 weeks
what are some maternal medical issues during pregnancy?
gestational hypertension w/ or w/o proteinuria, pre-eclampsia;
gestational diabetes;
cholestasis of pregnancy, PUPPPS
what are some fetal medical issues during pregnancy?
growth restriction/macrosomia;
chromosomal or structural anomalies;
cardiac arrhythmias;
what are some placental/obstetrical issues during pregnancy?
short cervix;
preterm labour;
abnormal placentation;
antepartum hemorrhage;
post term pregnancy
define postterm pregnancy
any pregnancy over 42 weeks of term
define placenta previa
placenta is covering the cervical os
what factors should be looked at to assess growth of the fetus?
estimated fetal weight, fetal abdominal circumference, biparietal diamter, femur length
how to identify at-risk pregnancies?
US assessment;
complete anatomical scan;
biophysical profile;
doppler flow studies;
third trimester scan
what to test for when doing first trimester screening?
down syndrome (trisomy 21 and trisomy 18)
what does the quad screen test for?
alpha fetoprotein;
beta HCG;
unconjugated estriol;
inhibin A;
done to check for chromosomal abnormalities and ONTD
what are the two invasive prenantal testing methods?
chorionic villus sampling;
nausea and vomiting affect how many pregnant women?
what’s the treatment for nuasea/vomiting in pregnancy?
Diclectin 2-4 tabs/day up to 8 tabs a day
what can alcohol consumption in pregnancy cause?
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder/IUGR, distinctive facies, developmental delay, behavioural disorder