W Flashcards
- Er war wütend, weil sein Team das Spiel verloren hat.
- Sie reagierte wütend, als sie die schlechten Nachrichten hörte.
- Trotzdem war er wütend auf sich selbst, dass er die Deadline verpasst hatte.
- Obwohl sie wütend war, versuchte sie ruhig zu bleiben.
- Er schaute wütend auf den Bildschirm, als die Verbindung unterbrochen wurde.
- (He was angry because his team lost the game.)
- (She reacted angrily when she heard the bad news.)
- (Nevertheless, he was angry at himself for missing the deadline.)
- (Although she was angry, she tried to stay calm.)
- (He looked angrily at the screen when the connection was interrupted.)
Tips: The adjective wütend is used to describe a state of anger or being upset. It can be used to express someone’s emotional reaction to a situation or event. It’s important to note that wütend is a strong form of anger, and it’s commonly used in spoken and written German to convey strong emotions.
Similar: zornig (angry), verärgert (annoyed)
- Ich lese ein Buch, während ich auf den Zug warte.
- Er kocht das Abendessen, während sie im Wohnzimmer fernsieht.
- Während des Urlaubs habe ich viele interessante Orte besucht.
- Sie hat viel gelernt, während sie an der Universität studierte.
- Er hat geschlafen, während die anderen gearbeitet haben.
- (I am reading a book while I wait for the train.)
- (He is cooking dinner while she watches TV in the living room.)
- (During the vacation, I visited many interesting places.)
- (She learned a lot while she was studying at the university.)
- (He slept while the others were working.)
Tips: The preposition während is used to indicate a period of time in which an action takes place. It is commonly used to express simultaneous actions or events. It is followed by the genitive case when referring to a specific point in time, and by the accusative case when referring to a duration of time.
gorgeous, beautiful
- Sie hat ein wunderschönes Kleid für die Party gekauft.
- Der Sonnenuntergang am Strand war wunderschön.
- Er hat seiner Freundin wunderschöne Blumen geschenkt.
- Trotz des Regens war die Landschaft wunderschön.
- Die Oper war wunderschön, die Musik hat mich verzaubert.
- (She bought a gorgeous dress for the party.)
- (The sunset at the beach was beautiful.)
- (He gave his girlfriend beautiful flowers.)
- (Despite the rain, the landscape was gorgeous.)
- (The opera was beautiful, the music enchanted me.)
Tips: The adjective wunderschön is used to describe something as exceptionally beautiful or gorgeous. It is often used to express admiration for natural scenery, art, or personal appearance. It’s a delightful word to use when expressing appreciation for beauty in various contexts.
Similar: schön (beautiful, nice), prächtig (magnificent, splendid)
inf: wundern, past: wunderte, pnt: wundert, pt: hat gewundert; (to wonder, to be surprised)
- Es wundert mich, dass er nicht zur Party gekommen ist.
- Sie wundert sich über das unerwartete Geschenk.
- Es hat mich gewundert, dass er so schnell die Lösung gefunden hat.
- Trotz des Regens wunderte sie sich über die Schönheit der Landschaft.
- Wenn du die Wahrheit erfährst, wirst du dich wundern.
- (I am surprised that he didn’t come to the party.)
- (She is surprised by the unexpected gift.)
- (I was surprised that he found the solution so quickly.)
- (Despite the rain, she was amazed by the beauty of the landscape.)
- (When you find out the truth, you will be surprised.)
Tips: The verb wundern is used to express the feeling of surprise or wonder. It is often used in the context of being amazed by something unexpected or unusual. It can also be used to express disbelief or astonishment.
Similar: erstaunen (to astonish, to amaze), überraschen (to surprise)
about what
- Worüber denkst du nach?
- Ich frage mich, worüber er so traurig ist.
- Worüber sprichst du mit deiner Freundin?
- Ich weiß nicht, worüber sie sich beschwert.
- Worüber freust du dich am meisten?
- (What are you thinking about?)
- (I wonder what he is so sad about.)
- (What are you talking about with your friend?)
- (I don’t know what she is complaining about.)
- (What are you most happy about?)
Tips: The pronominal adverb ‘worüber’ is used to inquire or talk about the object of a thought, conversation, or emotion. It is a combination of the preposition ‘über’ (about) and the interrogative pronoun ‘was’ (what). It is commonly used in questions and statements to specify the topic of discussion or contemplation.
about what
- Worum geht es in diesem Buch?
- Kannst du mir sagen, worum es in dem Film geht?
- Ich verstehe nicht, worum du dich sorgst.
- Worum handelt es sich in diesem Bericht?
- Können wir darüber sprechen, worum du gebeten hast?
- (What is this book about?)
- (Can you tell me what the movie is about?)
- (I don’t understand what you are worried about.)
- (What is this report about?)
- (Can we talk about what you asked for?)
Tips: The pronominal adverb ‘worum’ is used to inquire about the subject or topic of something. It is commonly used in questions to ask for the content or purpose of a specific matter.
probably, well
- Er ist wohl zu Hause.
- Sie fühlt sich wohl in ihrer neuen Wohnung.
- Er hat wohl vergessen, dass wir heute einen Termin haben.
- Sie hat wohl die Prüfung bestanden, sie lächelt die ganze Zeit.
- Er hat wohl zu viel gegessen, er fühlt sich unwohl.
- (He is probably at home.)
- (She feels well in her new apartment.)
- (He probably forgot that we have an appointment today.)
- (She probably passed the exam, she’s smiling all the time.)
- (He probably ate too much, he feels unwell.)
Tips: The adverb wohl is used to express probability or a state of well-being. It can also indicate a supposition or assumption. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey different meanings.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe), gut (good, well)
sg: das Wissen, pl: die Kenntnisse, g: des Wissens; (knowledge)
- Das Wissen über verschiedene Kulturen ist sehr wichtig.
- Sie hat Kenntnisse in der Programmierung.
- Trotzdem ist sein Wissen über die Geschichte beeindruckend.
- Das Wissen des Lehrers ist für die Schüler sehr wertvoll.
- Er hat viel Wissen über Pflanzen und Tiere.
- (Knowledge about different cultures is very important.)
- (She has knowledge in programming.)
- (Nevertheless, his knowledge of history is impressive.)
- (The teacher’s knowledge is very valuable for the students.)
- (He has a lot of knowledge about plants and animals.)
Tips: The noun Wissen refers to the broad concept of knowledge. It can be used to describe general knowledge or expertise in a particular field. It is often used in academic or professional contexts.
Similar: das Wissen (knowledge), die Kenntnisse (knowledge, skills)
inf: wirken, past: wirkte, pnt: wirkt, pt: hat gewirkt; (to have an effect, to appear)
- Die Medizin wirkt schnell.
- Sie wirkte sehr glücklich, obwohl sie müde war.
- Der Film hat gewirkt sehr beeindruckend auf mich.
- Er wirkt immer sehr selbstbewusst.
- Obwohl er krank war, wirkte er sehr energiegeladen.
- (The medicine has a quick effect.)
- (She appeared very happy, although she was tired.)
- (The movie had a very impressive effect on me.)
- (He always appears very self-confident.)
- (Although he was sick, he appeared very energetic.)
Tips: The verb wirken is used to express the idea of having an effect or appearing in a certain way. It can refer to the effect of something, such as a medicine, or to the appearance or demeanor of a person. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: beeinflussen (to influence), aussehen (to look, to appear)
inf: winken, past: winkte, pnt: winkt, pt: hat gewinkt; (to wave)
- Sie winkt ihrem Freund zu, als sie ihn am Bahnhof sieht.
- Er winkte mit der Hand, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Kellners zu bekommen.
- Sie hat gewinkt, als sie das Schiff verlassen hat.
- Trotz des Regens winkte er fröhlich, als er seine Freunde sah.
- Wenn ich an meinen Großvater denke, sehe ich ihn immer winken.
- (She waves to her friend when she sees him at the train station.)
- (He waved his hand to get the waiter’s attention.)
- (She waved as she left the ship.)
- (Despite the rain, he waved cheerfully when he saw his friends.)
- (When I think of my grandfather, I always see him waving.)
Tips: The verb winken is used to express the action of waving, typically with the hand. It is commonly used in the context of greeting or getting someone’s attention. This verb is often used in everyday conversations and is a friendly gesture in German culture.
Similar: grüßen (to greet), schwenken (to brandish, to wave)
- Der Tiger ist ein wildes Tier.
- Die wilde Party dauerte bis in die frühen Morgenstunden.
- Das wilde Kind rannte durch den Park.
- Die wilden Blumen blühen im Frühling.
- Die wilde Katze jagt die Maus.
- (The tiger is a wild animal.)
- (The wild party lasted until the early hours of the morning.)
- (The wild child ran through the park.)
- (The wild flowers bloom in spring.)
- (The wild cat is hunting the mouse.)
Tips: The adjective wild is used to describe something that is untamed, unruly, or in a natural state. It can refer to animals, parties, children, plants, or any other thing that exhibits a wild or untamed nature.
Similar: ungezähmt (untamed), wüst (rugged)
- Wieso hast du das gemacht?
- Wieso bist du so spät gekommen?
- Wieso hast du dich nicht bei mir gemeldet?
- Wieso denkst du, dass ich das getan habe?
- Wieso hast du das Buch nicht gelesen?
- (Why did you do that?)
- (Why are you so late?)
- (Why didn’t you get in touch with me?)
- (Why do you think I did that?)
- (Why didn’t you read the book?)
Tips: The adverb ‘wieso’ is used to ask for the reason or cause of something. It is similar to ‘warum’ (why) but is more colloquial. ‘Wieso’ is commonly used in spoken German and is suitable for informal situations.
Similar: warum (why)
inf: wiegen, past: wog, pnt: wiegt, pt: hat gewogen; (to weigh)
- Das Paket wiegt fünf Kilogramm.
- Sie wog das Obst, bevor sie es kaufte.
- Er hat gewogen, um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht zu viel Gepäck hat.
- Obwohl sie leicht ist, wiegt sie viel Verantwortung.
- Wenn du abnehmen möchtest, musst du regelmäßig dein Gewicht wiegen.
- (The package weighs five kilograms.)
- (She weighed the fruit before buying it.)
- (He weighed to make sure he didn’t have too much luggage.)
- (Although she is light, she carries a lot of responsibility.)
- (If you want to lose weight, you have to weigh yourself regularly.)
Tips: The verb wiegen is used to express the action of weighing something, whether it’s a physical object or an abstract concept. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: abwägen (to consider, to weigh up), prüfen (to check, to examine)
- Sie hat das Buch wiedergefunden.
- Er musste den Text wiederholen, um ihn zu verstehen.
- Das ist wiedereinmal passiert.
- Sie hat wieder angefangen, Deutsch zu lernen.
- Er hat das Auto wiederaufgebaut.
- (She found the book again.)
- (He had to repeat the text in order to understand it.)
- (This has happened again.)
- (She has started learning German again.)
- (He rebuilt the car.)
Tips: The prefix wieder- is used to indicate repetition or restoration of an action. It is commonly used in verbs to express the idea of doing something again or returning to a previous state.
inf: widersprechen, past: widersprach, pnt: widerspricht, pt: hat widersprochen; (to contradict, to oppose)
- Ich widerspreche deiner Meinung, weil ich andere Informationen habe.
- Er widersprach dem Vorschlag, da er nicht überzeugt war.
- Sie hat widersprochen und darauf bestanden, dass ihre Version korrekt ist.
- Trotzdem widerspricht er nicht aus Respekt vor der Autorität.
- Wenn du ihm widersprichst, wird er verärgert sein.
- (I contradict your opinion because I have different information.)
- (He opposed the proposal because he was not convinced.)
- (She contradicted and insisted that her version is correct.)
- (Nevertheless, he does not contradict out of respect for the authority.)
- (If you contradict him, he will be upset.)
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposition to a statement, opinion, or proposal. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure effective communication.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to hold against), kontern (to counter)
inf: wetten, past: wettete, pnt: wettet, pt: hat gewettet; (to bet)
- Ich wette, dass es morgen regnen wird.
- Er wettete, dass sein Lieblingsfußballteam gewinnen würde.
- Sie hat gewettet, dass sie das Rennen gewinnen wird.
- Obwohl das Pferd verletzt war, wettete er trotzdem darauf.
- Wenn du sicher bist, kannst du wetten, dass du gewinnst.
- (I bet it will rain tomorrow.)
- (He bet that his favorite football team would win.)
- (She has bet that she will win the race.)
- (Although the horse was injured, he still bet on it.)
- (If you are sure, you can bet that you will win.)
Tips: The verb wetten is used to express the action of betting or wagering on a certain outcome. It is commonly used in the context of sports, games, or any situation where a prediction is made and money or valuables are at stake. It is important to note that in German, the verb wetten is often used with the preposition ‘auf’ to indicate the subject of the bet.
Similar: tippen (to tip, to guess), setzen (to place, to put)
- Weshalb hast du das gemacht?
- Weshalb bist du so spät gekommen?
- Weshalb hast du dich entschieden, Deutsch zu lernen?
- Weshalb hast du das Buch nicht gelesen?
- Weshalb möchtest du nach Deutschland reisen?
- (Why did you do that?)
- (Why did you come so late?)
- (Why did you decide to learn German?)
- (Why didn’t you read the book?)
- (Why do you want to travel to Germany?)
Tips: The adverb ‘weshalb’ is used to ask for the reason or cause of something. It is similar to ‘warum’ (why) and can be used interchangeably in many cases. However, ‘weshalb’ is considered slightly more formal than ‘warum’.
Similar: warum (why)
- Das Gemälde ist sehr wertvoll und wird gut geschützt.
- Sie trägt eine wertvolle Uhr, die sie von ihrer Großmutter geerbt hat.
- Trotzdem ist es wertvoll, sich Zeit für die Familie zu nehmen.
- Die Firma legt großen Wert auf wertvolle Mitarbeiter, die langfristig im Unternehmen bleiben.
- Obwohl das Schmuckstück klein ist, ist es sehr wertvoll.
- (The painting is very valuable and is well protected.)
- (She wears a valuable watch that she inherited from her grandmother.)
- (Nevertheless, it is valuable to take time for the family.)
- (The company places great value on valuable employees who stay with the company long-term.)
- (Although the piece of jewelry is small, it is very valuable.)
Tips: The adjective wertvoll is used to describe something of great worth or value. It can refer to material possessions, personal qualities, or abstract concepts. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the idea of something being valuable or precious.
Similar: kostbar (precious), hochwertig (high-quality)
- Er fühlte sich wertlos, nachdem er seinen Job verloren hatte.
- Die gestohlenen Schmuckstücke waren für sie wertlos geworden.
- Trotzdem fand sie die alten Briefe nicht wertlos und bewahrte sie auf.
- Obwohl das Gemälde beschädigt war, war es für den Künstler keineswegs wertlos.
- Die wertlosen Aktien wurden schnell verkauft, um den Verlust zu minimieren.
- (He felt worthless after losing his job.)
- (The stolen jewelry had become worthless to her.)
- (Nevertheless, she didn’t find the old letters worthless and kept them.)
- (Although the painting was damaged, it was by no means worthless to the artist.)
- (The worthless stocks were quickly sold to minimize the loss.)
Tips: The adjective wertlos is used to describe something that has no value or worth. It can refer to objects, actions, or even a person’s feelings of self-worth. It’s important to note that this adjective carries a strong negative connotation.
Similar: nutzlos (useless), unbrauchbar (unusable)
valuable, worthy
- Dieses Gemälde ist sehr wertvoll.
- Sie ist eine werte Freundin.
- Das ist ein wertes Geschenk.
- Trotzdem ist es wert, darüber nachzudenken.
- Er hat das Buch wertgeschätzt.
- (This painting is very valuable.)
- (She is a worthy friend.)
- (That is a valuable gift.)
- (Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about.)
- (He valued the book.)
Tips: The adjective ‘wert’ is used to describe something as valuable or worthy. It is commonly used to express the worth or value of objects, people, or ideas. It can also be used in the sense of being worth something, like worth considering or worth appreciating.
Similar: kostbar (precious), bedeutend (significant)
inf: werfen, past: warf, pnt: wirft, pt: hat geworfen; (to throw)
- Er wirft den Ball zum Hund.
- Sie warf einen Blick aus dem Fenster, bevor sie das Haus verließ.
- Er hat den Stein geworfen, um die Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen.
- Trotz des Regens werfen sie eine Party im Garten.
- Wenn du den Ball wirfst, fange ich ihn.
- (He throws the ball to the dog.)
- (She cast a glance out of the window before leaving the house.)
- (He threw the stone to attract attention.)
- (Despite the rain, they are throwing a party in the garden.)
- (If you throw the ball, I will catch it.)
Tips: The verb werfen is used to express the action of throwing something. It can refer to throwing objects, glances, or even events like parties. It’s important to note that the verb werfen is irregular in the past tense, where it changes from ‘werfen’ to ‘warf’.
Similar: schmeißen (to toss, to fling), hinwerfen (to throw down)
inf: wenden, past: wandte, pnt: wendet, pt: hat gewandt; (to turn)
- Sie wendet das Auto und fährt zurück.
- Er wandte sich an seinen Freund, um Rat zu bekommen.
- Sie hat gewandt, um die andere Richtung zu zeigen.
- Trotz des Regens wendet er sich dem Fußballspiel zu.
- Wenn du die Straße überqueren willst, musst du dich nach links wenden.
- (She turns the car and drives back.)
- (He turned to his friend to get some advice.)
- (She has turned to show the other direction.)
- (Despite the rain, he turns to the football game.)
- (If you want to cross the street, you have to turn left.)
Tips: The verb wenden is used to express the action of turning or changing direction. It can refer to physical turning, as in turning a car or oneself, as well as metaphorical turning, such as turning to someone for help or turning to a different topic. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in everyday language.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich wenden an (to turn to, to address)
- Die Firma hat weltweit Niederlassungen.
- Weltweit gibt es viele verschiedene Kulturen und Traditionen.
- Das Internet ermöglicht weltweite Kommunikation in Echtzeit.
- Weltweit steigt das Bewusstsein für Umweltschutz.
- Weltweit sind die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels spürbar.
- (The company has branches worldwide.)
- (There are many different cultures and traditions worldwide.)
- (The internet enables worldwide real-time communication.)
- (Awareness of environmental protection is increasing worldwide.)
- (The effects of climate change are noticeable worldwide.)
Tips: The adjective ‘weltweit’ is used to describe something that is present or happens all over the world. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to emphasize the global scope of a particular phenomenon, activity, or entity.
Similar: global, international
worldwide, far-reaching
- Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind weltenweit spürbar.
- Sie hat weltenweite Reisen unternommen, um verschiedene Kulturen kennenzulernen.
- Die Firma hat weltenweite Geschäftsbeziehungen aufgebaut.
- Trotzdem sind die Probleme weltenweit bekannt.
- Die Technologie hat weltenweite Veränderungen in der Kommunikation bewirkt.
- (The effects of climate change are felt worldwide.)
- (She has undertaken far-reaching travels to get to know different cultures.)
- (The company has established worldwide business relationships.)
- (Nevertheless, the problems are known worldwide.)
- (The technology has brought about far-reaching changes in communication worldwide.)
Tips: The adjective ‘weltenweit’ is used to describe something that is extensive or widespread on a global scale. It emphasizes the broad reach or impact of a particular phenomenon, event, or action. It is commonly used in formal and written contexts to convey the idea of something being ‘worldwide’ or ‘far-reaching.’
Similar: weltweit (worldwide), global (global)
prefix indicating continuation or progression
- Sie weiterlesen den interessanten Artikel.
- Er hat weitergearbeitet, obwohl er müde war.
- Wir müssen weiterdenken, um eine Lösung zu finden.
- Sie ist weitergegangen, ohne auf uns zu warten.
- Er hat weiterstudiert, um seinen Abschluss zu machen.
- (She continues reading the interesting article.)
- (He continued working even though he was tired.)
- (We need to keep thinking to find a solution.)
- (She continued walking without waiting for us.)
- (He continued studying to get his degree.)
Tips: The prefix weiter- indicates continuation or progression of an action. It is commonly used with verbs to express the idea of continuing to do something. It can be added to various verbs to convey the concept of ongoing or further action.
inf: weigern, past: weigerte, pnt: weigert, pt: hat verweigert; (to refuse)
- Sie weigert sich, an dem Projekt teilzunehmen, weil sie anderweitig beschäftigt ist.
- Er weigerte die Annahme des Geschenks, da er es als unpassend empfand.
- Sie hat verweigert, die Bedingungen zu akzeptieren, da sie unfair waren.
- Trotz des Drängens weigert er sich, seine Meinung zu ändern.
- Wenn er nicht einverstanden ist, weigert er sich, mitzumachen.
- (She refuses to participate in the project because she is otherwise engaged.)
- (He refused to accept the gift as he found it inappropriate.)
- (She has refused to accept the conditions as they were unfair.)
- (Despite the pressure, he refuses to change his opinion.)
- (If he doesn’t agree, he refuses to participate.)
Tips: The verb weigern is used to express the action of refusing to do something or to accept something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing refusal. It is commonly used in formal settings, such as business negotiations, as well as in everyday conversations.
Similar: ablehnen (to reject), verneinen (to deny)
away, off
- Er ist weggegangen, um etwas zu erledigen.
- Sie hat das alte Poster weggeworfen und Platz für das Neue gemacht.
- Der Hund ist weggelaufen, als das Feuerwerk begann.
- Er hat das Etikett weggerissen und den Inhalt gesehen.
- Sie hat das Missverständnis weggeräumt, indem sie alles erklärt hat.
- (He went away to take care of something.)
- (She threw away the old poster and made space for the new one.)
- (The dog ran off when the fireworks started.)
- (He tore off the label and saw the content.)
- (She cleared away the misunderstanding by explaining everything.)
Tips: The prefix weg- indicates movement away or removal of something. It is commonly used with verbs to convey the idea of going away, throwing away, running off, tearing off, or clearing away. It can be added to various verbs to change their meaning accordingly.
Similar: ab- (off, from), aus- (out, out of)
- Er hat weder Zeit noch Lust, mitzukommen.
- Weder du noch ich können das alleine schaffen.
- Sie hat weder angerufen noch eine Nachricht hinterlassen.
- Weder gestern noch heute habe ich ihn gesehen.
- Weder der Mann noch die Frau haben den Diebstahl bemerkt.
- (He has neither the time nor the desire to come along.)
- (Neither you nor I can manage this alone.)
- (She neither called nor left a message.)
- (I have seen him neither yesterday nor today.)
- (Neither the man nor the woman noticed the theft.)
Tips: The conjunction ‘weder’ is used to express negation in the sense of ‘neither’ or ‘nor’. It is used to connect two negative alternatives or to emphasize the absence of both options. It is often followed by ‘noch’ (nor) to complete the negative correlation.
inf: warnen, past: warnte, pnt: warnt, pt: hat gewarnt; (to warn)
- Ich warne dich vor den Gefahren des Waldes.
- Er warnte sie, nicht alleine in die dunkle Gasse zu gehen.
- Sie hat gewarnt, dass es gefährlich ist, bei roter Ampel über die Straße zu gehen.
- Trotzdem warne ich dich, vorsichtig zu sein.
- Wenn du so weitermachst, wird dich jemand warnen.
- (I warn you about the dangers of the forest.)
- (He warned her not to go alone into the dark alley.)
- (She warned that it is dangerous to cross the street on a red light.)
- (Nevertheless, I warn you to be careful.)
- (If you continue like this, someone will warn you.)
Tips: The verb warnen is used to advise or caution someone about potential dangers or risks. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when giving warnings or expressing concern for someone’s safety. It can be used in various tenses and forms to convey different nuances of warning.
Similar: benachrichtigen (to notify), alarmieren (to alarm)
insane, crazy
- Er ist ein wahnsinnig guter Koch.
- Sie hat eine wahnsinnige Leidenschaft für Musik.
- Das war eine wahnsinnige Party gestern.
- Er hat wahnsinnig viel Geld ausgegeben.
- Sie ist wahnsinnig schön.
- (He is an insanely good cook.)
- (She has an insane passion for music.)
- (That was an insane party yesterday.)
- (He spent an insane amount of money.)
- (She is insanely beautiful.)
Tips: The adjective ‘wahnsinnig’ is used to describe something as extremely good, intense, or excessive. It can be used to express admiration, passion, or exaggeration. It’s important to note that ‘wahnsinnig’ can be used in both positive and negative contexts, depending on the situation.
Similar: verrückt (crazy, insane), unglaublich (incredible, unbelievable)
inf: wachsen, past: wuchs, pnt: wächst, pt: ist gewachsen; (to grow)
- Die Pflanzen wachsen schnell in diesem fruchtbaren Boden.
- Er wuchs in einer kleinen Stadt auf, bevor er in die Großstadt zog.
- Die Bevölkerung ist gewachsen, seitdem die neue Fabrik eröffnet wurde.
- Obwohl es trocken war, wuchsen die Bäume überraschend gut.
- Die Kinder wachsen so schnell, dass sie ständig neue Kleidung brauchen.
- (The plants grow quickly in this fertile soil.)
- (He grew up in a small town before moving to the big city.)
- (The population has grown since the new factory opened.)
- (Although it was dry, the trees grew surprisingly well.)
- (Children grow so fast that they constantly need new clothes.)
Tips: The verb wachsen is used to describe the process of growing, whether it’s plants, population, or personal growth. It can also be used metaphorically to describe an increase or development in something. It’s a versatile verb that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: anwachsen (to increase, to accrue), aufwachsen (to grow up)
- Die Treppe ist nicht steil, sondern waagrecht.
- Der Balken liegt waagrecht auf den Stützpfeilern.
- Die Linie auf dem Papier ist waagrecht gezogen.
- Die Baustämme wurden waagrecht aufeinander gestapelt.
- Die Brücke verläuft waagrecht über den Fluss.
- (The stairs are not steep, but horizontal.)
- (The beam lies horizontally on the support pillars.)
- (The line on the paper is drawn horizontally.)
- (The building logs were stacked horizontally on top of each other.)
- (The bridge runs horizontally over the river.)
Tips: The adjective ‘waagrecht’ is used to describe something that is oriented horizontally. It is commonly used in technical, architectural, and geometric contexts.
Similar: horizontal, parallel
- Die Regale sind waagerecht angebracht, um die Bücher sicher zu halten.
- Die Künstlerin malte eine waagerechte Linie über die Leinwand.
- Die Tischplatte sollte waagerecht sein, damit nichts herunterfällt.
- Die Architekten planten, die Fenster waagerecht zu positionieren, um das Tageslicht optimal zu nutzen.
- Der Balken wurde waagerecht über die Tür montiert.
- (The shelves are installed horizontally to securely hold the books.)
- (The artist painted a horizontal line across the canvas.)
- (The tabletop should be horizontal so that nothing falls off.)
- (The architects planned to position the windows horizontally to make the best use of natural light.)
- (The beam was mounted horizontally above the door.)
Tips: The adjective ‘waagerecht’ is used to describe something that is positioned or oriented horizontally. It is commonly used in technical, architectural, and artistic contexts to refer to horizontal alignment or placement.
Similar: horizontal, parallel