L Flashcards
inf: lösen, past: löste, pnt: löst, pt: hat gelöst; (to solve, to loosen, to release)
- Sie löst das Rätsel in Rekordzeit.
- Er löste die Schrauben, um das Gerät zu reparieren.
- Die Medikamente haben seine Schmerzen gelöst.
- Trotzdem löst er das Problem mit großer Entschlossenheit.
- Wenn du das Rätsel löst, bekommst du einen Preis.
- (She solves the puzzle in record time.)
- (He loosened the screws to repair the device.)
- (The medication has relieved his pain.)
- (Nevertheless, he solves the problem with great determination.)
- (If you solve the puzzle, you will get a prize.)
Tips: The verb lösen has multiple meanings, including ‘to solve’ in the context of problems or puzzles, ‘to loosen’ in the context of screws or knots, and ‘to release’ in the context of pain or tension. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: aufklären (to clarify, to explain), bewältigen (to overcome, to cope with)
inf: löschen, past: löschte, pnt: löscht, pt: hat gelöscht; (to delete/extinguish)
- Bitte löschen Sie alle Dateien, die Sie nicht mehr benötigen.
- Er löschte die Kerzen, bevor er das Haus verließ.
- Sie hat gelöscht alle persönlichen Daten von ihrem Computer, bevor sie ihn verkaufte.
- Trotzdem löscht er immer wieder seine Social-Media-Beiträge.
- Wenn du den Fehler gemacht hast, musst du ihn löschen.
- (Please delete all the files you no longer need.)
- (He extinguished the candles before leaving the house.)
- (She deleted all personal data from her computer before selling it.)
- (Nevertheless, he keeps deleting his social media posts.)
- (If you made the mistake, you have to delete it.)
Tips: The verb löschen can be used to refer to the action of deleting digital content or extinguishing physical objects such as candles or fires. It is important to note that the past tense and perfect form of this verb are irregular.
Similar: entfernen (to remove), vernichten (to annihilate)
long ago, for a long time
- Sie ist längst zu Hause angekommen.
- Das Problem ist längst gelöst.
- Er hätte längst anrufen sollen.
- Das Buch ist längst vergriffen.
- Längst hat sich die Situation verbessert.
- (She arrived home long ago.)
- (The problem has long been solved.)
- (He should have called a long time ago.)
- (The book has long been sold out.)
- (The situation has long since improved.)
Tips: The adverb ‘längst’ is used to indicate that something happened or should have happened a long time ago. It emphasizes the duration of time that has passed since the action or event. It is often used in past tense contexts to convey the idea of something being done or completed long ago.
Similar: seit langem (for a long time), vor langer Zeit (a long time ago)
inf: lächeln, past: lächelte, pnt: lächelt, pt: hat gelächelt; (to smile)
- Sie lächelt immer, wenn sie glücklich ist.
- Er lächelte, obwohl er müde war.
- Sie hat gelächelt, als sie das Geschenk erhalten hat.
- Trotz des Regens lächelte sie fröhlich.
- Wenn du traurig bist, lächle einfach, es wird dir helfen.
- (She always smiles when she is happy.)
- (He smiled even though he was tired.)
- (She smiled when she received the gift.)
- (Despite the rain, she smiled cheerfully.)
- (When you are sad, just smile, it will help you.)
Tips: The verb lächeln means ‘to smile’ and is used to express the action of showing happiness or friendliness through a smile. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations to describe the act of smiling in various situations.
Similar: grinsen (to grin), schmunzeln (to smirk)
inf: losfahren, past: fuhr los, pnt: fährt los, pt: ist losgefahren; (to set off, to drive off)
- Wir fahren los, sobald alle bereit sind.
- Er fuhr los, ohne sich zu verabschieden.
- Sie ist losgefahren, bevor es dunkel wurde.
- Trotz des Regens fahren wir los, um rechtzeitig anzukommen.
- Wenn du den Zug verpasst, fahre ich los und hole dich ab.
- (We will set off as soon as everyone is ready.)
- (He drove off without saying goodbye.)
- (She set off before it got dark.)
- (Despite the rain, we are setting off to arrive on time.)
- (If you miss the train, I will set off and pick you up.)
Tips: The verb losfahren is used to express the action of setting off or driving off, especially in the context of starting a journey or departing from a place. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when making plans or discussing travel.
Similar: abfahren (to depart, to leave), starten (to start, to begin)
loose, off, away
- Wir müssen los gehen, sonst verpassen wir den Zug.
- Er riss die Tür los und stürmte hinaus.
- Die Kette hängt los und muss repariert werden.
- Sie machte sich los von den alten Gewohnheiten und begann ein neues Leben.
- Er nahm den Ring los und steckte ihn in die Tasche.
- (We have to go now, otherwise we will miss the train.)
- (He ripped the door open and stormed out.)
- (The chain is hanging loose and needs to be fixed.)
- (She broke free from the old habits and started a new life.)
- (He took the ring off and put it in his pocket.)
Tips: The adverb ‘los’ is used to indicate movement, detachment, or release. It can be used in various contexts, such as leaving, opening, or freeing something. It’s a versatile adverb that adds dynamism to the action being described.
Similar: weg (away), ab (off)
inf: lohnen, past: lohnte, pnt: lohnt, pt: hat gelohnt; (to be worth it, to pay off)
- Es lohnt sich, früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
- Der Ausflug hat sich gelohnt, die Landschaft war wunderschön.
- Es lohnte sich, Deutsch zu lernen, um in Deutschland zu arbeiten.
- Obwohl es viel Arbeit war, hat es sich gelohnt, das Projekt abzuschließen.
- Es lohnt sich, regelmäßig zu trainieren, um fit zu bleiben.
- (It’s worth it to get up early to see the sunrise.)
- (The trip paid off, the scenery was beautiful.)
- (It was worth it to learn German in order to work in Germany.)
- (Even though it was a lot of work, it paid off to finish the project.)
- (It’s worth it to train regularly to stay fit.)
Tips: The verb lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is often used to convey the idea that an effort or investment has a positive outcome. It can be used in various contexts, from personal decisions to business investments.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
loose, relaxed
- Sie trägt gerne lockere Kleidung im Sommer.
- Er ist ein lockerer Typ und macht sich nicht so viele Sorgen.
- Trotz des Staus blieb sie locker und kam pünktlich zur Arbeit.
- Die Schraube ist zu locker, sie muss fester gedreht werden.
- Er hat lockere Witze erzählt, um die Stimmung aufzulockern.
- (She likes to wear loose clothing in the summer.)
- (He is a relaxed guy and doesn’t worry too much.)
- (Despite the traffic jam, she remained relaxed and arrived at work on time.)
- (The screw is too loose, it needs to be tightened.)
- (He told some relaxed jokes to lighten the mood.)
Tips: The adjective locker is used to describe something that is loose or relaxed. It can refer to physical looseness, such as clothing or screws, as well as to a relaxed and easy-going attitude. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey a sense of ease or informality.
Similar: entspannt (relaxed), lässig (casual)
inf: loben, past: lobte, pnt: lobt, pt: hat gelobt; (to praise)
- Ich lobe deine Leistungen in diesem Projekt.
- Sie lobte ihn für seine großzügige Spende.
- Er hat sie gelobt, weil sie so fleißig war.
- Trotzdem lobt er ihre Anstrengungen, auch wenn sie nicht erfolgreich waren.
- Wenn du gute Arbeit leistest, wirst du gelobt werden.
- (I praise your performance in this project.)
- (She praised him for his generous donation.)
- (He praised her because she was so hardworking.)
- (Nevertheless, he praises her efforts, even if they were not successful.)
- (If you do good work, you will be praised.)
Tips: The verb loben is used to express the action of praising or commending someone for their actions or qualities. It is a positive and encouraging verb, often used in contexts where recognition or appreciation is expressed.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), anerkennen (to acknowledge, to recognize)
- Der linke Schuh ist auf dem Boden.
- Sie hat die linke Hand verletzt.
- Die linke Seite des Bildes ist heller als die rechte.
- Er hat die linken Socken verloren.
- Die linken Schüler sitzen in der ersten Reihe.
- (The left shoe is on the floor.)
- (She injured her left hand.)
- (The left side of the picture is brighter than the right.)
- (He lost the left socks.)
- (The left students are sitting in the first row.)
Tips: The adjective link is used to describe the left side or direction. It can refer to physical objects, body parts, or spatial orientation. It’s important to distinguish between links (adjective) and links (adverb), which means ‘sly’ or ‘crafty’.
Similar: rechts (right), links (sly, crafty)
inf: leiten, past: leitete, pnt: leitet, pt: hat geleitet; (to lead, to manage)
- Sie leitet das Unternehmen seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich.
- Er leitete das Treffen, um die Diskussion zu moderieren.
- Der Professor hat geleitet, wie die Experimente durchgeführt wurden.
- Trotzdem leitet sie das Projekt mit großer Leidenschaft.
- Wenn er nicht da ist, leite ich die Abteilung.
- (She has been successfully leading the company for many years.)
- (He led the meeting to moderate the discussion.)
- (The professor has led how the experiments were conducted.)
- (Nevertheless, she leads the project with great passion.)
- (When he is not there, I manage the department.)
Tips: The verb leiten is used to express the action of leading or managing. It is commonly used in professional contexts, such as business, education, and administration. It can also be used in the context of leading a group, a project, or an organization.
Similar: führen (to lead, to guide), verwalten (to manage, to administer)
inf: leisten, past: leistete, pnt: leistet, pt: hat geleistet; (to achieve, to accomplish, to afford)
- Sie leistet großartige Arbeit in ihrem Beruf.
- Er leistete sich einen teuren Urlaub in der Karibik.
- Das Team hat gute Ergebnisse geleistet, trotz der schwierigen Bedingungen.
- Obwohl er krank war, hat er viel Arbeit geleistet.
- Sie leistet sich teure Designerkleidung, obwohl sie es sich nicht leisten kann.
- (She is doing a great job in her profession.)
- (He afforded himself an expensive vacation in the Caribbean.)
- (The team achieved good results despite the difficult conditions.)
- (Although he was sick, he accomplished a lot of work.)
- (She affords herself expensive designer clothing, although she can’t afford it.)
Tips: The verb leisten is used to express the action of achieving, accomplishing, or affording something. It can refer to achieving results, accomplishing tasks, or affording expenses. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from professional achievements to personal expenses.
Similar: erreichen (to reach, to achieve), bewältigen (to cope with, to handle)
inf: leiden, past: litt, pnt: leidet, pt: hat gelitten; (to suffer)
- Sie leidet an einer schweren Krankheit.
- Er litt unter starken Kopfschmerzen.
- Sie hat gelitten aufgrund des Verlusts ihres geliebten Haustiers.
- Trotzdem leidet sie still und kämpft tapfer weiter.
- Wenn man an Hunger leidet, ist es schwer, sich auf etwas anderes zu konzentrieren.
- (She suffers from a serious illness.)
- (He suffered from severe headaches.)
- (She has suffered due to the loss of her beloved pet.)
- (Nevertheless, she suffers silently and bravely continues to fight.)
- (When suffering from hunger, it is difficult to concentrate on anything else.)
Tips: The verb leiden is used to express the action of suffering, whether it’s physical or emotional. It is a strong verb that conveys the experience of enduring pain or hardship. It is often used in serious contexts and to express empathy towards others who are suffering.
Similar: ertragen (to endure), ausstehen (to stand, to bear)
tasty, delicious
- Das ist ein leckerer Kuchen.
- Die Suppe schmeckt lecker.
- Sie hat leckeren Kaffee gekocht.
- Die Pizza war lecker.
- Das ist ein leckeres Eis.
- (This is a delicious cake.)
- (The soup tastes tasty.)
- (She brewed delicious coffee.)
- (The pizza was tasty.)
- (This is a delicious ice cream.)
Tips: The adjective lecker is used to describe food that is tasty or delicious. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to express enjoyment of food. It can be used to compliment someone’s cooking or to express satisfaction with a meal.
Similar: köstlich (delicious), schmackhaft (tasty)
inf: langweilen, past: langweilte, pnt: langweilt, pt: hat gelangweilt; (to bore)
- Der Film langweilt mich.
- Sie langweilte sich während der Vorlesung.
- Das Buch hat mich gelangweilt, deshalb habe ich es nicht zu Ende gelesen.
- Obwohl er müde war, hat er sich nicht gelangweilt.
- Trotz des Regens haben wir uns nicht gelangweilt.
- (The movie bores me.)
- (She was bored during the lecture.)
- (The book bored me, that’s why I didn’t finish reading it.)
- (Although he was tired, he wasn’t bored.)
- (Despite the rain, we weren’t bored.)
Tips: The verb langweilen is used to express the feeling of being bored or to bore someone else. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to describe a lack of interest or excitement. The verb is often used with reflexive pronouns to indicate that someone is feeling bored.
Similar: verärgern (to annoy), ermüden (to tire)
inf: landen, past: landete, pnt: landet, pt: ist gelandet; (to land)
- Das Flugzeug landet auf dem Flughafen.
- Der Pilot landete sicher trotz des starken Windes.
- Das Raumschiff ist auf dem Mars gelandet.
- Obwohl es regnete, landete der Hubschrauber erfolgreich.
- Wenn das Wetter gut ist, landet das Flugzeug pünktlich.
- (The airplane lands at the airport.)
- (The pilot landed safely despite the strong wind.)
- (The spaceship has landed on Mars.)
- (Despite the rain, the helicopter landed successfully.)
- (If the weather is good, the airplane lands on time.)
Tips: The verb landen specifically refers to the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is used in the context of aviation and space travel. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), eintreffen (to reach, to arrive)