D Flashcards
the (masculine definite article)
- Der Mann geht zur Arbeit.
- Der Hund bellt laut.
- Ich habe den Schlüssel verloren.
- Der Lehrer erklärt die Regel.
- Der Tisch ist aus Holz.
- (The man is going to work.)
- (The dog is barking loudly.)
- (I have lost the key.)
- (The teacher is explaining the rule.)
- (The table is made of wood.)
Tips: The definite article ‘der’ is used for masculine nouns in the nominative case. It changes to ‘den’ in the accusative case and ‘dem’ in the dative case. In the genitive case, it changes to ‘des’. It’s important to pay attention to the gender of the noun to use the correct definite article.
inf: duzen, past: duzte, pnt: duzt, pt: hat geduzt; (to address informally (using ‘du’ instead of ‘Sie’))
- Ich duze meine Kollegen, weil wir ein lockeres Arbeitsumfeld haben.
- Er duzte mich, obwohl wir uns gerade erst kennengelernt hatten.
- Sie hat geduzt, um eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre zu schaffen.
- Obwohl er mein Chef ist, duze ich ihn, weil wir uns gut verstehen.
- Wenn ich jemanden duze, fühle ich mich näher an dieser Person.
- (I address my colleagues informally because we have a relaxed work environment.)
- (He addressed me informally, even though we had just met.)
- (She used informal address to create a trusting atmosphere.)
- (Even though he is my boss, I address him informally because we get along well.)
- (When I address someone informally, I feel closer to that person.)
Tips: The verb duzen is used to describe the action of addressing someone informally, using ‘du’ instead of the formal ‘Sie’. It is a common practice in informal settings, such as among friends, family, or in casual work environments. The opposite of duzen is siezen, which is used for formal address.
Similar: siezen (to address formally using ‘Sie’), ansprechen (to speak to, to address)
- Ich bin durstig und möchte gerne ein Glas Wasser trinken.
- Sie ist durstig nach Wissen und liest ständig Bücher.
- Die Pflanzen sind durstig, deshalb müssen wir sie heute gießen.
- Obwohl er viel getrunken hat, ist er immer noch durstig.
- Trotzdem, dass sie durstig war, vergaß sie ihr Wasser zu Hause.
- (I am thirsty and would like to have a glass of water.)
- (She is thirsty for knowledge and constantly reads books.)
- (The plants are thirsty, so we need to water them today.)
- (Although he has drunk a lot, he is still thirsty.)
- (Despite being thirsty, she forgot her water at home.)
Tips: The adjective durstig is used to describe the feeling of being thirsty. It can be used to express physical thirst for water or other drinks, as well as metaphorical thirst for knowledge or experiences.
Similar: hungrig (hungry), satt (full/satiated)
average, ordinary
- Seine Leistungen in der Schule sind durchschnittlich.
- Sie hat einen durchschnittlichen Job, aber sie ist zufrieden damit.
- Das Essen war durchschnittlich, aber der Service war ausgezeichnet.
- Trotzdem war das Konzert durchschnittlich.
- Er hat durchschnittliche Noten, aber er ist sehr fleißig.
- (His performance in school is average.)
- (She has an ordinary job, but she is satisfied with it.)
- (The food was average, but the service was excellent.)
- (Nevertheless, the concert was average.)
- (He has average grades, but he is very hardworking.)
Tips: The adjective durchschnittlich is used to describe something as average or ordinary. It can be applied to various contexts, such as performance, quality, or characteristics. It’s important to note that durchschnittlich doesn’t necessarily have a negative connotation; it simply denotes something as being within the middle range.
Similar: mittelmäßig (mediocre), gewöhnlich (common, usual)
in a mess, confused
- Nach der Party war alles durcheinander.
- Sie hat die Unterlagen durcheinander gebracht.
- Trotzdem hat er die Präsentation gut gehalten, obwohl er durcheinander war.
- Er hat durcheinander geredet, weil er so aufgeregt war.
- Sie hat durcheinander geschrieben, deshalb konnte ich es nicht lesen.
- (After the party, everything was in a mess.)
- (She mixed up the documents.)
- (Nevertheless, he gave a good presentation even though he was confused.)
- (He talked incoherently because he was so excited.)
- (She wrote in a mess, that’s why I couldn’t read it.)
Tips: The adverb ‘durcheinander’ is used to describe a state of confusion or disorder. It can refer to physical objects being in disarray or to a person’s mental state when feeling confused or disoriented.
Similar: verwirrt (confused), chaotisch (chaotic)
inside, in it
- Das Buch ist drin. (The book is inside.)
- Ich habe mein Geld drin. (I have my money in it.)
- Die Schlüssel sind drin. (The keys are inside.)
- Der Kuchen ist drin. (The cake is in it.)
- Die Katze ist drin. (The cat is inside.)
- (Das Buch ist drin.)
- (Ich habe mein Geld drin.)
- (The keys are drin.)
- (The cake is drin.)
- (The cat is drin.)
Tips: The pronominal adverb ‘drin’ is used to indicate that something is inside or contained within something else. It is commonly used in everyday language to express the location of an object or a person inside a specific place or container.
inf: drehen, past: drehte, pnt: dreht, pt: hat gedreht; (to turn / to rotate)
- Sie dreht den Schlüssel im Schloss.
- Er drehte das Rad und fuhr davon.
- Der Mechaniker hat an dem Motor gedreht, um das Problem zu beheben.
- Trotzdem dreht sich die Erde weiter.
- Wenn du den Knopf nach rechts drehst, öffnet sich die Tür.
- (She turns the key in the lock.)
- (He turned the wheel and drove away.)
- (The mechanic adjusted the engine to fix the problem.)
- (Nevertheless, the Earth continues to rotate.)
- (If you turn the knob to the right, the door will open.)
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating something. It can refer to physical objects such as keys, wheels, or knobs, as well as abstract concepts like the Earth’s rotation. It is a common verb in everyday German and is used in various contexts.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), verdrehen (to twist)
double, duplicate
- Sie hat doppelte Portionen bestellt, weil sie sehr hungrig war.
- Er hat doppelte Kopien des Vertrags angefertigt, um sicherzugehen.
- Die doppelte Menge an Zutaten ergab einen köstlichen Kuchen.
- Trotzdem hat er doppelt so hart gearbeitet, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
- Sie hat doppelte Freude empfunden, als sie die guten Nachrichten hörte.
- (She ordered double portions because she was very hungry.)
- (He made duplicate copies of the contract to be sure.)
- (The double amount of ingredients resulted in a delicious cake.)
- (Nevertheless, he worked twice as hard to achieve his goals.)
- (She felt double joy when she heard the good news.)
Tips: The adjective doppelt is used to describe something that is double or duplicate. It can refer to a physical quantity, a copy, or an effort. It is commonly used in various contexts, from food portions to work intensity.
Similar: zweifach (twofold), verdoppelt (doubled)
- Das Wort ‘doppelt’ enthält das Affix ‘doppel-‘.
- Die Bedeutung des Wortes ändert sich durch das Hinzufügen des Affixes ‘doppel-‘.
- Durch das Affix ‘doppel-‘ wird die Idee der Verdopplung oder Wiederholung ausgedrückt.
- Das Affix ‘doppel-‘ wird oft in der deutschen Sprache verwendet, um die Verdopplung oder Wiederholung von etwas anzuzeigen.
- Viele Wörter mit dem Affix ‘doppel-‘ sind im Deutschen gebräuchlich, wie ‘doppelt’, ‘doppelseitig’, ‘doppeltürig’ usw.
- (The word ‘doppelt’ contains the affix ‘doppel-‘.)
- (The meaning of the word changes by adding the affix ‘doppel-‘.)
- (The affix ‘doppel-‘ expresses the idea of doubling or repetition.)
- (The affix ‘doppel-‘ is often used in the German language to indicate the doubling or repetition of something.)
- (Many words with the affix ‘doppel-‘ are common in German, such as ‘doppelt’ (double), ‘doppelseitig’ (double-sided), ‘doppeltürig’ (double-doored), etc.)
Tips: The affix ‘doppel-‘ is used to indicate repetition or doubling in the German language. It is added to words to convey the idea of something being doubled or repeated. Understanding this affix can help in comprehending and forming new words in German.
Similar: ein- (prefix indicating one or single), ver- (prefix indicating reversal or completion)
inf: donnern, past: donnerte, pnt: donnert, pt: hat gedonnert; (to thunder)
- Es donnert und blitzt draußen, es wird gleich regnen.
- Gestern donnerte es so laut, dass die Fensterscheiben vibrierten.
- Es hat die ganze Nacht gedonnert, deshalb konnte ich kaum schlafen.
- Obwohl es donnerte, wagte sich der Hund nicht aus seinem Versteck.
- Wenn es donnert, fühlen sich manche Menschen ängstlich.
- (It’s thundering and lightning outside, it’s going to rain soon.)
- (Yesterday it thundered so loudly that the windows vibrated.)
- (It thundered all night, so I could hardly sleep.)
- (Although it was thundering, the dog didn’t dare to come out of its hiding place.)
- (When it thunders, some people feel anxious.)
Tips: The verb donnern specifically refers to the sound and action of thunder. It is commonly used in weather-related contexts or to describe loud, rumbling noises. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context to ensure it accurately conveys the sound of thunder.
Similar: blitzen (to lightning), regnen (to rain)
- Die digitale Revolution hat die Art und Weise, wie wir Informationen erhalten, verändert.
- Sie arbeitet in einem digitalen Unternehmen, das sich auf innovative Technologien spezialisiert hat.
- Das digitale Zeitalter hat die Kommunikation enorm beschleunigt.
- Trotzdem bevorzuge ich manchmal ein analoges Buch gegenüber einem digitalen.
- Die digitalen Medien bieten viele Möglichkeiten der Information und Unterhaltung.
- (The digital revolution has changed the way we receive information.)
- (She works in a digital company that specializes in innovative technologies.)
- (The digital age has greatly accelerated communication.)
- (Nevertheless, sometimes I prefer an analog book over a digital one.)
- (Digital media offers many opportunities for information and entertainment.)
Tips: The adjective ‘digital’ is used to describe anything related to digital technology, electronic devices, or information that is in a digital format. It is commonly used in the context of modern technology, communication, and media.
this time
- Diesmal habe ich das Buch wirklich genossen.
- Er hat diesmal den Zug verpasst, weil er zu spät aufgestanden ist.
- Diesmal möchte ich das Essen gerne selbst kochen.
- Sie hat diesmal den ersten Platz im Wettbewerb belegt.
- Diesmal werden wir uns auf jeden Fall rechtzeitig anmelden.
- (This time I really enjoyed the book.)
- (He missed the train this time because he got up too late.)
- (This time I would like to cook the meal myself.)
- (This time she took the first place in the competition.)
- (This time we will definitely register on time.)
Tips: The adverb ‘diesmal’ is used to refer to a specific instance or occasion, indicating that something is happening or being done differently compared to previous times. It is commonly used in spoken and written German to emphasize a change or a particular occurrence.
this, this one
- Dieses Buch ist interessant.
- Dieses Auto gehört mir.
- Dieses Hemd gefällt mir nicht.
- Dieses Essen schmeckt köstlich.
- Ich mag dieses Lied.
- (This book is interesting.)
- (This car belongs to me.)
- (I don’t like this shirt.)
- (This food tastes delicious.)
- (I like this song.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun ‘dieses’ is used to point out or refer to a specific object or person that is close to the speaker. It agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun it replaces. For example, ‘dieses Buch’ (this book) and ‘diese Bücher’ (these books).
Similar: dieser (this), diese (these), jener (that), jene (those)
this, these
- Dieser Stift ist blau.
- Diese Blumen sind wunderschön.
- Dieser Kuchen schmeckt köstlich.
- Diese Jacke ist zu klein.
- Dieser Film ist langweilig.
- (This pen is blue.)
- (These flowers are beautiful.)
- (This cake tastes delicious.)
- (This jacket is too small.)
- (This movie is boring.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun ‘dieser’ is used to point out specific things or people that are close to the speaker. It agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun it replaces. For example, ‘dieser’ becomes ‘dieses’ in neuter singular, ‘diese’ in feminine singular, and ‘diese’ in plural.
Similar: diese, dieses, diese
the same (feminine singular)
- Sie hat dieselbe Bluse wie gestern getragen.
- Ich habe dieselbe Meinung wie du.
- Er hat dieselbe Schule besucht wie sein Vater.
- Sie hat dieselbe Frisur wie ihre Schwester.
- Trotzdem tragen sie dieselben Schuhe.
- (She wore the same blouse as yesterday.)
- (I have the same opinion as you.)
- (He attended the same school as his father.)
- (She has the same hairstyle as her sister.)
- (Nevertheless, they are wearing the same shoes.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun dieselbe is used to refer to a feminine singular noun that has been mentioned before, indicating that it is the same as something previously mentioned. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.
this, these
- Diese Blumen sind wunderschön.
- Diese Bücher gehören mir.
- Diese Stadt ist sehr lebhaft.
- Diese Idee gefällt mir.
- Diese Schuhe passen gut zu meinem Outfit.
- (These flowers are beautiful.)
- (These books belong to me.)
- (This city is very lively.)
- (I like this idea.)
- (These shoes go well with my outfit.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun ‘diese’ is used to point out specific things or people that are close to the speaker. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to. For example, ‘diese Blumen’ (these flowers) and ‘dieser Mann’ (this man).
Similar: dieser (this, these), dieses (this, these)
this, these
- Dies ist mein Buch.
- Ich mag diesen Film.
- Kannst du diese Aufgabe lösen?
- Ich habe diese Blumen gestern gekauft.
- Diese Stadt ist sehr schön.
- (This is my book.)
- (I like this movie.)
- (Can you solve this task?)
- (I bought these flowers yesterday.)
- (This city is very beautiful.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun dies is used to point out specific things or people. It can be used to indicate something close or something mentioned in the conversation. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.
Similar: dieser (this, these), jener (that, those)
inf: dienen, past: diente, pnt: dient, pt: hat gedient; (to serve)
- Das Restaurant dient köstliche Speisen.
- Er diente seinem Land als Soldat.
- Sie hat als Freiwillige in einem Waisenhaus gedient.
- Obwohl er reich ist, dient er gerne anderen Menschen.
- Das Café dient als Treffpunkt für Künstler.
- (The restaurant serves delicious food.)
- (He served his country as a soldier.)
- (She served as a volunteer in an orphanage.)
- (Although he is rich, he enjoys serving other people.)
- (The café serves as a meeting point for artists.)
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, whether it’s in the context of serving food, serving a country, or serving others. It can also be used in a broader sense, such as serving a purpose or function.
Similar: bedienen (to serve, to attend to), helfen (to help)
dense, tight, close
- Der Wald ist dicht und undurchdringlich.
- Die Wolken hängen dicht am Himmel.
- Die Häuser in der Altstadt stehen dicht beieinander.
- Trotz des dichten Nebels konnten wir die Berge sehen.
- Die Freunde saßen dicht beisammen und unterhielten sich angeregt.
- (The forest is dense and impenetrable.)
- (The clouds are hanging close to the sky.)
- (The houses in the old town are close together.)
- (Despite the dense fog, we could see the mountains.)
- (The friends sat close together and had an animated conversation.)
Tips: The adjective dicht is used to describe something that is dense, tight, or close. It can refer to physical proximity, such as objects being close together, or to the thickness of a material. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey the idea of closeness or density.
Similar: eng (close, tight), kompakt (compact, dense)
therefore, for that reason
- Er hat den Zug verpasst, deswegen ist er zu spät gekommen.
- Sie hat viel gelernt, deswegen konnte sie die Prüfung bestehen.
- Ich habe keine Zeit, deswegen kann ich nicht kommen.
- Er war müde, deswegen ist er früh ins Bett gegangen.
- Sie hat den Job gekündigt, deswegen wollte sie sich beruflich verändern.
- (He missed the train, therefore he arrived late.)
- (She studied a lot, for that reason she passed the exam.)
- (I don’t have time, therefore I can’t come.)
- (He was tired, that’s why he went to bed early.)
- (She quit the job, therefore she wanted to make a professional change.)
Tips: The conjunction deswegen is used to express a consequence or reason. It is used to connect two clauses, indicating that the second clause is a result of the first one. It is similar to ‘deshalb’ and ‘darum’, but it specifically emphasizes the cause-effect relationship.
Similar: deshalb, darum
the… the (the more… the more)
- Desto mehr du übst, desto besser wirst du.
- Desto schneller wir ankommen, desto mehr Zeit haben wir, die Stadt zu erkunden.
- Desto länger sie wartete, desto ungeduldiger wurde sie.
- Desto mehr du isst, desto müder wirst du.
- Desto früher wir starten, desto weniger Verkehr werden wir haben.
- (The more you practice, the better you will get.)
- (The faster we arrive, the more time we have to explore the city.)
- (The longer she waited, the more impatient she became.)
- (The more you eat, the more tired you will get.)
- (The earlier we start, the less traffic we will encounter.)
Tips: The conjunction ‘desto’ is used to express a correlation between two actions or qualities. It is used to indicate that the degree or extent of one thing is directly related to the degree or extent of another. It is often paired with ‘umso’ to form the complete correlating structure ‘je… desto’ or ‘umso… desto’.
the same
- Er hat derselbe Mantel wie sein Bruder.
- Sie tragen dieselben Schuhe.
- Ich habe dieselbe Meinung wie du.
- Sie haben dieselben Interessen.
- Das ist dasselbe Auto, das gestern vor unserem Haus geparkt war.
- (He has the same coat as his brother.)
- (They are wearing the same shoes.)
- (I have the same opinion as you.)
- (They have the same interests.)
- (That is the same car that was parked in front of our house yesterday.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun derselbe is used to indicate that something is the same as something previously mentioned or implied. It agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun it refers to. It is important to match it correctly with the noun it is referring to in order to maintain grammatical agreement.
Similar: gleich (same, equal), identisch (identical)
inf: dekorieren, past: dekorierte, pnt: dekoriert, pt: hat dekoriert; (to decorate)
- Sie dekoriert das Wohnzimmer für die Geburtstagsfeier.
- Er hat das Haus wunderschön dekoriert, obwohl er keine Erfahrung damit hatte.
- Die Studenten haben die Klassenzimmer für die Weihnachtsfeier dekoriert.
- Obwohl sie müde war, hat sie das Zimmer dekoriert.
- Sie dekoriert gerne mit frischen Blumen.
- (She is decorating the living room for the birthday party.)
- (He decorated the house beautifully, even though he had no experience with it.)
- (The students decorated the classrooms for the Christmas party.)
- (Even though she was tired, she decorated the room.)
- (She likes to decorate with fresh flowers.)
Tips: The verb dekorieren is used to express the action of decorating, embellishing, or ornamenting a space or object. It is commonly used in the context of preparing for events, celebrations, or simply to enhance the aesthetics of a place. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: schmücken (to adorn, to embellish), verzieren (to embellish, to adorn)
constant, continual
- Sie ist dauernd müde, weil sie zu wenig schläft.
- Trotz des dauernden Regens gingen sie spazieren.
- Er hat dauernd Kopfschmerzen, deshalb sollte er zum Arzt gehen.
- Das dauernde Läuten der Kirchenglocken war beruhigend.
- Obwohl sie dauernd arbeitet, verdient sie nicht genug Geld.
- (She is constantly tired because she sleeps too little.)
- (Despite the continual rain, they went for a walk.)
- (He has continual headaches, so he should see a doctor.)
- (The continual ringing of the church bells was calming.)
- (Even though she works continually, she doesn’t earn enough money.)
Tips: The adjective dauernd is used to describe something that is constant or continual, without interruption. It can refer to physical states, actions, or environmental conditions that persist over time.
Similar: ständig (constant), fortwährend (continual)
the same
- Ich habe gestern dasselbe Buch gelesen.
- Sie tragen dasselbe Kleid wie gestern.
- Er hat dasselbe Auto wie sein Bruder.
- Ich habe denselben Film zweimal gesehen.
- Wir haben denselben Geschmack in Musik.
- (I read the same book yesterday.)
- (They are wearing the same dress as yesterday.)
- (He has the same car as his brother.)
- (I have seen the same movie twice.)
- (We have the same taste in music.)
Tips: The demonstrative pronoun ‘dasselbe’ is used to refer to something that is the same as something previously mentioned or known. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to. For example, ‘dasselbe Buch’ (the same book) and ‘dieselbe Stadt’ (the same city).
Similar: der gleiche/die gleiche/das gleiche (the same)
inf: darstellen, past: stellte dar, pnt: stellt dar, pt: hat dargestellt; (to represent, to depict)
- Die Künstlerin stellt die Schönheit der Natur dar.
- Er stellte die Geschichte des Krieges dar.
- Sie hat die Hauptrolle im Theaterstück dargestellt.
- Trotz des Regens stellt der Maler die Landschaft dar.
- Die Skulptur stellt die Freiheit dar.
- (The artist represents the beauty of nature.)
- (He depicted the history of the war.)
- (She played the lead role in the play.)
- (Despite the rain, the painter depicts the landscape.)
- (The sculpture represents freedom.)
Tips: The verb darstellen is used to express the action of representing or depicting something, often in a visual or artistic manner. It can refer to portraying a scene, a story, or a character. This verb is commonly used in the context of art, theater, literature, and any form of visual representation.
Similar: abbilden (to depict, to portray), repräsentieren (to represent)
- Ich bin dankbar für deine Hilfe gestern.
- Sie war dankbar, dass sie die Prüfung bestanden hat.
- Er ist dankbar für die Unterstützung seiner Familie.
- Trotzdem war sie dankbar für die Gelegenheit, an dem Projekt teilzunehmen.
- Sie ist dankbar für die schönen Erinnerungen an ihre Kindheit.
- (I am grateful for your help yesterday.)
- (She was grateful that she passed the exam.)
- (He is grateful for his family’s support.)
- (Nevertheless, she was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the project.)
- (She is grateful for the beautiful memories of her childhood.)
Tips: The adjective dankbar is used to express gratitude or thankfulness. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to convey appreciation for something received or experienced.
Similar: erkenntlich (appreciative), dankvoll (thankful)
afterwards, thereafter, after that
- Wir haben zuerst gegessen, und danach sind wir spazieren gegangen.
- Sie hat die Präsentation vorbereitet, danach hat sie sich ausgeruht.
- Er hat das Buch gelesen, und danach hat er eine Rezension geschrieben.
- Sie hat den Kuchen gebacken, danach hat sie die Küche aufgeräumt.
- Wir haben uns unterhalten, und danach sind wir ins Kino gegangen.
- (We ate first, and afterwards we went for a walk.)
- (She prepared the presentation, after that she rested.)
- (He read the book, and thereafter he wrote a review.)
- (She baked the cake, after that she cleaned up the kitchen.)
- (We chatted, and after that we went to the cinema.)
Tips: The pronominal adverb danach is used to refer to an action or event that occurs after another specific action or event. It indicates a sequence of events and is commonly used in spoken and written German to express the concept of ‘afterwards’ or ‘after that.’ It is important to note that danach is used when referring to events or actions in the past.
so that, in order to
- Ich lerne Deutsch, damit ich mit meinen deutschen Freunden sprechen kann.
- Sie spart Geld, damit sie sich ein neues Auto kaufen kann.
- Er übt jeden Tag, damit er besser Klavier spielen kann.
- Sie arbeitet hart, damit sie sich ihren Traumurlaub leisten kann.
- Er trainiert regelmäßig, damit er fit bleibt.
- (I am learning German so that I can speak with my German friends.)
- (She is saving money in order to buy a new car.)
- (He practices every day so that he can play the piano better.)
- (She works hard so that she can afford her dream vacation.)
- (He trains regularly so that he stays fit.)
Tips: The conjunction damit is used to express the purpose or intention behind an action. It is often used to link two clauses, where the second clause indicates the goal or purpose of the action in the first clause.
with it, thereby, in order to
- Sie hat das Buch gelesen, damit sie mehr über die Geschichte lernt.
- Er hat das Fenster geschlossen, damit es nicht reinregnet.
- Ich gehe früh ins Bett, damit ich morgen fit bin.
- Sie übt Klavier, damit sie beim Konzert gut spielt.
- Er hat viel gelernt, damit er die Prüfung besteht.
- (She read the book in order to learn more about the history.)
- (He closed the window so that it doesn’t rain in.)
- (I’m going to bed early so that I’m fit tomorrow.)
- (She practices the piano so that she plays well at the concert.)
- (He studied a lot so that he passes the exam.)
Tips: The pronominal adverb ‘damit’ is used to express the purpose or intention behind an action. It is often used to indicate the reason for doing something or the intended outcome of an action. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
to there
- Er möchte dahin reisen, wo er seine Kindheit verbracht hat.
- Sie schickte das Paket dahin, wo es hingehörte.
- Ich weiß nicht, dahin ich gehen soll.
- Kannst du mir sagen, dahin dieser Weg führt?
- Er ist dahin gegangen, wo er sich am wohlsten fühlt.
- (He wants to travel there where he spent his childhood.)
- (She sent the package there where it belonged.)
- (I don’t know where to go.)
- (Can you tell me where to this path leads?)
- (He went there where he feels most comfortable.)
Tips: The pronominal adverb dahin is used to indicate movement or direction towards a specific place. It is often used in combination with verbs of motion or location, such as gehen (to go), reisen (to travel), schicken (to send), führen (to lead), etc.
therefore, hence, that’s why
- Er hat viel gelernt, daher hat er die Prüfung bestanden.
- Daher sollten wir vorsichtig sein und die Situation genau analysieren.
- Sie war krank, daher konnte sie nicht am Treffen teilnehmen.
- Er hat viel trainiert, daher ist er jetzt in guter Form.
- Daher ist es wichtig, dass wir uns gut vorbereiten.
- (He studied a lot, therefore he passed the exam.)
- (Therefore, we should be cautious and analyze the situation carefully.)
- (She was sick, hence she couldn’t attend the meeting.)
- (He has trained a lot, that’s why he is in good shape now.)
- (That’s why it’s important for us to prepare well.)
Tips: The pronominal adverb daher is used to express the reason or cause for something. It is often used to introduce a consequence or conclusion based on a previous statement or situation. It is similar to ‘deswegen’ and ‘darum’ in meaning, but each has its own specific usage.
Similar: deswegen, darum