Vehicle Accident Review Committee Flashcards
The Varc will be comprised of ____ members?
20 members
Who are the VARC members
5-20 Safety and Health Committee will select the additional 16 members Sgt rank or above with 4 from each shift A,B,C,D
There must be a minimum of ______ VARC members at any Vehicle Accident Review Committee meeting.
2 members from top 1-4
3 members from 5-20 list.
The VARC committee is a sub committee of __________
The safety and health committee.
Those members listed in 1-4 shall serve on the committee for
an indefinite period of times
Those members listed in the 5-20 shall serve for a period of ________
2 years
The VARC will provide a written recommendation to the Fire Chief as to whether a vehicle accident was ______
All vehicle accidents found to be non-preventable or reasonable, and approved by the fire Chief shall be concluded with the final disposition forwarded to ________
risk management and the affected employee
The Vehicle Accident Review Board will be comprised of ____members from the Vehicle Accident Review Committee.
will include 1 member who reviewed the vehicle accident being referred to the formal board.
Who will serve as the Accident review Board Chairperson.
The senior ranking officer in attendance
The Accident Review Board will cconvene at
Operations or administration conference room
Fire training conference room
Who will contact the units involved in the vehicle accident to schedule the Accident Review Board?
The Safety Office
The VARC meets ______ to review all accidents that occurred in the previous month?
The FIRST Thursday of every month
When will the Union Rep be allowed to briefly address the board?
Prior to deliberation
Who will be allowed in the room during deliberation and voting.
Only the Board Members
Affected parties will be notified via email of the final determination from the Fire Chief’s Office within ______
6 (24) hour shifts for 24 hour personnel
fourteen (14) working days for 40 hour personnel
What is the punishment for a 1st offense accident?
Counseling (specific occurrence report)
Board will identify the audience and employee’s level of participation in a training session
1st offense counseling will be removed after one year
What is the punishment for a 2nd offense accident?
Written reprimand
Formal Vehicle operations class developed by training
Reprimand may be removed after 2 years
What is the punishment for a 3rd offense accident?
Time off, LWOP 1 shift
What is the punishment for a 4th offense accident?
Determination of the Fire Chief, up to and including termination of employment.