Company Officer 3 Flashcards
The responsibility for collecting safety related information for a post incident analysis is assigned to the _____according to NFPA 1500.
Incident Safety Officer
(post incident analysis)
Two primary areas of analysis are
Strategy and tactics
Safety Issues
When the investigator takes charge of the investigation, the following evidence information is obtained___________
Name/address of both current and prior custodian
Description of any modification, handling, testing or other altercation that occurred while in the custody of the current custodian
Condition of the item, or its packaging when it was transferred to a new custodian.
(Evidence Preservation)
Some of the most common sources of contamination include?
Hand tools used
protective equipment worn
Fuel powered equipment
vehicles driving through the scene
Friends/family removing evidence
Evidence must be ____,_____ and _____before the organization releases the scene.
Marked, tagged and photographed
What are the 3 command options according to the company officer book?
Fast attack
Command post
The theory of shelter in place is also called?
Safe Haven
______as a firefighting concept refers simply to mitigating a fire.
______ to make an incident scene secure from rekindle or other hazards associated with the incident.
The “Operational Planning “P” was initially developed for the __________
US Coast Guards
Oil spill
Field operations guide
LLoyd Layman used the term ____ to describe the need to limit the fire or other emergency to the property or area of origin where the emergency began.
The ____ describes an ICS planning process that focuses on the first five steps of the NIMS-ICS planning process.
The operational planning “P”.
_____ are specific statements of measurable outcomes.
Tactical objectives
What are the first five steps of the NIMS-ICS planning process?
Understand the situation (size up)
Establish incident objectives and strategies
Develop the plan of action
prepare and disseminate the plan
evaluate and revise the plan
_____ is the term Lloyd layman used to describe the need to prevent extension of incident effects to uninvolved areas.
National Fire Academy Quick Calculation formula
L x W divided by 3
add 25% for each exposure
For use by officer at the fire scene
The cubic ft or Iowa state formula is used to estimate the required fire flow for the initial attack on the fire________
During preincident Survey
L x H x W divided by 100
Human factors that often contribute to accidents have been classified into three broad categories
Improper attitude
Lack of knowledge or skill
Physically unsuited
Several approaches can be taken in risk control, including the following
Risk avoidance
Risk Transfer (purchasing insurance)
Control measures (most common)
The greatest failure of both the post incident analysis and post incident critique is
The failure to learn from and apply the results and recommendation
_______ is often one of the most dangerous phases in Incident Management
Transfer of command
Fires set because of ____ fall into the largest category of Arson fires and account for 50% of the total arson problem.
Personal or professional vendettas
What are the motives for an incendiary fire?
profit (fraud)
Crime concealment
The classification used when the specific cause has not been determined to a reasonable degree of probability
A fire deliberately set under circumstances in which the responsible party knows that the fire should not be ignited_______
Fires, such as those that lightening storms, floods cause, where human intervention has not been involved in the ignition process
Fires that do not involve a deliberate human act to ignite or spread the fire into an area where the fire should not be
What are the 4 generally accepted classifications of fire cause?
The first material must have the following three characteristics that parallel the characteristics that parallel the characteristics of the ignition source
Capable of being ignited
Close enough to receive the heat/energy
Capable of absorbing and retaining the heat energy
A competent ignition source must have what 3 qualities?
Sufficient heat energy transfer to result in the ignition of the first material
Sufficient tempt to ignite the material
Sufficient time to transfer the required heat to the material
Once the origin is identified, the investigator should look for?
Heat sources that might be potential sources of ignition
What are the 6 basic Questions that should be asked of every witness?
White Ash is a product of more complete combustion and it appears?
Pg. 418
on the exposed sides of the remaining debris
The direction N,S,W,E in which the slope faces?
pg 417
From its point of origin, a wildland fire burns?
pg 417
Outward in all directions
What are the 3 compartments of a vehicle?
pg 413
Engine compartment
cargo compartment
passenger compartment
Front passenger
Rear passenger
The vehicle fire scene can be divided into 3 areas for examination?
pg 413
The scene around the vehicle
The exterior of the vehicle
The interior of the vehicle
What information should be recorded for each piece of evidence?
pg. 413
It’s location
name of the party discovering the item
Where it was discovered
Time and date of acquisition
These patterns are found when fires are extinguished before the fire has reached flashover________
pg 411
Hot gas layer
Fire pattern that can very widely in appearance and was created by ventilation introduced to a fire
Ventilation generated
Fire pattern left as a result of the way the fire was extinguished during fire suppression efforts
suppression generated
Fire pattern that occurs after flashover or after a fire has burned for long periods of time. Almost all vertical and horizontal surfaces will show signs of damage.
Full Room Involvement
Fire pattern found on noncombustible surfaces where there has been direct contact with or intense radiant heat on the surface,
The direct flame contact burns away any accumulated soot or smoke deposits, leaving demarcation lines
Clean burns
Fire pattern created when structural components are exposed to flame; sharp edges of the component are often burned away on the side that faces the heat source
Pointers or arrows
Also refers to a series of burned components that indicate a longer duration on one end of the series to shorter duration on the other
Pattern with no common shape in which the fire followed the path of available fuels
Irregular patterns on floors
Saddle-shaped fire patterns that is the result of fire burning downward through the floor surface above the joint
Saddle burns
Undamaged surface within an otherwise fire damaged area, possibly resulting from objects shielding the surface from the effects of the fire.
Protected areas
Generally used to refer the investigator to where large objects such as furniture were positioned before the pic.
Fire pattern that radiant heat forms in the hot gas layer during a fire before flashover
Hot gas layer
Any of a number of fire patterns created as a result of the plume of hot gases rising above an individual fire
pg. 411
Plume generated
The typical fire patterns include the following types?
pg 411
Plume generated
hot gas layer
ventilation generated
suppression generated
full room involvement
clean burns
saddle burns
protected areas
Rough surfaces are often _____ heavily damaged than smooth surfaces of the same material.
because of the greater surface area
A V-shaped pattern may have been made during the ____ phase of the fire.
Fire patterns are formed on interior surfaces of a structure as a result of__________
pg 410
Direct flame contact
Exposure to heat
NFPA 921, guide for fire and explosion investigations, describe fire patterns as ___________
pg 410
the “visible or measurable physical effects that remain after a fire”
The goal of analyzing fire patterns is to _________
pg 410
Determine fire spread from the area of origin
The examination of a structure fire should start with _________
pg 409
an examination of the entire incident scene in order to determine its size and scope
What are the four basic steps in determining the area of origin?
pg 409
Step 1 Examine the exterior
Step 2 Examine the interior
Step 3 Interview witnesses/ First responders
Step 4 Analyze the info using the scientific method.
During a wildland fire investigation, where does the fire investigation start?
pg 409
Start the examination at the outside edge of the burned area and work inward
Company officers should use a methodology that typically involves?
pg 408
Working from the least damaged area to the most damaged area
The _____is that area where the ignition source and material first ignited actually came together.
pg 408
Area of origin
The fire investigator must know the following?
pg 408
Methods that adult and juvenile firesetters use
common fire causes
Isolation of basic origin and cause determinants
Fire growth and development
Fire investigative documentation procedures
A _____is an individual who has demonstrated the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct, coordinate, and complete an investigation.
Fire investigator
A fire investigation normally ends if___________
pg 407
it is determined that an accident or nature caused the incident
there was no loss of life or high content loss
Highest level of skill performance when the skill has been internalized due to repetition and experience in performing the skill in actual Incidents_______
pg 391
Higher level of skill performance that is the result of additional practice and experience___________
pg 391
Basic skills able to meet minimum requirements
pg 391
What 3 elements must be identified and entered into a career or professional development plan?
pg 390
Current situation
Intermediate Objectives
steps needed to attain final goal
final goal
Progressive discipline usually involves the following 3 levels?
pg 387
Preventive action (oral reprimand)
Corrective action (written rep)
Punitive action
What are the two basic types of discipline?
pg 387
Discipline actions should be taken in a manner that is ________
pg 386
In ______, the company officer or designated subordinate guides the individual through any new activities, reinforces correct behavior, and redirects incorrect behavior.
pg 377
What are the 5 essential group characteristics?
pg 373
Common interest
group image
sense of continuity
shared values
roles within the group
What are the 5 stages of development?
Behavior management begins with
pg 377
The prevention of disruptive behavior
A group is often defined as a collection of people who:
pg 372
Share certain traits
Interact with one another
Accept rights and obligations as members of the group
share a common identitiy
The change process should be viewed as ______ rather than linear.
5 step model for change______
pg 364
Recognize the need for change
Identify resistance and address it
Plan the change interventions
implement the change
control the change
Common reasons to resist change
Lack of shared vision
lack of trust
loss of control
learning anxiety
fear of loss
self Interest
A _______ is a person who leads a change project or initiative.
pg 363
Change agent
Business analysts have determined that resistance to change can be overcome using the following 7 basic steps.
Create a climate for change
plan for change
communicate the advantages and effects
meet the needs of both the organization and employee
Involve employees in the change
provide support during the change
seek input of “opinion leaders”
The types of change that an organization may have to undergo include:
The prospect of change may cause people to go through the change process stages:
Change can originate from two forces:
within the unit, delegation, organization restructuring.
political decision, economic trends
An assessment of an employees’ performance that are conducted at the end of a given period of time.
pg 359
Summative Evaluation
At the end of the probationary period
Annually as part of a performance review.
For performance improvement and or discipline.
_______ is an ongoing, repeated assessment conducted overtime to evaluate an employee’s performance against an organizations standard.
pg 359
Formative Evaluation
The _____ was created to integrate federal government prevention, preparedness, response, recovery into one all discipline all hazard approach to domestic incident management.
pt 359
National response plan
______should be used as the model for response management in the are contingency plans to ensure an effective response.
NIMS- based ICS
Unified Command
A procedure to be put into effect should an emergency occur within a given region or area_______
Pg 358
Area contingency plan
The term______ is also used to describe four states
pg 354
Common wealth
Puerto Rico
What prerequisite knowledge should a candidate know prior to testing for fire officer II?
The organization of their local government
The enabling and regulatory legislation and the law making process at the local, state and national level.
NFPA_____ standard for fire officer professional Qualifications
NFPA 1021
What incident size up considerations are outline in Lloyd Layman’s model?
Own Situation
Plan of Operation
What are the 3 approaches to improving firefighter survivability?
Pg 341
Occupant Survivability Profiling
Crew Resource Management
Rules of Engagement
The acronym
stands for?
pg 322
Receo VS employs the information about the emergency incident that was gathered during______
pg 322
Initial Size Up
Info includes
Pre incident survey
Details provided in the alarm dispatch
Visual and odor indicators the officer observes upon arrival
Lloyd Laymen created his Receo vs decision making model in the _____ century.
pg 322
Mid 20th century
it list strategic goals for an incident
In modern fire environments it is common to experience a decay period prior to __________
Modern trusses are generally spaced _____ inches apart.
pg 317
24 inches apart.
Thermal properties of a compartment include:
heat reflectivity
_______smoke is often present in fires involving material like foam, synthetics and plastics
Pg 313
Black smoke