Company Officer 1 Flashcards
The ____ was created by congress in 1996 as a national disaster relief compact to link the resources of each state. Designed to provide rapid and flexible deployment of aid to the stricken area.
Emergency management assistance compact
Reciprocal assistance from one fire and emergency service agency to another during an emergency based upon a prearranged agreement.
Mutual aid
** upon request
Written agreement between two or more agencies to automatically dispatch predetermined resources to any fire or other emergency in the area covered by the agreement.
Automatic Aid
Dispatched without request
Assistance from agencies, industries or FD’s that are not part of the agency having jurisdiction.
Outside Aid
*generally involves payment for services provided.
Volunteer firefighters staff approximately ____% of fire and emergency services organization.
Private emergency service organizations generally fall into one of 3 categories______
Industrial Fire brigades
For profit fire
Private, non profit
Generally ____ emergency fire suppression companies are organized for forest, wildland, and urban interface.
The term given to an area that lies outside of taxpayer supported or funded jurisdictions_______
No man’s Land
Political subdivision of a state, province, or territory for admin purposes and public safety. Also known as a Parish.
Functional division of the lowest level of local government?
Work groups may be created based on the following elements?
Type of task
Georgraphical area
Time of year
Available resources
skill specification
_______consists of dividing large jobs into smaller task to be assigned to specific individuals
Division of labor
_____ refers to the number of subordinates and or functions that one individual can effectively supervise.
Span of control
_____ supervision is often useful when the distinction between line and staff functions become blurred.
Functional Supervision
____ is an organizational principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor
Functional Supervision
Notifying one’s supervisor that one whishes to take an issue to the supervisor’s supervisor.
skip level Notification
The process of going around a link in the chain of command to deal with an issue.
Side stepping
_____ is the path of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and vice versa
Chain of command
_____ states that each subordinate must have only one supervisor
Unity of command
Decisions are made at a lower level (basically delegation of authority)
to work effectively, all members must understand direction, values and goal of the organization.
Decision making authority should be delegated to the lowest possible level.
Decisions are made by one person at the top of the structure.____
Works well in small organizations
accountability for decisions is almost always centralized.
What are the two types of decision making models?
Centralized Authority
Decentralized Authority
_____ refers to the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable.
*relates to the empowered duties of an official to perform certain tasks
Order of rank and authority in the fire and emergency services
Chain of command
Fire and Emergency services follow certain basic principles of organizational structure based on theory, research and practice. These principles include:
Scalar structure
line and staff personnel
Decision making authority
unity of command
span of control
division of labor
Examples of municipal fire and emergency services organizations include?
Public Safety
NFPA 1021 standard for fire officer professional qualifications uses the designation ____ to describe the first level supervisor.
Fire Officer 1
Lieutenant, engineer, captain
Fire Officer II
Captain, Senior Captain
Company officers must be knowledgeable in the following areas:_________
Concepts of management, leadership
Basic admin duties
Community risk, awareness
Emergency response duties
teaching of skills/knowledge
The fire and emergency services organization is based on________
A scalar structure that assigns rank in a hierarchy of authority that is pyramid shaped.
_____ is instruction that emphasizes job specific learning objectives and traditional skill based training.
Education is knowledge based and not tied to a specific job
Provides services to the line units (internal customers) based on the objectives established to attain the organizations goals
Staff/support function
Provide services directly to external customers based on the organizations mission statement and goals.
Line functions
The International association of fire chiefs also divide fire officer ranks into 4 levels they vary slightly from NFPA
Level 1 Supervising fire officer
(all company officers)
Level 2 Managing fire officer
(Battalion, district and assistant chiefs)
Level 3 Administrative fire officer
(chief in charge of divisions)
Level 4 Executive fire officer
(Department Chief)
NFPA places fire officers in 4 categories or levels based on __________
Their assigned duties
Level 1 First line supervisor
Level 2 Mid level supervisor
Level 3 First line manager
Level 4 Department manager?Chief
Extinguishers with a gross weight no exceeding 40 pds should be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than _________ft above the floor.
5 feet
40obs = 3 1/2 ft
Clearance between bottom of the extinguisher and the floor never less than ____ inches.
4 inches
Portable fire extinguishers use different methods to expel the extinguisher agent and can be broadly classified according to the method used. These include:
Stored pressure
cartridge operated
pump operated
All portable fire extinguishers must be installed and maintained according to NFPA:
NFPA 2001 defines a ____ as an electrically non-conducting, volatile, or gaseous fire extinguishing agent that does not leave a residue upon evaporation.
Clean agent
In portable fire extinguishers what two Halons are still in use?
Halon 1211 ***** most common
Halon 1301
List an example of an exemption of the ban on Halon use _____
Aircraft engine fire suppression systems
The Halogenated agents are principally effective on Class____ and Class___ fires.
Class B
Class C
What are the two main types of dry chemical systems?
Local application (most common)
Total flooding (paint booth)
These systems are designed to be installed in commercial range hoods, plenums and ducts_______
Wet chemical systems
Wet chemical systems use a mixture of water and __________
Potassium carbonate
potassium acetate
Suppression system used in areas where a rapid extinguishment of the fire is required but reignition is unlikely__________
Dry chemical systems
These systems are either engineered or pr engineered
Fire suppression system, consists of closed sprinklers filled with air under pressure and a secondary detection system. Both must operate before the extinguishing agent is release_______
Preaction system
Fire suppression system that consists of closed sprinklers attached to piping containing air under pressure. When activated air is released, activating the water control valve and filling the pipe.
Dry pipe system
What are the 3 types of dry sprinkler systems?
Dry Pipe systems
Preaction systems
Deluge systems
NFPA 14 classifies standpipe systems as ____ _____ ____
Class I For FF’s 2 1/2 outlet, no hose
Class II Building Occupants 1 1/2 w/hose
Class III FF’s and occupants 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 outlet
What are the 2 types of public alarm systems?
Type A
manual, operator must transmit to station
Type B
Automatically transmitted from street box to all Fire stations in Jurisdiction
Stationary fire pumps are almost always electrically driven centrifugal pumps with a discharge capacity from ______ to _____gpm.
500 to 4500 Gpm
NFPA 20 requires stationary fire pumps to run for at least ____min per week.
30 minutes per week
these are supplementary systems installed in properties in addition to another type. Provide detailed into to occupants_______-
Emergency Voice/alarm comminciation
Individual who accomplishes organization objectives through effective and efficient handling of material and human resources
A person who is responsible for directing the performance of other people or employees______
The categories listed in NFPA 1021 are_______
Community relations
Emergency services delivery
Health and safety
IFSTA produces _____manuals to meet the training objectives of NFPA 1021
2 manuals
Level 1 and Level 2
Fire and emergency services Company officer
Level 3 and level 4
Fire and emergency services chief officer
A person who leads or directs a unit
what are the NFPA 1021 requirements for fire officer 1?
Fire instructor 1
Chapter 3 job performance requirements of NFPA 1021
The _____creates the organization, establishes the job performance criteria, develops promotion systems.
Authority having Jurisdiction
What two types of systems are connected directly to the fire and emergency services organization communications/ dispatch center
Remote station
A central station system differs from a proprietary system in two ways:
The receiving point is not on the protected premises.
The owner of the protected premise does not employ the person receiving the alarm.
A _____ system is used to protect large commercial and industrial buildings, highrise buildings and groups of commonly owned buildings in a single location, such as a college campus or industrial complex.
Proprietary system
Connected directly to fire and EMS
Transmit alarm usually over a telephone line
Used in communities not served by a central station system.
Coded or non coded
One remote station can servie up to 5 buildings
Remote station system
These systems are used only in communities that have municipal alarm box systems. Installed within a building and connected directly to a municipal alarm box located on the street adjacent tot he building.
Auxiliary alarm systems
____ alarm systems may be activated manually. Sensors that may be activated manually. Sensor that detect heat, smoke or flame can also activate them. They share on common feature. They initiate an alarm signal only on the premises.
Local alarm systems
Primary purpose to alert building occupants.
Not monitored
The most common types of systems are
Remote station
Central station
Emergency voice/alarm conn
Marks safety information signage, such as labels or markings indicating the type of required PPE______
Marks safety equipment, such as first Aid stations, safety showers and exit routes_______
Means Caution, solid yellow, yellow and black stripes, yellow and black checkers used to indicate physical hazards such as tripping hazards. Also used on corrosive containers
Means warning; is used on hazardous machinery with parts that can crush cut or injure
_____ color
Means danger or stop, is used on containers of flammable liquids, emergency stop bars and fire protection equipment.
What is a limitation of NFPA 704 system
An NFPA diamond doesn’t state exactly what chemical or chemicals may be present in specific quantities
Does not tell where the hazard is
There are _____ occupancy classifications.
What are the 9 occupancy classifications
- assembly
- Business
- Education
- Factory/institutional
- Occupancy Institutional (care and detention)
- Mercantile
- Residential
- storage
- utility
What are the 3 contents hazard classifications?
Low Hazzard
Fiberglass, or minerals
Ordinary Hazard
Paper, cardboard
High hazard
Flammable liquids, reactive
The means of egress consist of 3 parts?
Access to the exit
The exit itself
The exit discharge
In all occupancies, there are certain general fire and life safety items that must be inspected, what are they?
Means of egress (most important)
Waste management
Fire protection
Most fire codes require each building or facility to be inspected at least _________
once a year
In type III construction exterior bearing walls must have a ____hour fire resistance rating.
2 hr.
Type III A = 1 hr fire resistance construction throughout the structure
Type III B = Lacks the 1 hr. requirement
According to the model codes who is responsible for ensuring that buildings and facilities are inspected?
The fire Chief
who delegates to the fire marshal
Type III construction consists of structural elements made of ______
any material that the code permits
What type of construction is often referred to, although not entirely accurately, as 1 hour building?
Type II
NFPA 220 classifications designate 5 major building construction classifications. The classifications range from ____ to ______
Type 1 (most fire resistive)
Type 5 ( least fire resistive)
Type I construction
Type I A ____hr rating frame and walls
\_\_\_\_\_hr rating floors \_\_\_\_hr rating roofs
Type I A 3 hr rating frame and walls
2 hr rating floors 1 1/2 hr rating roofs
Type I B 2 hr rating frame and walls
2 hr rating floors 1 hr rating roofs
The IBC designates five construction types with two subcategories for each type with the exception of ________
Type IV
Basically, construction classifications are based upon___________
Materials used in construction
Hourly fire resistance rating
What are the two major organization that develop model building codes?
ICC (international code council)
For exigent circumstances to apply one of these 3 conditions must be present_________
People may be imminent danger
Evidence may face imminent destruction
a suspect may escape
________circumstances are conditions that allow emergency responders and law enforcement officers to enter a structure without a warrant.
Under common law and most statutory law the existence of an emergency constitutes implied permission to enter a structure. What are the 2 exceptions to this rule of law?
Military emergency responders on a military base.
Members of industrial fire brigades on company property.
Fire and life safety inspections have a two fold purpose___________
Ensuring that fire and life safety code requirements are adhered to
Providing safety education materials and info
Diversity classifications
socioeconomic level
sexual orientation
Sources for demographic data on the nation, state, and local levels in the U.S. include_______
US census bureau
US dept of Labor
Us Dept of health
State, regional and local government agencies
Local school board
What is the recommended instructor to student ratio
one to five
Four step method of instruction
The most learning takes place during the ____step of the 4 step method.
application step
The two primary types of repeater systems include:
Apparatus mounted
those prepositioned in specific geographical area
A _______ defines the needs of the organization and allows manufacturer’s to decide if they can meet bid specifications.
Request for proposal