IAFF Bargaining Agreement Flashcards
Probationary permanent employees time off, vacation, holiday, sick, shall not exceed ___ shifts per quarterly rotation.
3 shifts
For grievance of probationary employee, grievance to Chiefs office within ____ calendar days. If grievance not settled by fire Chief parties agree to proceed directly to____.
Performance criteria shall be designed to evaluate a probationary permanent employee’s what?
Skills, knowledge, ability, and attitudes in relation to job of firefighter.
When proby has taken emt exam at least ____ and not attained a passing score within probationary period, may be terminated.
When wages , rates of pay, or any other matters requiring appropriation of monies by employer are included as matters, shall be obligation of bargaining agent to serve written notice of request for bargaining at least ____ days before June 30th, last day of fiscal year.
120 days
It shall be the obligation of the Employer and the Bargaining Agent to arrange to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith within ____ days after receipt of written notice from Bargaining Agent requesting a meeting for bargaining purposes.
10 days
In event Bargaining Agent and Employer are unable by the ______ to reach an agreement on a contract, any and all unresolved arbitrable issues may be submitted to arbitration upon request of either party, as required by law.
First Monday in June
Employer agrees to deduct dues ____in an amount certified to be correct by the secretary-treasurer.
Any employee who chooses to withdraw from IAFF shall have a ____calendar day time period beginning the first day of Jan.
IAFF shall be charged ____ annually and shall remit payment in ____ equal installments prior to the 5th day of each month.
Any employee disagreeing with a written criticism placed in their file shall have their views regarding it placed in their file within ____ days
Letters if reprimand will be removed from any employees file at their request after a period of____ years
Every year in the ___ quarter of the fiscal year a Payroll Event Calendar is prepared for the following fiscal year.
The Payroll Event Calendar schedule reflects by date what things?
Payment of FSLA overtime by cycle
Quarterly uniform payment
Any other special benefit
Bargaining agent or employee may file a grievance within ___ days of said occurrence.
30 days
Responsibility for administrative control of the promotion plan is vested in the____ and authority is delegated to the ______.
Personnel Director
Fire Chief
Who deems that an employee is not qualified for a promotion, he may exercise his right to submit a letter to Personnel Director and employee stating such reason?
Fire Chief
__ is created to coordinate the procedure, have general supervision of the elements used in the selection process, and make recommendations and certifications to Chief of Fire Department.
A promotion Board
Who does the promotion board consist of:
Rep from City Managers Office
The Personnel Department
Fire Chiefs office &
The Bargaining Agent
Who shall establish a roster of qualified eligibles for certification and recommendation to the Fire Chief?
Support Services
To become Sergeant must complete a 100 question written examination given by who?
Human Resource Work Section
To be a candidate for District Chief must have ____ consecutive years on OCFD and have completed ____ hours towards a degree.
15 years
30 hours
For district chief top ___ scoring candidates, combining written test score and seniority points will be referred to assessment center
The assessment center shall certify ____ more candidates to the Chief than the number vacant at that time
All regular transfers into Training Work Section are expected to last for a minimum of____ months
Whenever an employee requests transfer back to suppression duties and such transfer was delayed due to staffing, eligibility in Suppression shall begin when?
At the time of their request or at the end of the employees eighteen month commitment, whichever is latter.
To be certified as a Battalion Chief an employee must have met the following requirements:
District Chief one year in Suppression
Must have Associate Degree, or 60 or more hours toward a degree
For training vacancy top ___ by seniority in rank that apply shall proceed to oral interviews.
How much is differential pay for personnel transferring into the 8 hour position?
A group of not more than ___ personnel from suppression shall be identified to assist the Fire Dispatch Work Section in their responsibilities during short vacancies.
Loaned dispatchers would receive ___ per pay period.
The Chief of the Fire Dept. and the President of the IAFF shall appoint ___ members each for physical fitness committee.
3 members, the 6 members shall appoint chairperson.
Annual physical fitness evaluation includes all incumbent Fire Fighters hired on and after____
If firefighter fails to meet requirements as set forth by number of years of service, the employee will be tested again in ___ days
Where pre-existing or temporary disabilities exist, the ______ may prescribe alternate avenues for exercise and evaluation.
City Physician Assistant
Employees in pay range 928 will be paid an additional ___ hours per bi-weekly pay period
.31 hours
Longevity pay schedule is tied to ______ of the A step firefighter.
90% of 1%
Career Development pay steps are calculated by taking the pay step that an employee is in plus ___ % increase for certification.
Employees who enters treatment/rehab program of their own initiative after the interview with EAP counselor shall be to ____ year post-rehabilitation testing.
2 year
A random list containing ____ names of uniformed personnel employed shall be generated by the testing agency____ and shall be known as random list.
If post-accident testing cannot be administered within ____ hours of an accident, the officer shall prepare written record of reasons. After____ hours, such efforts to administer testing shall cease and copy of written record shall be forwarded to City’s Occupational Health Manager through Chief.
2 hours
8 hours
Who shall receive and retain all drug and alcohol testing related information and provide results to Labor Relations Division
Occupational Health Manager
The substances for which test may be given includes the related metabolites:
- Marijuana or Cannabinoid
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines
- Opiate
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
When the employee is within___ days of completing the time in grade requirements, a request should be made to Human resources to initiate certification process.
The _______ shall have the authority to approve or disapprove recommendations for pay increases, and shall provide written notification of such decision tithe department.
City Manager
Department Heads may recommend to the City Manager a _________ within the appropriate range to recognize exceptional meritorious service of individual employees.
Maximum two-step pay increase
The Safety and Health Committee is comprised of ____ employees representing Bargaining Agent and ____ employees representing the Employer.
Safety and Health Committee shall meet_____ and at such times deemed necessary by the ____ or the ______
Fire Chief/Bargaining Agent
What three things of the OCFD uniform will be determined by the Employer?
Style, material, Fit
After ____ to the Fire Chief, Bargaining Agent representatives may be granted time off with pay by the Fire Chief to conduct bona fide Bargaining Agent business.
Written Notice
To withdraw membership from Union employee needs what 2 things turned in by 10 calendar day time period?
Written notification requesting withdraw to Union &
Signed authorization card to Benefits Division of the Personnel Departmet
The Official Departmental Personnel File for all persons covered under agreement shall be at_______
Fire Department Headquarters
Pursuant to EEOC Guidelines, each party is obligated to take positive action in affording equal employment, training and promotional opportunities to all members, as required by______ of Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VII
Promotional vacancies must be filled within ____ days
Requirements for Corporal:
Completed 3 years in Suppression
NFPA Fire Fighter II
Apparatus Operator Academy
Valid OK drivers license
Sergeant requirements:
Corporal at least one year in Suppression
5 years from last date of employment
100 Q- given by Human Resource
Top25- in one week academy
Top25 scoring, combining written, seniority, and academy score
For Captain how many scoring candidates placed in one week academy?
To be certified as a major, must have been a Captain for ____ years in Suppression.
2 yrs
Candidate for District Chief:
Major for 2 years 15 consecutive yrs 30 hrs toward degree Test Top 12 referred to assessment center .25 pts per quarter max 6.25 Assessment center certify 3 more candidates to Chief than the number vacant
All regular transfers into EMS Quality Assurance Officer position are expected to last for minimum____ years
1 year
Ems Quality Assurance Officer:
Ops Division laterally transfer
Top 6 in rank to Oral interview
Eligible Employee from Capt list
Give Capt test
Lt. For at least 2 years
Must have OK state paramedic license
100 question test
All regular transfers into Training Work Section are expected to last for a minimum of _____ months
If training employee requests transfer back to suppression, eligibility in Suppression shall begin when?
At the time if request or at the end of the employees 18 month commitment, whichever is latter.
Personnel in the Training Work Section hall receive “Bonus” seniority points for time served in the assignment up to a max of ____ points
Training Vacancy?
Suppression personnel transfer laterally
Top 6 by seniority in rank proceed to oral interview
Fire Chief shall make final decision
Allow person from existing promo list, vacancy will be filled with highest position on the list of personnel who make application
Entry level rank in the fire dispatch work section will be______
Pay will be same as current or ____ employee ranked above
Top step Corporal
Loaned dispatchers are paid ____ per pay period as incentive pay.
Loaned dispatchers placed on a rotating list of ____ personnel, and spend ____ shift per quarter working in dispatch.
1 shift
Protest period:
1: 00-5:00 day of test
8: 00-12:00 following day
Adjustment Review Period:
1: 00-5:00 day protest closes
8: 00-12:00 next business day
Grading Review:
1: 00-5:00 day adjustment review
8: 00-12:00 next day
For candidates tied for positions on the promotional sequence list:
Highest score on the promotional exam
Ed. Incentive .5 per level
Specialty points .5 paramedic, etc
Recruit academy score
For candidates tied for positions on the promotional sequence list for training vacancies:
Highest score on the promotional exam
Ed. Incentive .5 per level
Specialty points .5 paramedic, etc
Recruit academy score
Employees shall be compensated in cash at their base rate of pay for ____ of any unused sick leave
50% maximum payment will be reduced by____ for each year less than 20 years service.
2 1/2
If a member of the Fire Department personnel does not use more than _____ shifts of sick leave during his leave year, he will receive an additional 24 hours vacation on anniversary
2 24-hour shifts
Sick leave shall be charged for hours that are actually missed because of an illness at a rate of ___ hours per shift for 24 hour shift employees.
16 hours
Dispatch work section shall be charged for hours that are actually missed because of illness at a rate of ____ hours per 12 hour shift.
8 hours
Under state law employees are entitled to receive up to ____working days of paid military leave
30 working days
For 24-hour shift employees, the maximum limit for paid military leave shall be_____ hours
720 (30 days x 24 hours per shift)
For 40 hour workweek employees, maximum pay military leave is ____ hours
240 hrs (30 x 8 hours = 240)
24 hour employees are granted____ personal leave hours (holiday hours) on July 1
Of Holiday hours, ____ are holiday hours and _____ are Kelly Day hours
120 hrs
96 hrs
Maximum accrual of holiday will be ____ hours
Employees will be paid for all holiday accumulation up to a max of _____ hours
All 8 hour employees are granted ____ holidays
10 (80 hours)
What holidays are recognized?
Independence Day Labor Day Veterans day Thanksgiving day Day following Thanksgiving Day before Christmas Christmas New Years Martin Luther King day Memorial Day
Vacation 0-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10-15 yrs 15-more yrs
- 42 max250
- 18 max250
- 18 max400
- 12 max400
Employees in Code work ___ day work week, between hours of ______
4 day
7:00-6:00. (4hours flex time)
Each employee on a 4 day workweek will recieve a day off ____ excluded
Employees will not be allowed to work in excess of ____ consecutive 24 hour shifts
The first ___ minutes after shift change shall be considered overtime, however when an employee continues to work into second 30 min, will be paid for what?
30 min
Entire hour
Al 24 hour personnel have a ___ day work period
27 day
All off duty employee shall be paid a minimum of _________ hours overtime when called in.
4 hours
The universe of cities to be used to determine market for fiscal year?
Tulsa Tucson Omaha Wichita Nashville Fort Worth Austin Kansas City El Paso St. Louis
The city agrees to contribute ______ per employee enrolled in IAFF benefit
Career Development ranks are ____ above the position which they are tied.
4 %
Clothing allowance?
$359.50 quarterly. JOJA
Total $1438.00
Number of EMS instructors receiving incentive pay?
110 instructors
______ serves as the Chief administrative officer of the City and supervises all branches of the City.
City manager
Minimum time in grade for the Deputy Chief of Suppression positions will be
one year as District Chief
Minimum time in grade for the Deputy Chief of support services will be
one year as a 930 or above
Minimum time in grade for Deputy Chief of Prevention Services will be
one year as a Captain in a non suppression division
(general procedures)
For candidates tied for positions on the promotional sequence list,
Seniority in classification
Seniority on the FD
Highest score on the promotional exam
Highest score in the academ
Education points >5 per level
Specialty pay points
Recruit academy scores.
Probationary permanent employee
shall not have access to the following benefits until they have successfully completed 12 month period?
- Payment of sick leave upon termination
- Vacation Usage- until completing 6 months
- Transfer system