Pub Ed Flashcards
If the objective of the Public Education section could be defined with one phrase, that phrase would be_______
“Loss Reduction”
This objective includes________
assisting with, and supporting programs
designed to reduce losses related to emergency incidents.
The losses targeted are in the areas of
property damage
To reduce these losses we use the concept of the ______
Loss prevention Tetrahedron
The loss prevention Tetrahedron is a four part concept that combines______
and community involvement
Who started the program Operation Firesafe?
Operation firesafe came about as a direct result of_____
the tragic deaths of three of our fellow firefighters on march 8th, 1989.
_____ is an intervention program that brings together mental health professionals, school counselors and the Oklahoma county Juvenile Services to combat juvenile fire play and fire setting.
Operation Firesafe
Unlike general fire safety programs, Operation Fire Safe is designed specifically for children who have _______
shown an interest in fire or who have started a fire.
Operation Fire Safe redefines juvenile fire setting as a ______ rather than as a criminal activity.
signal for help
Fire station personnel can access the Operation fire safe program in what two says?
A 400 series investigator can be called.
Call the Public Education Office
Risk Watch is for children ages ____ and under.
14 and under
For children ages 14 and under, the #1 health risk is _____
Traffic injuries, drowning, fires and burns, firearm injuries, falls and poisonings each year in the US, unintentional kill more than _____ kids and permanently disable more than _____.
Kill more than 6,000
Permanently disable more than 50,000
______, one in four are injured seriously enough to require medical attention.
13 million children
Risk Watch is a comprehensive injury prevention curriculum for children in kindergarten through _____.
Eighth grade.
Risk watch curriculum targets ____ areas that pose the greatest unintentional injury risk to children.
What are the 8 areas targeted by risk watch?
motor vehicle safety
fire and burn prevention
bike and pedestrian safety
water safety
Who implemented Risk watch in August 1998?
Pub education section of okc fd
Okc Public school system
The program started out in 5 schools with 8 teachers teaching 160 students. Currently the program is in 55 schools with 200 teachers teaching to _____ students.
What is the role of the Oklahoma City fire department is regards to risk watch?
To coordinate and support the teachers in their roles.
As of December 2014 there have been ____ documented lives saved from the information the students learned through risk watch.
The safety trailer is a mobile unit that is used to teach children from ___ years old and up, as well as adults.
7 years and up
We average over _____ visitors through our safety trailer every year.
What is the most popular program?
2nd grade program
How many 3rd graders run through the trailer every year?
from more than 120 elementary schools
Operation of the safety trailer requires a minimum of ____ personnel.
We request a minimum of ___ participants before we will schedule the trailer for weekend and after hour events.
This program is provided to assist the business community in developing an emergency management program.
Emergency planning and preparedness.
The Emergency planning and preparedness program is provided to assist _______
The business community.
Public Education personnel are involved as ____ in the development of these emergency programs as well as the actual training and education of the businesses employees.
Businesses all over the city, ranging in size from __ to ___ employees, have taken advantage of the valuable service.
5 to 5000 employees
Pub ed also provides training and consulting services in more specialized areas to include:
fire weather natural disasters civil disturbances bomb threats wild land fire safety
Officers in the public education section are certifies at the state and national levels to meet NFPA standard for
Fire and Life safety educators
Disaster Education instructors (red cross)
This program was developed specifically for people who live in the rural and grassland areas of OKC.
Wildland Fire prevention and safety.
An information booklet for the citizen is also available through this program.
____ is a costumed Dalmatian mascot who is dressed in a fire helmet and bunker gear.
Each year approximately ____ older adults, age 65 and older, die as a result of home falls and an additional 1,000 die in their homes from fires or burns.
Who developed the Remembering When program?
in cooperation with the
Centers for disease control (CDC)
The OKC fire department starte the implementation of this program in the fall of 1999 (remembering when). The program teaches ____ fire prevention messages and ___ fall prevention messages to older adults.
8 fire prevention messages
8 fall prevention messages
This office provides safety presentations, training, and associated material on a wide variety of topics upon request.
Speakers’ Bureau and community education programs
The first smoke alarm giveaway program that the OKC fire department was involved in started in
The largest benefactor to the fund is the ______
OKCFD Annual 5k Run.
All requests for public education activities made to the Public Education Office will require a _____ form to be filled out.
“Request for Service”
All request from within the fire department will be responded to within ___ calendar days.
3 calendar days
not to include city holidays.
When is fire prevention month?
Fire Drill evaluations are performed at _____ in the city limits during this month.
every elementary school
What is the address of the Fire prevention services Building?
2300 General Pershing Blvd.
During the school year, the safety trailer is booked from ______ for the special program for 2nd graders.
Monday -thursday
SPIFFI chart
Scheduled public inspections of fire fighting installations
What are the station officer responsibilities during a station inspection according to the SPIFFI chart?
Check the appearance of the personnel, equipment and apparatus
Make the chart available
Designate items for the visitors to handle.
Split the group if necessary
What should be filled out after each station tour and turned in with the regular monthly paperwork?
Public education
station/company activity form.
When was Operation fire safe started?
3 FF died in 1989
The Oklahoma city fire department has operated the smoke alarm program through the Public Education Office since?