Human Resources Flashcards
Who will administer examinations?
Administrative Specialist
____ is charged with vacancy announcements at the request of the fire chief and or deputy.
It is recommended that personnel who wish to retire obtain a retirement worksheet and make an appointment with HR approx. ____ weeks prior to retirement effective date.
5 weeks
Who acts as the administrative liaison with the employee assistance program (EAP)
HR Officer/Chaplain
Veteran and Military issues
FF death process
Mental Health referrals
The HR staff consists of ______
1 HR supervisor/Major
2 HR officers
2 administrative specialist
1 data systems tech II
1 data systems tech III
Who Coordinates the City’s Best Award program?
HR Office specialist II
assists with respective duties of
District chief of support
Deputy Chief of support
Human Resource Major
Who organizes
Annual 8 wk Citizens fire academy
City Municipal leadership program
Takes minutes for support staff meetings
HR Office specialist II
_____ are responsible for developing and administering selection process for uniformed fire positions.
Administrative specialist in human resources
Responsible for all pay, PROCESSING sick leave accruals, anything computer related.
Data systems Tech III
Who is responsible for
Tracking and entering 650 leave
Entering time into Kronos
Shift diff
Data systems Tech II
Certified Study Material chosen for each competitive promotion level is evaluated according to ______
Job Description
Job Function
Certified Stud material for competitive exams shall be published _____
Semi annually
on fireweb under SOP desk Ref
What shall be used for promotional exams immediately upon posting to the Fire intranet, regardless of date published?
Current IAFF bargaining Agreement
OK state Drivers License Manual
Who must complete the Sgt’s Manual in order to be eligible for the Sgt’s Exam?
Personnel Hired after
Who processes retirement packets for all uniformed Dept personnel?
Human Resources Work Section
It is the responsibility of ____ to maintain the security of written and practical exams and assessment center material.
Every HR officer
The SOP on promotional test Question Construction is intended to aid what 3 groups?
persons who develop the exam
person who take the exam
Persons who determine legitimacy of protest
Test period time posting
Every 30 minutes
At 15 min remaining it will be posted every 5 min
At the last 5 min it will be every 1 min.
When can you see the correct answers to the test but not see your answers?
Protest Period
When the adjustment period is closed candidates will be allowed to view their answers for accuracy of grading only, not to protest. This is the ____ period.
Grade review period
Test day
Protest period
adjustment review
grade review
The HR work section recruits new firefighters who exhibit the ______ attributes necessary.
What is the purpose of the Vital statistics form?
For you to tell the FD, exactly how you want your family notified in the event of your death.
Also provides information about you that will help expedite medical care.
Must fill out in BLACK INK
How many different Incentive pays are there?
What are the different Incentive pays?
When the protest period is closed, candidates will be given the opportunity to review any adjustments made. This is the _____ period.
The adjustment period