Uro Problems (Final) Flashcards
-Urinary Tract Infection (Uncomplicated)
-More common in females
-PROTEIN in urine is a great breeding ground for microorgasnims
-E.coli is most common bacteria
Lower UTI: Etiology
-Bacteriuria = Bacteria in the urine NOT causing infeciton
-Urethrisits = infection in the urethra
-Cystitis = Infection in the bladder
Uncomplicated UTI: S/S
-Asymptomatic, urgency, frequency, dysuria, hematuria, cloudy/foul urine, fever/chills/fatigue
Uncomplicated UTI: Diagnosis
-H&P, UA, Urine culture, CBC
Uncomplicated UTI treatment
-Antibiotics, Increase fluid intake, avoid irritants, loose clothes, frequent urination, probiotics
UTI: Protective Factors
-pH = mAcidic
-Presence of Urea
-Sex-Specific Factors:
Males = Prostatic Secretions
Females = Urethral gland secretions
-Urine flow is unidirectional (one way valve that prevents backward flow)
-Immune system
UTI: Risk Factors
-Catheter: CAUTI
-Sex = Females
-Age = Increases (Nursing home residents up to 50% more likely)
-Sexual activity: Spermicide with diaphragm or condom
25% sexually active females - 1st year
-Incontince or urine or stool
-Decrease cognition
-Hygiene issues
Males and UTI’s
-Less likely to have UTI’s but more likely to have recurrent UTI’s. Bacteria can hide deep in the prostate
-BPH causing urinary retention
Lower UTI: Clinical Manifestations
-Dysuria = Difficulty/Painful Urination
-Most common = ASYMPTOMATIC
-Suprapubic discomfort
Blood in urine possible in both
Atypical UTI manifestations: Children
-Fever (Irritability)
-Poor feeding (Vomiting)
-Ill appearance
-Old enough to verbalize?
Atypical UTI manifestations: Elderly
-History of falling
Pharm for lower UTI’s
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (bactrim)
-First line
-Dont give to pateints with sulfa allergies
Cirpofloxacin (for sulfa allergies)
Nitrofurantoin (for recurring lower UTI’s)
Overactive Bladder: Causes
-Neuro disorders
-Hormonal Changes
-Tumors / Stones
Overactive Bladder: Manifestations
- Sudden urge to urinate (may experience urgency incontinecne)
-Increase frequency (8 or more times in 24 hrs)
-Nocturia (wake up more than 2 times during night)
-Not normal part of aging
Urgency Incontinence
-Involves the involuntary leakage of urine immediately after a sudden sensation to urinate
Urgency Incontinence: Causes
-Overactive detrusor muscle that suddenly contracts (Increase with age)
-Bladder infection taht irritate bladder lining
-Bladder outlet obstruction (enlarged prostate)
-CNS conditions
Stress Incontinence
-Occurs when urine is involuntarily lost with increase in intraabdominal pressure
-Precipitated by effort or exertion
Stress Incontinence: Causes
-Loss of pelvic muscle and/or loss of fascial support of bladder and urethra
Stress incontinence: RF’s
Child Birth trauma
Pelvic Surgery
Other Types of Incontinence
Mixed in a combination of urge and stress (old females)
Overflow is when bladder is too full (males BPH)
Functional is related to physical or environmental limitations
Why it is a probelm?
-Psychosocial impacts
-Inflammation and irritation of the skin
-Vulnerable to infection
-Increase risk of UTI’s