DVT & VTE (Final) Flashcards
-Blood clot that remains attached to a vessel wall
-More common veins due to flow and pressure
What do you call a thrombus that has detached from the vessel wall
Thrombus in circulation
Venous thromboembolism
Deep vein thrombosis
Occurring in the lower extremities
Thrombus in one of the deep veins of the body
Triad of Virchow
- Venous stasis (slow blood flow) (Older age and immobile) (Heart Failure)
- Venous endothelial damage (Trauma) (IV meds) (Surgery)
- Hyper coagulable states (Clotting disorders) (Cancer) (Pregnant) (Birth Control) (Recent surgery)
Patients of highest risk
-Ortho surgery, spinal cord injuries, obstetric/gynecologic conditions
Where do thrombus usually occur?
Near a venous valve
Inflammation around the thrombus promotes
Inappropriate platelet aggregation and the thrombus grows
-Can cause pain and redness or can have no symptoms
Complications of VTE/PE
Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (Prevents gas exchange)
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (SOB)
Post-thrombotic syndrome (chronic inflammation and chronic venous hypertension)
Phelgmesia cerula dolens (Painful blue inflammation)
Separate these
Treatment of VTE/DVT
-Anti-coagulation therapy
-Prevention of risk factors CRUCIAL
-IVC filters
-SCD’s TED hose, Mobilization
Pulmonary Embolism
-Thrombus becomes lodge in pulmonary circulation
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
-Rare but caused be repeated clots in lung that increase pressure
Post-thrombotic syndrome
-Chronic inflammation
-Chronic venous hypertension
-Pain - aching - Fatigue - Swelling - Cramps - Bursting pain - pain in thigh and butt when walking
-Spider viens and venous dilation
Phelmesia cerula dolens
-Major leg veins near totally occluded