GI Disorders (Final) Flashcards
Small, infrequent or difficult bowel movements
Fewer than 3 per week
Constipation Causes
-Diet low in fiber
-Lack of exercise
-Slowed peristalsis (Elderly) (Highly at risk)
-Pathological Conditions (Obstruction) (Diverticulitis)
Constipation that is unrelieved
-may lead to obstruction - a firm, immovable mass of stool obstructs lower GI tract
Impaction: S/S
-Continuous oozing
-Loss of appetite
-Abdominal distention
-Cramping and Pain
Increase in a frequency and fluidity of bowel movements
Usually first sign of a large problem
Acute Diarrhea
-Infection, emotional stress, some medications and liquid stool around an impaction
Chronic Diarrhea
-Lasting more than 4 weeks
-Chronic GI infection and alterations in motility or integrity
-Endocrine disorders
Episodic Diarrhea
Food allergy or ingestion of irritant
4 Major Pathophysiologic Mechanisms in the development of Diarrhea
- Osmotic Diarrhea (Magnesium Sulfate) (Tube feeds)
- Secretory Diarrhea
(Vibrio cholera and Staph Aureaus) (Pressence of bacteria) - Exudative Diarrhea
(Chrons and Ulcerative Colitis) (Active site of inflammation) (Mucous blood and protein) - Related to motility disturbances
(Dumping syndrome and IBS) (Decrease absorption in the small intestine) (Fluid overload in colon)
Why is diarrhea a problem?
-Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
-Nutritional concerns
-Skin breakdown
Anti Diearrheals
Used to treat diarrhea
Groups of anti-diarrheals
-Anti motility (anticholinergics and opiates)
Treatment for constipation
Individualized and need to consider things like age and serverity
Groups of Laxatives
-Bulk forming
-Hyper osmotic