Stress and Adaptation (Final) Flashcards
-A state in which all systems are in balance around an ideal set point.
Set points: pH, temp, blood pressure. (Normal is different for every person but falls in certain range)
-The dynamic process that helps us achieve the steady state. The body attempt to get us back to homeostasis
-Addresses the need to alter “set-points” based on certain situations
-If we are exercised our RR needs to increase to maintain our set point.
General Adaptation Syndrome
-A similar response by the body no matter what the stressor
Three stages of GAS
- Alarm
- Resistance
- Exhaustion
GAS: Alarm
-The initial state of arousal
-The body’s initial defense mechanism
- SNS + Adrenergic response (Adrenaline)
- Hpothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis)
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic
Rest and digest vs Fight and flight
HPA Axis is responsible for witch major hormone
Adrenal Cortex creates
Cortisol and Aldosterone
Sympathetic Nervous System: Norepinephrine
-Primary constrictor of smooth muscles in our vascular system (Blood vessel)
-Dilate Pupils
-Decrease gastric secretion which inhibits insulin secretion
Sympathetic Nervous System: Epinephrine
-Increase HR
-Relaxes so dilates bronchial smooth muscle
-Increase glucose production in the liver
-Inhibits insulin secretion from pancreas
HPA axis: Glucocorticoid: Cortisol
-Increases cardiac output and blood pressure
-Decreased reproductive hormones
-Increase level of amino acids
-Increase glucose production in the liver which is used for fuel
-Atrophy of lymph tissues (decrease immune response)
-Limited increase in WBC response
HPA axis: Mineralocorticoids: Aldosterone
-Absorb Na+
-Excrete K+ (and H+)
-Water follows Na+
-Increase BP
Catecholamines and Glucocorticoids
-Glucorticoids promote the synthesis of epinephrine
-Work together in brain to development memory (Teaches our body how to response to the stress in the future)
GAS: Resistance stage
-Continued hormone and catecholamine release: Counteract the effects of continued stress
-Time limited: Not a ending supply
-Stressor is removed –> relaxation
-PNS takes over (Cholinergic response)
GAS: Exhaustion stage
-Stressor is not relieved
-Body can no longer achieve homeostasis. (Hyper trophy of adrenal cortex from over stimulation)
-Depleted energy stores
-Inability to adapt
Exhaustion is what type of stress
-Chronic (can result from a lot of things) (Long term)
-Negative impact on physical and mental well being
-Immunosuppression from cortisol. Decreased response of WBC’s. Atrophy of thymus/lymp system and decrease T-cellls
Stress: Allostasis Stages
- Allostatis: Short term adaption to stressor. Survival
- Allostatic Load: Chronic Stress. Long term dysregulation
- Allostatic overload: Exaushtion and stress-induced disease or disorder
Allostatic Overload SS
Hair loss
Mouth sore
Digestive disorders
Irritable bladder
Irregular period
Sleep disturbances
Stress and Disease
-Autoimmune disease
-Sex problems
Over production of stress hormones
-Impairs our memory
-Major depressive disorder
Cortisol: CHO and Glucose Metabolsim
-Effects are opposite of insulin
-Supply glucose to the brain
-Decrease peripheral glucose utilization
-Inhibit glucose uptake by muscles and adipose tissue
-Promote glucose
Cortisol: Fat redistribution
Cholinergic Response is associated with nervous system
PNS (Rest and Digest)
Adrenergic Response is associated with nervous system
SNS - Fight and Flight