Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (Exam 2) Flashcards
Obestiy in the US
-74% of adults aged 20 or over
-Almost 10% are considered severely obese
-US spent over 147 Billion on medical costs related to obesity
Adipose tissue
-Provides insulation and mechanical support for the body.
-Adipokines: Secrete hormone-like molecule
-Contributes to our immune cell function
-Fat storying cells
-Store calories as triglycericdies
-Can increase in number and hypertrophy to increase fat mass
2 Major Areas for Fat Storage
-Subcutaneous or peripheral adipose tissue (subdermal) (Healhier)
-Visceral adipose tissue (omentum) (Between intradomonal organs)
What fat is the most unhealthy
Android Obesity
-Associated with the Apple shape. More common in males.
-Type fat with risk CAD, CVA, DM, and ETC.
-Higher likely hood of being visceral fat
Gynoid Obesity
-Pear shape and more common in females
-Does not have a the risk like apple shape has.
Weight measurement is considered to be a
Cardio vascular risk factor
-Adipose tissue (ENDOCRINE ORGAN) (Secrete adipokines)
-Cell-signaling proteins
-Help regulate: appetite, food-intake, energy, lipid storage, insulin, coagulation, fibronlysis.
Types of Adipokines
-Leptin (Appetite Energy)
-Angiopoietin-related protein (Inflammation and Insulin resistance)
-Angiotensionogen (Blood Pressure)
-Retinol-binding protein (Insulin resistance in muscles)
-IL-6, TNF-alpha (Biomarkers related to systemic inflammation)
Adiponectin: Good Adipokine
-Inverse relationship with the fat content in the body (adiposity)
-So increase fat content in body = decrease adiponectin produced
Adiponectin: What does it do?
-Increases energy
-Enhance cell sensitivity to Insulin
-Anti-inflammatory effects
-Protects against arterioscleroses
Leptin: Good Adipokine
-Hormone main by adipocytes so increase in fat = increase in leptin
-Obese individuals become leptin resistant
-Normally tells body that body has had enough to eat (Satiety)
-Leptin also works with adiponectin to increase sensitivity to insulin, reduce triglyceride levels, and inhibit fat accumulation
Obesity: Adults
BMI great than 30 kg/m2
Obesity: Children
BMI greater than or qual to the age- and sex-specific 95th percentile of the growth charts
Obesity and Genetics
-Genotype of gene-Environment interactions are important predisposing factors for obesity.
-Both genetic and environmental combination of interactions
Obesity as Polygenic condition
More than one gene that influence the development of obesity.
Several genetic mutation associated with obesity
-Leptin gene (Leptin resistant)
-Several enzyme mutations have been found to be associated
Obesity is associated with other phenotypes and metabolic abnormalities
-Cushing syndrome
-Polycystic ovary syndrome
-Endocrine disrupting chemicals
-Can contribute to the development of obesity
Classifying Obesity: BMI
Weight in kilograms / height in meters2
(Weight in pounds / height in inches2) x 703
<18.5 Underweight
18.5-25 Ideal
25-30 Overwegiht
30-39 Obese
>40 Morbid Obese
Body Fat Classificaiton
Look at SS
Obesity and Inflammation
-Pateints who are obese are in a low-grade inflammatory state
-Macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and mast cells INFILTRATE adipocytes which cause release of CYTOKINES
-The systemic effects of these, coupled with other endocrine responses in obesity, results in insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and health issues associated with obesity