Urinary system Flashcards
Urinary system
a) Kidneys
b) Urinary tract;
- renal calices
- renal pelvis
- ureters
- urinary bladder
- urethra
*Prod. of urine, thus elimination of waste from body (urea, uric acid, foreign subst…)
*Maintain fluid homeostasis - water og electrolytes
*Prod of hormones og enzymes (Erythropoietin, Renin,
Kidney (REN)
12x6x4 cm. 120-170gr. ventrodorsally flattened
- Retroperitoneal
- Frá T12-L2(3)
*right kidney aðeins lower (below liver)
Kidneys relations
- Diaphragm (sep. kidneys from pleural cavity - costodiaphragmatic recess)
- Psoas major m
- Quadratus lumborum m
- Transversus abdominis m
- 11 og 12 ribs
- Subcostal vessels + nerves
- Iliohypogastric og Ilioinguinal nerves
-Right kidney) supraren. gland, liver, desc duodenum, right colic flexure og jejunum
-Left kidney) supraren. gland, stomach, spleen, body pancreas, left colic flexure, jejunum
Kidneys, external lýsing
- Ant/Post surfaces
- Sup/Inf extremities
- Medial/Lateral borders (Lateral convex, Medial concave)
- Renal hilum (in middle of medial border)
- -> renal vessels, lymphatics + nerves and renal pelvis enter/leave kidney thru Hilum
- left kidney L1. -right kidney L1-L2
- structures in renal hilum: Renal vein, ant.ramus renal A, renal pelvis og post.ramus renal A.
- Renal sinus; Renal hilum leads into the cavity (renal sinus)
- ->þar er, renal vessels, lymphatics, nerves, renal calices, renal pelvis og perirenal fat.
Kidney structure (in frontal section)
1) fibrous capsule; covers ext. surf
2) Cortex: outer pale layer, makes up renal columns á milli renal pyramids
3) Medulla; forms renal pyramids. Bases snúa að cortex, Apices(papillae) að renal sinus.
- Renal papilla með papillary foramina, surrounded by minor calyx
*One Renal lobe= 1 pyramid og adjac. cortex
a) Renal cortex contains: renal corpsucle, prox+distal tubule og cortical p. of collecting ducts
b) Renal medulla contains; loop of henle og medullary p. of collecting ducts
* Glomerular filtration: water, salts, nutrients og waste moves from glomerulus inn í inside of glom.capsule –>filtrate
* Tubular reabsorption: nutrients og salts actively reabsorbed from prox. conv. tubule into peritubular capillary network. Water flows passively.
* Tubular secretion: Certain molecules are actively secreted from peritubular capillary network into distal conv. tubule
* Reabsorption: of sodium from distal conv. tubule og water from collecting duct (under hormonal control)
a) Renal cortex contains: renal corpsucle, prox+distal tubule og cortical p. of collecting ducts
b) Renal medulla contains; loop of henle og medullary p. of collecting ducts
* Glomerular filtration: water, salts, nutrients og waste moves from glomerulus inn í inside of glom.capsule –>filtrate
* Tubular reabsorption: nutrients og salts actively reabsorbed from prox. conv. tubule into peritubular capillary network. Water flows passively.
* Tubular secretion: Certain molecules are actively secreted from peritubular capillary network into distal conv. tubule
* Reabsorption: of sodium from distal conv. tubule og water from collecting duct (under hormonal control)
Renal fat and fascia
Kidneys are enclosed in fat and fascia
A)Perinephric (perirenal) fat; beint outside fibr. capsule of kidney + inside renal sinus
B)Renal (perirenal) fascia; úr anterior + post. layers
- cranially/laterally, the ant+post layers are fused
- medially/inferiorly, there’s no conn. milli ant+post layers
- renal fascia einnig encloses supraren. glands
C)Paranephric (pararenal) fat; accumulation of fat posteriorly and posterolaterally outside the renal fascia
- kidneys are held in position by
- apposition of neighb organs
- renal fascia + renal vessels
kidneys, supply
1) Blood supply og venous drainage;
- right+left renal artery (of abd.aorta)
Renal artery (ant og post ramus)---> Segmental aa -->Lobar aa --> Interlobar aa
- right+left renal veins, drained into IVC
2) L. drainage: Lumbar l.nodes
3) Nerve supply; Renal plx
a) symp. fibers (from aortic plx, coeliac gangion and coeliac plx)
b)parasymp. fibers from Vagus n.
C)sensory fibers: from fibr. capsule, thru spinal nerves (segment T10 and T11)
Renal segments (respecting branching of the renal A)
1) ant. segment 2)ant. sup. segment 3)ant. inf. segment
4) inf. segment 5)post. segment
Renal calices
-Í renal sinus. -take urine to renal pelvis
A)Minor renal calices; 7-14 stk, att. to renal papillae (one calyx to one papilla). Drained into major calices
B)Major renal calices; oftast 3 stk (sup, middle, inf).
Drained into renal pelvis
Renal pelvis
External lýsing; funnel-shaped, flattened anteroposteriorly.
G verið dendritic eða ampullar type.
- located in renal sinus, leaving thru renal hilum
- Proj. onto skeleton; L1-L2
*Pelviureteric junction; ca 1/2 length milli renal hilum og inf. pole of kidney
Right renal pelvis; desc duodenum
Left renal pelvis; body pancreas
In both sides; renal vessels
- Blood+nerve supply for renal pelvis og calices
- –> same as kidneys
-retroperitoneal -run on ant.surf of psoas major
25-30cm long og 3-6mm diameter
parts; 1)abdominal 2)pelvic 3)intramural
Constrictions of ureters
1) Pelviureteric juntion
2) Pelvic inlet (crossing w. iliac vessels)
3) Entrance to bladder
*Kidney stones may be get trapped at these constrictions
Ureter, abdominal part
Desc. in retroperitoneal space on ant.surf of Psoas major
-Relations: Genitofemoral n Gonadal vessels (testicular/ovarian) Iliac vessels *On the right; att. of root of mesentery *On the left; att. of root of sigmoid mesocolon