Superficial structures lower limb Flashcards
Anterior femoral region
1) Gr saphenous vein:
-passes up medial side on anterior thigh
-then thru saphenous opening (opening in deep fascia cov femoral triangle
-terminates in femoral vein
**Drains blood from ant+medial leg(crural reg)
og ant+post thigh(femoral reg)
a) ext pudendal veins (ext. genitals)
b) superficial epigastric V (adj. p abd.wall)
c) spf. c.flex iliac V (abd.wall over inguinal ligg)
Anterior femoral region frh
Br of femoral Artery (br for adj. regions of trunk + ext genitals)
a) ext. pudendal aa
b) spf. epigastric a
c) spf. c.flex iliac a
Anterior femoral region frh
innervation of skin and subq tissue=
a) ant. cutaneous br of femoral N (anteriorly)
b) lateral cut. femoral N (laterally)
c) femoral br of genitofemoral N (medially, upper p. of limb)
d) cutaneous br of obturator N (medially, lower p. of limb)
e) ilioinguinal N og genital br of genitofemoral N
(ext. genital organs)
f) iliohypogastric N (gluteal reg-lateral p)
Saphenous hiatus (opening)
A opening in fascia lata below inguinal ligg
-it’s overpalled by fascia cribrosa (p. of fascia lata)
-great saphenous V opens in femoral V
Anterior genual (knee) region
1) Gr saphenous vein:
-passes up medial side knee
-acc. by saphenous Nerve
2) Descending genicular A:
-From femoral A, just before passing thru adductor hiatus
3) Saphenous N-infrapatellar br
-pierces sartorius + fascia lata. It innervates skin in front of patella
4) saphenous N
-br of femoral N
-leaves adductor canal