heart anatomy Flashcards
anatomically: lower, middle mediastinum
clinically: ant. mediastinum
*milli 2 og 5 rib/intercostal space
*from right parasternal line to left midclav. line
*1/3 on right. 2/3 on left side
**Axis snýr down, anteriorly og to left
anterioly: thymus, sternum og ribs
laterally: lungs (sep. by mediastinal pleura), phrenic nerves
posteriorly: trachea, bifurcation, princ.bronchi, esophagus og thoracic aorta.
inferiorly: diaphragm
external features
1) sternocostal: anterior wall (convex)
-right atrium + left auricle
-2/3 right ventricle + 1/3 left ventricle
2) diaphragmatic: posterior wall (flat)
-2/3 left ventricle + 1/3 right ventricle
3) right og left pulmonary surfaces
a) right margin - margo acutus (sharp)
b) left margin - margo obtusus (round)
indicate subdiv. of heart at the surf, and are occ. by vessels og subepicardial fat —>
a) coronary sulcus: sep. atria from ventricles
b) ant+post interventricul. sulci: sep right+left ventricle
apex og base
snýr down, anteriorly og left
-lies in midclavicular line in 5th rib/intercostal space on left side
snýr posteriorly, up og right (dorsocranial p:large vessels enter)
apex og base
snýr down, anteriorly og left
-lies in midclavicular line in 5th rib/intercostal space on left side
snýr posteriorly, up og right (dorsocranial p:large vessels enter)
Encloses heart. Consists of–>
A) fibr. pericardium, that is conn w:
-sternum (sternopericardiac ligg)
-diaphragm (pericardiophrenic ligg)
-tracheal bifurcation (bronchopericadiac membrane)
**it’s also att. to the large vessels and covers their rooots
B) serous pericardium:
úr 2 lögum
1) parietal layer, conn to fibrous pericardium
2) visceral layer, epicardium (covers heart)
*Parietal layer of serous pericardium transitions to visceral layer (epicardium) near the great vessels —>
forming reflections/folds
*Parietal cav. milli parietal og visceral layer (of serous p.card)
m ca 10-20 ml serous fluid.
Encloses heart. Consists of–>
A) fibr. pericardium, that is conn w:
-sternum (sternopericardiac ligg)
-diaphragm (pericardiophrenic ligg)
-tracheal bifurcation (bronchopericadiac membrane)
**it’s also att. to the large vessels and covers their rooots
B) serous pericardium:
úr 2 lögum
1) parietal layer, conn to fibrous pericardium
2) visceral layer, epicardium (covers heart)
*Parietal layer of serous pericardium transitions to visceral layer (epicardium) near the great vessels —>
forming reflections/folds
*Parietal cav. milli parietal og visceral layer (of serous p.card)
m ca 10-20 ml serous fluid.
pericardium, supply
blood supply:
-br of internal thoracic artery
-pericardiophrenic artery
-musculophrenic artery
-desc. aorta
–venous blood drained into azygous vein
NS: sensory fibers of vagus n and phrenic n
-autonomic fibers from symp.trunk surr the vessels.
Chordae tendinae
-Fibr. strings
-conn. free margin of cusps to papillary mm. in ventricles
-prevent cusps from prolapse back to atrium
during systole of ventricles
Aortic and pulmonary trunk valves
-formed by semilunar valvules
-each semilunar valvule has lunula + nodulus
–> forming sinus
*pulm.trunk valve (anterior, right+left valvules)
*aortic valve (posterior, right+left valvules)
**Heart sounds=
‘‘lub’’ recoil of blood against closed AV valve
‘‘dub’’ recoil of blood against closed semilunar valves
(heart murmur, defective valves cause hissing sound when blood squirts backwards thru valve)
dæmi um valvular diseases
1) Insufficiency-incompetence of valve:
-cusps or valvules do not close completely, so blood leaks backwards across valve
2) Stenosis of valve:
-tissues that form the cusps or valvules verða stiffer
–> narrows valve opening og reduces amount of blood
that flows through
right atrium
*dorsal part: sinus venarum—>
m orifice of SVC og IVC (valve of IVC functional in fetal circul.)
og coronary sinus orifice (coronary sinus valve)
*Septal wall-interatrial septum
-in lower part, fossa ovalis, bordered by limbus fossae ovalis)
in fetal circulation it was foramen ovale, milli atrias
*Musculi Pectinati; mest visible in auricle
right ventricle - semilunar shape in transverse section
1) inflowing tract:
inflowing right AV orifice, lokað af tricuspid valve
-myocardium forms papillary muscles (ant, post og septal).
+ trabeculae carneae (irregular muscular columns)
2) outflowing tract:
conus arteriosus, smoot surf
-orifice of pulm.trunk, closed by pulm trunk valve
Left atrium
4 orifices of pulm.veins in dorsal part.
-musculi pectinati: in ventral p + auricle
Left ventricle - circular/oval shape in transv. section
inflowing tract, myocardium forms papillary mm (ant og post)
og trabeculae carneae
outflowing tract - aortic vestibule
-smooth surf
aortic orifice, outflowing orifice closed by aortic valve
**valvules form aortic sinuses
–> from right+left aortic sinuses, coronary arteries arise