GI tract histo Flashcards
Hollow organs of GIT have identical fundamental structure
–> 4 layers + diff. nr of sublayers
- Ant. region has lingual papillae
- Dorsal surf (behind sulcus terminalis) er w.out papillae
- Root has lingual tonsils
Tongue, basic structure
- It is a mass of striated muscle, cov by mucous membrane
- Mucous membr, smooth on lower surf
- Muscle fibers arranged í three interweaving planes (longitudinal, vertical og transversal)
- Submucosa on lower surface
- Dorsal surface has no submucosa
Tongue, basic structure
- It is a mass of striated muscle, cov by mucous membrane
- Mucous membr, smooth on lower surf
- Muscle fibers arranged í three interweaving planes (longitudinal, vertical og transversal)
- Submucosa on lower surface
- Dorsal surface has no submucosa
Lingual papillae
-Dorsal surf on anterior body has papillae (formed by lamina propria/muc.membrane)
- Filiform papillae;
- most numerous (tall, narrowed)
- cov w stratified sq keratinized epith
- engir taste buds - Fungiform papillae
- narrow stalk
- scattered taste buds
- stratified sq nonkeratinized - Circumvallate papillae
- largest ones
- in front of sulcus terminalis
- each papilla surr. by circular furrow, lined w stratified sq epithelium
- with taste buds - Foliate papillae
- rudimentary in humans
- along posterolateral sides
Taste buds
Intraepithelial taste receptors
-at their base; sensory - neuroepith.cells, synapse w fibers of afferent neurons
- supporting cells: elongated, apical surf w microvilli
- basal stem cells; small cells, near basal lamina
General structure of GIT
1) Tunica mucosa:
- Lamina epithelialis
- Lamina propria mucosa
- Lamina muscularis mucosa
2)Tunica submucosa
3) Tunica muscularis externa
- stratum circulares
- stratum longitudinalis
4)Tunica adventitia/serosa
Tunica mucosa: Lamina epithelialis
- absorption, secretion, protection og barrier against pathogens
- stratified sq. non-keratinized epithelium vs simple columnar epith.
Tunica mucosa: Lamina propria
Loose CT beneath the epithelium
- rich blood + lymph. circulation
- immune cells: plasma cells, macrophages and lymphoid cells
- *MALT hér
- isolated lymphocytes
- aggregates of l.cytes in terminal ileum-PREYERS PATCHES(GALT)
Tunica mucosa: Lamina muscularis mucosa
Few layers of smooth muscle cells beneath Lamina propria
-Natural frontier milli mucosa og submucosa
Enteric nervous system
Gut innervated w its own intrinsic nerve supply;
- nerve fibers
- clusters of nerve cells-peripheral ganglion cells
- glial cells
- ->located across all layers of GIT tube, en mest í MUSCULARIS EXTERNA OG SUBMUCOSA
- Muscularis externa:
- larger myenteric auerbach plx (regulates smooth m contraction, peristalsis, GIT motility)
- Submucosa;
- smaller submucosal meissner plx (regulates mostly glandular secretions, local blood flow)
Tunica submucosa
Loose CT
*Blood + lymph. vessels
- might contain glands:
a) muc.glands í esophagus. b)Brunner glands í duodenum
*Meissner submucosal autonomic nervous plx
Tunica muscularis externa
*skeletal muscle; esophagus og external anal sphincter
- smooth muscle;
a) stratum circular(internal) b)stratum longitud.(external)
*Ventriculus(stomach): 3 muscle layers, fibrae oblique innermost layer
Tunica muscularis externa frh
myenteric auerbach plx:
*Cajal interstitial cells (pacemakers), fyrir complex motility, peristalsis, secretions, transcellular transport, regeneration
–> Together w submucosal meissner plx = autonomic enteric nervous system (neurotransmitters)
Tunica adventitia/Serosa
1)Serosa: Thin layer of CT, cov w mesothelium
2) Adventitia; Thick layer of CT, carrying blood vessels, lymphatic innervation, without outer cover
- Fibers anchor the organ into its outer surroundings
- Tunica mucosa:
- Lamina epithelialis, stratified sq. non-keratinized
- Lamina propria, loose CT. near stomach eru esoph.mucinus glands
- Lamina muscularis: one layer, longitudinal muscle cells
- Tunica muscularis externa:
- stratum circulare (inner)
- stratum longitudinale (outer)
- Upper third esophagus=skeletal muscle
- Middle esophagus=both skel/smooth m
- Lower third=only smooth muscle
- Tunica adventita/serosa:
- loose CT. Only intraperitoneal p. of esophagus has serosa w mesothelium.
- Digestion proteins, triglicerides
- forms chyme
- prod. HCL, intrinsic factor and gastric lipase
- prod. hormones (td gastrin, ghrelin)
-Wall consists of: Tunica mucosa Tunica submucosa Tunica muscularis externa Tunica serosa
Layers stomach
1) Tunica mucosa:
* Lamina epithelialis: simple columnar epithelium: secretes alkaline mucous
- epithelium of stomach invaginates into lamina propria=Gastric pits
- Lamina propria: loose CT w fibroblasts, plasma cells, mast cells, lymphocytes and blood vessels
- occupied by tubular glands (ext from base of gastric pits and reach lamina muscularis mucosa
*Lamina muscularis mucosa: one layer smooth muscle
2) Tunica muscularis externa:
- Innermost oblique layer: in cardiac region
- Middle circular layer: in pyloric region (forms pyloric spchinter)
- Outer longitudinal: smá evident hjá pylorus
Glands of stomach
1)cardiac glands 2)gastric glands proper 3)pyloric glands
Glands of stomach
1)Chief cells: columnar or pyramidal cells. Basophilic cytoplasm, nuclei near base, apical part w secretory granules w inactive pepsinogen enzyme and gastric lipase.
2) Parietal cells: Largest. Rounded or pyramidal cells. Spherical nucleus centrally, eosinophilic cytoplasm.
* Apical plasma membrane w invagination–>Intracellular canaliculi
* They produce Gastric Intrinsic factor og HCL
3)Mucous neck cells: Irregular/cuboidal/columnar. Nucleus near base. *prod mucous
4) Stem-Regenerative cells: Low columnar cells, oval nuclei.
* High rate of mitosis
5) Enteroendocrine DNES cells:
* Diffuse neuroendocrine system cells/D-cells: Somatostatin
* G-cells: Gastrin
* Enterochromaffin cells/EC-cells: Serotonin, Histamin
Small intestine: absorption surface
1) Plicae Circulares: Transverse folds of mucosa + submucosa
* Most developed in Jejunum
2) Vili: 0.5-1.5 mm. Long finger-like proj. of Lamina Propria into lumen
3) Microvilli: Modified apical plasmalemma of enterocytes covering intestinal villi
4)Crypts of Lieberkuhn:
*Simple tubular intestinal glands: Invagination of Lamina Epithelia into Lamina Propria
-cov by simple columnar epithelium, Goblet cells, Paneth cells(granulated epith. cells that secrete antimicrobial peptides/proteins t.d lysozyme, alpha-defensins and phospholipase A2),
Regenerative cells and enteroendocrine cells
Small intestine
Tunica mucosa:
- Lamina epithelialis: Simple columnar epith
- Absorptive cells(enterocytes), Goblet cells, Stem cells, Paneth cells, Enteroendocrine DNES cells, M-cells(take up intestinal microbial antigens->deliver them to GALT for immune rspns.)
- Lamina Propria: forming core of vilus. Here are also intestinal glands (crypts of lieberkuhn)
- Lamina propria and submucosa in ileum PEYERS PATCHES(L.nodules)
- Tunica Submucosa: dense irregular CT
- In duodenum, duodenal glands (Brunners glands)