Lumbar plx Flashcards
lumbar plx
from union of ventral rami T12-L4 spinal nerves
1) iliohypogastric n (laterally from psoas major)
2) ilioinguinal n (laterally from psoas major)
3) genitofemoral n (ventrally from psoas major)
4) lateral cut. femoral (lateral from psoas major)
5) femoral n (laterally from psoas major)
6) obturator n (medially from psoas major)
1) Iliohypogastric nerve
-runs laterally from psoas major, below subcostal nerve
-passes milli muscles of abd wall og along iliac crest to get to subq tissue
*motor: Transversus abdominis og obliquus abdominis internus
Ant.cut ramus (round superficial inguinal ring), pubic region
Lateral.cut ramus: lateral gluteal reg
Ilioinguinal nerve
runs laterally from psoas major, below iliohypogastric n.
passes thru mm of abd.wall and thru inguinal canal
enters subq tissue around ext. genital organs
*motor: Transversus abdominis og Obliquus abd. internus
-skin, medially from inguinal ligg
-skin, ext.genital organs (scrotum, penis, labia majora) –>
ant.scrotal/ant.labial nn
Genitofemoral n
Pierces thru psoas major–>
-Femoral ramus passes under inguinal ligg, thru lacuna vasorum, to subq tissue above fem.triangle
-Genital ramus, thru inguinal canal to ext.genital organs
*Femoral br: sensory, skin over fem.triangle
*Genital br:
motor-cremaster m
sensory-skin (scrotum,labia majora)
Lateral cut. femoral n
runs laterally from psoas major, across iliac fossa and
under inguinal ligg, thru lacuna musculorum, to reach
lateral thigh subq tissue.
*sensory: skin lateral thigh
Femoral nerve
laterally from psoas major, across iliac fossa (below lateral cut. femoral n). Below inguinal ligg, thru lacuna musculorum to
fem.triangle. (located lateral to femoral artery in triangle)
*Motor: iliopsoas, sartorius, pectineus og quadriceps femoris
*Sensory: anterior cut. rr: skin on anterior thigh
OG saphenous nerve er branch frá femoral nerve
Saphenous nerve
-starts in femoral triangle og enters adductor canal
(accompanied by femoral a+v)
cont. subq on medial side knee (acc. by gr saphenous vein).
-In distal adductor canal–>Infrapatellar br(for skin genual joint)
*Sensory: skin medial leg, skin medial dorsum
Obturator nerve
-medially from psoas major
-thru obturator canal (under sup.ramus pubic bone)
-leaves obturator canal under adductor brevis
*motor: mm of medial gr
*sensory: skin medial thigh