lymphatic system (anatomy) Flashcards
L. system
1) L. capillaries
2) collecting vessels
3) L.nodes
4) L.organs resembling l.nodes (tonsills, l.nodules)
5) spleen
6) thymus
l.vessels and l.nodes
L.vessels: collect lymph to the large blood streams(brachiocephalic veins)
L.nodes: L.cytes, filter lymph.
L.vessels of upper limb + adjoining p of trunk
L.vessels of upper limb drain lymph into axillary l.nodes
-Divided into 1)spf and 2)deep l.vessels
1)SPF lymph vessels og 2)DEEP lymph vessels
1) SPF lymph vessels;
- Begin in digital plxuses. -Accompany spf veins
a) Lateral gr. of lymph vessels (asc. along cephalic vein)
b) Medial gr. of lymph vessels (accompanies basilic vein)
c) Anterior gr. (asc in midline of forearm)
2) DEEP lymph vessels;
- Accompany Brachial artery + all its branches
Axillary lymph nodes
Drain lymph from;
- free upper limb.
- skin of supraumblical p. of trunk(abdomen,thorax,back), including mammary gland.
- muscles conn. upper limb to trunk.
- Axillary l. nodes, divided into SPF + DEEP nodes–>
1) SPF ax. nodes; Fá lymph frá SPF lymph vessels. Eru drained into deep axillary nodes
2) Deep ax. nodes; Fá lymph frá SPF axillary l.nodes og frá DEEP lymph vessels.
*DEEP ax. lymph nodes skiptast í 5 hópa
DEEP ax. lymph nodes 5 subdivision
1) Brachial (humeral, lateral) gr.
- gets lymph from free upper limb, drained by deep+spf l.vessels
2) Pectoral (anterior) gr.
- nálægt inf. margin of Pectoralis minor m.
- gets lymph vessels from supraumblical p. of trunk (anterior + lateral surfaces), including mammary gland
3) Subscapular (posterior) gr
- hjá subscapular vessels
- drains lymph from inf. surf of back of neck
- og from dorsal side of trunk, up to iliac crest
4) Central gr.
- hjá upper margin Pectoralis minor m.
- gets lymph from fyrri þremur gr.
5) Apical gr (infraclavicular) gr.
- surrounds Axillary vein in upper p. of axillary fossa.
- gets l.vessels arising from central gr. nodes ásamt lymph from other lymph nodes + from mammary gland
–>Efferent vessels arising from Apical axillary lymph nodes, join to form Subclavian Trunk
- Right Subclav. Trunk opens into right Brachiocephalic vein(angulus venosus)
- Left Subclavian Trunk terminates in Thoracic Duct, sem opnast inní left Brachiocephalic vein(right angulus venosus)
Lymph drainage from lower limbs + adj p. of trunk
is drained into inguinal l. nodes
*Lymph vessels of free lower limb skipt í SPF gr og DEEP gr
Lymph vessels of free lower limb (spf and deep)
1) SPF l. vessels (accompany saphenous vein):
a) Medial gr;
- asc. along gr. saphenous vein
- terminates in SPF inguinal nodes
b) Lateral gr;
- asc. along lateral side of lower limb
- terminates in SPF inguinal nodes
c) Posterior gr;
- asc. along small saphenous vein
- terminates partly in popliteal nodes, partly in SPF inguinal nodes
2) DEEP l. vessels
- accompany femoral artery + its branches
* popliteal l.nodes, placed around popliteal artery
Lymph vessels of free lower limb (spf and deep)
1) SPF l. vessels (accompany saphenous vein):
a) Medial gr;
- asc. along gr. saphenous vein
- terminates in SPF inguinal nodes
b) Lateral gr;
- asc. along lateral side of lower limb
- terminates in SPF inguinal nodes
c) Posterior gr;
- asc. along small saphenous vein
- terminates partly in popliteal nodes, partly in SPF inguinal nodes
2) DEEP l. vessels
- accompany femoral artery + its branches
* popliteal l.nodes, placed around popliteal artery
Inguinal lymph nodes (spf og deep)
1) SPF inguinal l.nodes, get lymph from;
- free lower limb (spf structures skin, subQ tissue)
- gluteal reg
- infraumblical p. of anterior + lateral abd. wall (skin, subQ tissue)
- external genital organs
- uterus!
- lower p. of anal canal
- -> Lymph from SPF inguinal l.nodes, drained into external iliac l.nodes og into deep inguinal l.nodes
2) DEEP inguinal l.nodes
- hjá femoral vessels in femoral triangle near inguinal ligg.
- get lymph from deep l.vessels of lower limb(accompanying blood vessels) and from uterus
*Efferent l.vessels arising from DEEP l.nodes, terminate in external iliac l.nodes
- L.organ + endocrine gland
- Helstu hl.verk; diff. of l.cytes into different classes, prod. of various hormones that regulate l.cyte prod + diff. og activities in thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissue.*
- Size varies w age (stærstur um puberty, atrophy með age og replacement by fat)
- In childhood: pink-grey color, lobulated, right/left lobes conn by fibroareolar tissue.
Thymus relations and supply
-In anterior mediastinum, extends into neck. In children it may reach lower p. of thyroid gland.
- anteriorly; sternum + costal cartilages, infrahyoid muscles
- posteriorly; heart in pericardium, brachiocep.veins, SVC, aortic arch+branches og trachea
- laterally; pleura og lungs
Blood supply;
Arteries–> Thymic br. of inf thyroid artery and internal thoracic artery
Veins–> Drained into inf. thyroid, brachiocephalic og internal thoracic veins
Nerve supply; Cervicothoracic ganglion(sympathetic)
og Vagus N(parasympathetic fibers)
- In left hypochondriac reg.
- milli gastric fundus and diaphragm
- long axis lies in plane of 10th rib
- irregularly ovoid. 12cm long, 3-4cm thick, 7cm wide
- með diaphragm. og visceral surf
- has sup+inf margins og ant+post extremities.
*main functions; Phagocytosis Immune responses due to l.cytes Blood storage Cytopoiesis (hemopoiesis and lymphopoiesis)
SPLEEN relations and supply
diaphr. surf: diaphragm seperates it from pleural cavity(costodiaphragmatic recess)
visceral surf;
- stomach (gastric impression)
- left kidney (renal impression)
- pancreas (pancreatic impression)
- left colic flexure (colic impression)
- Hilum of spleen: splenic A + V enter spleen
- Intraperitoneal (develops in posterior mezogastrium-gr.omentum)
- conn to stomach + left kidney by gastrosplenic and gastrorenal ligg.
*accessory spleens–> in gastrosplenic lig + gr.omentum
Blood supply:
- Splenic artery (of coeliac artery)
- Splenic vein (of portal vein)
Nerve supply; abdominal autonomic plx
L.drainage of head and neck (superficial)
L.drainage of SPF tissues of head + neck—>
-most l.vessels accompany br of ext.carotid artery and corresponding veins. And they terminate in small groups of l.nodes:
1) Occipital nodes (along occipital vessels)
2) Retroauricular nodes (along posterior auricular vessels)
3) Parotid nodes (near parotid gland+temporal spf vessels)
4) Buccal nodes (along facial vessels)
5) Submandibular nodes (around facial vessels in digastric triangle)
..Submandibular nodes receive afferents from Buccal og Parotid nodes, also lymph from oral cav (tongue, teeth) + nasal cav (ventral part).
6) ))Anterior cervical nodes (along ant. jugular vein)
7) ))Superficial cervical nodes (along ext. jugular vein)
- ->Represent outlying nodes of Deep cervical l.nodes