upper limb Flashcards
anterior axio-appendicular muscles
pectoralis major & minor, serratus anterior, subclavian
pectoralis major
prime mover of arm flexion, adduction, medial rotation of humerus
pectoralis minor
stabilizes the scapula by drawing it anteriorly & inferiorly against thoracic wall
serratus anterior
protracts & rotates scapula
helps stabilize & depress pectoral girdle
anterior arm compartment
biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, brachialis
biceps brachii
O: short head, coracoid process of scapula; long head, supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
I: tuberosity of radius
A: supinates & flexes forearm
I: musculocutaneous nerve
O: coracoid process of scapula
I: medial surface of humerus
A: helps flex & adduct arm
I: musculocutaneous nerve
O: distal half of humerus
I: coronoid process & tuberosity of ulna
A: flexes forearm in all positions
I: musculocutaneous nerve
posterior arm compartment
triceps brachii
coracoid process
attachment site for biceps brachii, pectoralis minor, and coracobrachialis muscles
stabilizing bone of forearm, has olecranon process for articulation with humerus, coronoid process, and styloid process
lateral & shorter bone, has head, tuberosity and styloid process at distal end
proximal radioulnar joint
pivot joint allows rotation of head of radius on ulna during pronation & supination
distal radioulnar joint
pivot joint allows rotation of the radius about the ulna during pronation & supination
anterior compartment 1
superficial layer- pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmares longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
anterior compartment 2
flexor digitorum superficialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus & superior half of radius
I: middle phalanges
F: flexes middle phalanges 2-5 at proximal interphalangeal joints & flexes the proximal phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joints
I: median nerve
anterior compartment 3
deep layer- flexor digitorum profundus, flexor policies longs, pronator quadratus
carpal tunnel
formed from flexor retinaculum ligament running from the hamate and pisiform bones medially to the scaphoid bone and trapezium bones of wrist
carpal tunnel syndrome
weakness in digits 1-4 as a result of compression of the median nerve.
thenar and hypothenar muscles
abduct, flex, oppose thumb & 5th digit; innervation- median nerve (thenar group) ulnar nerve (hypothenar group)
thyrocervical trunk
stems from subclavian artery, gives off cervicodorsal trunk (2 branches: suprascapular & dorsal scapular arteries)
radial artery
supplies muscles of lateral aspects of anterior & posterior forearm compartments and forms the deep palmar arch
ulnar artery
supplies muscles of medial side of forearm (flexors & pronators) and forms superficial palmar arch
cephalic vein
superficial vein of prefixal compartment of upper limb; continues deep at the delopectoral triangle to drain into axillary vein
basilic vein
postaxial compartment; dives deep in the arm to join the deep veins
median cubital vein
superficial link between cephalic & basilic veins; crosses cubital fossa