skull Flashcards
skull =
cranium + mandible
what are the two parts of the cranium?
neurocranium & viscerocranium
cranial vault, bony covering of brain containing cranial nerves
what are the two parts of the neurocranium?
calvarium (skull cap) & basicranium (cranial base)
what bones form the neurocranium?
4 unpaired: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital
2 paired: parietals, temporals
immovable, fibrous joints, very strong joints that hold the bones together
bones of the facial skeleton
what are the bones that make up the viscerocranium?
3 unpaired: mandible, ethmoid, vomer
6 paired: maxillae, inferior nasal conchae, zygomatics, palatines, nasals, lacrimals
frontal bone
forms forehead, roofs the orbits, superciliary arches (eyebrows), contains frontal paranasal sinuses
parietal bones and sutures
parietal bones articulate with other cranial bones
coronal suture- meets frontal bone
squamous suture- meets temporal bone
sagittal suture- meet superiorly in midline
lamboid suture- meet occipital bone
sutural bones
develop between major cranial bones during fetal period & persist through life, irregular in shape, size, location
occipital bone
forms posterior portion of cranium & cranial base, articulates with temporal and parietal bones, foramen magnum located at base
nuchal lines
anchor muscles of neck and back, occipital bone feature
temporal bones
houses ear, inferior to parietal bones
sphenoid bone
between bones of cranial vault and bones of face, spans width of cranial floor, greater wings, lesser wings, pytergoid processes
ethmoid bone
light & spongy bone between nasal and sphenoid bones
body- anchors lower teeth and forms chin
rami- project superolaterally from body
coronoid process- insertion for temporalis
mandibular condyle- articulates with temporal bone to form TMJ
maxillary bones
forms upper jaw and central part of facial skeleton, contains maxillary sinuses (largest paranasal air sinuses)
zygomatic bones
form lateral wall of orbits and prominences of cheeks
nasal bones
form bridge of nose
lacrimal bones
delicate bones in medial orbital walls
palatine bones
posterior to maxillae and complete the posterior part of hard palate
slender bone in nasal cavity forming inferior part of nasal septum
inferior nasal conchae
thin, curved bones that project medially from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
smaller cavities contained in the skull
middle & inner ear
air-filled sinuses
passage of nerves and blood vessels between cavities
allow for skull compression during childbirth and brain expansion during postnatal growth
immovable, cartilaginous joints between bones of skull base