Units 9-10 Flashcards
Political and economic factors which existed after Versailles
New map of Europe (lots of change), Political Experiments (Czechoslovakia, USSR, Yugoslavia,Italy, Britain and France), Huge Casualties=lack of producers and consumers, Immigration away from Europe, Europe is no longer a creditor, rebuilding infrastructure of countries, USSR withdraws from global economy, lack of colonies
Countries discontent with and demAnded a revision of Versailles
Germany- humiliated, couldn’t pay the reperation payments
Slavs and other ethnic groups- wanted self determination
Minorities- boundaries drawn with them outside of their nations
Britain- felt it was immoral
France- felt it was not harsh enough
Factors which pulled Europe into a Great Depression
- Lack of Production and Consumption
- Failure of government policy
- Lack of strong leadership
the French Occupation of the Ruhr
Janurary 1923, mining in the Ruhr, Germany was keeping the money made in the Ruhr in hopes of achieving a stable economy which made France angry so they marched and took the Ruhr, Weimar Republic tells workers to go on strike and they’ll continue to pay them= unemployment and inflation, catalyst for Great Depression and caused other countries to ease up on reparation payments
The Lausanne Conference
countries met in Switzerland and agree to abolish the “era of reparation payments”, huge relief to countries but France greatly opposed it, symbolic to later meeting place of League of Nations= Geneva
Causes and effects of the lack of production and distribution of commodities in the interwar years
less demand for European goods and greater for American goods, agriculture prices dropped but Industrial products up=good for consumer but bad for farmers, unemployment , bread lines+ job lines, did not effect France due to their independent nature and dependency on Germany
British Response to the Great Depression
Labour Party was established as a party between liberals and conservatives, National Government is created collation of Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties (1931-1935)
French Response to the Great Depression
The Popular Front(1936) which revamped the government, more left wings then right wings, liberal reforms: 40 hour work week paid vacation and arbiters to settle employment disputes, didn’t solve a lot o things, inefficient
Irish Independence
Easter Rising (1916): Dublin, suppressed by troops and publicly executed leaders, media coverage= everyone knows
Sinn Fein: 75-78/105 members of Parliament were Irish republican nationalists refuse to sit in Parliament, break away to form their own government
Irish War of Independence: IRA v. British army, Ireland wins, Anglo- Irish treaty= Autonomy in 1922, completely free in 1949
Significance of the USSR in post WWI Europe
most important movement, creation of the communist state (USSR), affected a lot of events like the Vietnam War, Red scare, Afghanistan in 1979 etc.
Causes and Effects of War Communism
Russian Civil War (1917-1922), Red Army v. White Army, Red wins ( Bolsheviks), led to them setting up an authoritarian regime: Cheka (secret police), reactionary, centralized, confiscated everything, unifying, attempt of ensuring that communism survives, like Levee en Masse
riots broke out due to the hollow promises made in Peace, Land, Bread= The NEP allowed some private enterprises, contradicted communism beliefs, banking, transportation, industry, international commerce were controlled by the government but everything else was allowed to be private (capitalism), fruitful for a short time but in the long run it was ineffective, lack of consumer goods
Facts about the Third International
The Comintern , USSR needed and wanted Communism to spread around the world, 21 conditions that every socialist party had to sign, had to give up their name, swear loyalty to USSR, Very extreme so not a lot of parties agreed to it, divided communism more then it united it
How Poland came to exist again on the Map of Europe
it was restored in 1919 with the Treaty of Paris, Germany, Austria, Russia gave land to the creation of Poland
Dictatorship of South Eastern Europe
King Alexander I- Yugoslavia
King Carol II- Romania
King Boris II- Bulgaria
King George II- Greece
Justified their reign by quieting nationalistic pressures and preventing radical groups from taking over
Facts about the power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin
Trotsky was a pure Marxist, wanted to collectivize agriculture, Industry, International Revolution, classless utopian society was end goal
Stalin was more conservative, understood the inner workings of the party, wanted to keep NEP, slow industry, no collectivization of agriculture, socialism in one country
Stalin won and eventually Trotsky ends up hiding in Mexico where he was assassinated
Facts about the 5 year plans
Rapid Industrialization, The Gosplan, wanted to outproduce the capitalist countries in the world, successful in short term but not in long term, too may capital goods and not enough consumer goods, Stakhanov is is face of 5 year plans, workers had to achieve quotas, 1920-1946 400% increase in Industry at the price of huge social and human costs
Facts about Collectivization of Agriculture
consumer products cost more due to the less workers so farmers hoard food, Stalin points blame to Kulaks or the upper tier of peasant farmers therefore he convinces other peasants to confiscate the Kulak’s land, replaced private farms, 1930 stopped and started in 1937 and tried to wipe out Christianity
Stalin’s Purges
began December 1, 1934, Stalin ordered the assassination of party member secretly and used it as justification to execute his rivals, mostly old Bolsheviks, show trials that use people as examples , People admit to crimes with the threat of torture, millions are killed
Facts and Characteristics about Facism
Right wing dictatorships that arose in Europe between the wars, antidemocratic, antimarxist, antiparliamentary, frequently antisemitic, hold back Bolshevism, tried to make world safe for middle class, small businesses, owners of small property, small farmers, politics sacrificed national honor and and greatness, militaristic, strength through unity, one single heroic leader, Fasces
Facts about Mussolini
believed in state over individual (Rousseau), son of blacksmith (meager upbringing), teacher and Day Laborer, editor of Socialist newspaper but with WWI his nationalism conquered his socialism, resents Paris Peace conference, Bands of combat, The Blackshirts
March on Rome (Oct. 22-29, 1922)
King Victor Emmanuel III was a weak ruler, marched for seven days from Milan to Papal States with no clear agenda but to gain support, King appeases to Blackshirts and invites Mussolini to be Prime Minister due to his fear of a civil war, led to him coming to power legally in November 1923
The Lateran Accord of 1929
Makes peace with Catholic church, new state= Vatican City which is a micro state that the Pope leads, gives land back to Catholic church and exempts them from taxes, control over marriage, results in Mussolini, gaining the support of Catholic Spanish people
Fascist Economics
wanted to achieve a self maintained economy that was stable, established a public workers program, encouraged agriculture, instituted corporation which is a combination of socialist and laissez-faire economics, very similar to NEP because it allowed private businesses and farms but government managed everything else
The Role of Women in Fascist Italy
very Rousseau like ideas in which they believed that women belonged at home in seperate gender roles from men, believed it was a women’s job to bring up children that were loyal to Fascist Italy, if women did have jobs they were were low-skilled with low wages
Facts about the Weimar Republic and Constitution
not a lot of support, Friedrich Ebert was the first president, named Weimar after city constitution was drafted in, constitution was enlightened but flawed: universal voting, freedom of speech and press, elected officials, chancellor is chosen by President, easy for small parties to rise to power which caused division in Reichstag, rule by decree
Reasons and examples for the lack of popular support of the Weimar Republic
people felt it wasn’t their government but led by liberals, resented Treaty of Versailles and the people in charge who had betrayed them, Kapp Putsch led by right-winged people, Ruhr uprising led by left-winged people, no popular support by either group
partly is caused by occupation of the Ruhr and many people were paid for doing no work, and the huge reperation payments (132 billion deutschmarks)
1914- one american dollar = four deutschmarks
1921- one american dollar= sixty four deutschmarks
1923- one american dollar= eight hundred deutschmarks
caused instability and allowed Hitler to come to power
Facts about Hitler’s early career
Born in Austria, son of a customs official, wanted to be an artist but was denied by schools, painted postcards, in Vienna he was exposed to nationalism and extreme racial prejudices, fought in WWI and was a corporal and won Iron Cross, settles in Munich and is exposed to Nazi party, Beer Hall Putsch was an attempt to overthrow the local government of Munich failed and sixteen Nazis were killed, Hitler was arrested and sent to Jail for 5 years= Mein Kampf
Facts about the Nazis
national socialist workers party, Swastika was adopted which meant unity and love, 25 points: believed in the unification of the German people, resented the Treaty of Versailles and the extreme discrimination of Jews, wanted to expel Jews from citizen life in Germany, Brownshirts led by Ernst Rohm
Similarities between Mussolini and Hitler
rose to power legally, opportunists, both came from lower middle class backgrounds, anti-semitists, right-wing conservatives, anti-communist, nationalism over political ideals, Blackshirts and Brownshirts, both fought in World War I
Mein Kampf
written by Adolf Hitler whilst he was in prison, my struggle, written about his path towards power, discussed antisemitism and extermination of Jews, wants to achieve Lebensraum or living room for the German people, territorial conquest of other Slavic countries, common enemy is Bolsheviks
Impact of Gustav Stressemann
only was Chancellor for a few months, bold moves to restructure the republic, especially economically which raised public confidence, instituted new currency Rentemarks which brought stability, as foreign minister he lowered the annual reparation payments under the Daues Plan and it became a variable plan
The Locarno Agreements
relaxed demands of Germany, made permanent western border, France withdrew from Rhineland, Germany gets membership in League of Nations which led to a feeling of optimism or Spirit of Locarno until Stock Market Crash
How the Nazis came to Power within the Reichstag
Conservatives and Liberals were divided which allowed for small parties like the Nazi party to rise to Power, Chancellor Bruning allows Nazi party to meet after it was banned
Unemployment and the Depression= people put trust in radical parties
How Hitler became the Chancellor (Jan. 1933)
Hitler refused to be apart of the government unless he was Chancellor and the current chancellor at the time wanted to form a coalition without Hitler and rule by decree but Hindenburg says no so he resigns and Hindenburg decides to pick a Chancellor based upon the party majority in the Reichstag= Nazis- Hitler
Ways in which Hitler consolidated power
- Gaining legal authority- Reichstag fire
- Eliminate Opposition- Nazi majority in Reichstag, enabling act
- Eliminate Party Opposition- Night of Long Knives
Phases of Nazi AntSemitism
- Exclusion
- Racial Legislation
- Final Solution
Roles of women in Nazi Germany
Childbearing- Aryan Race was supposed to reproduce, people not fit were sterilized, abortion, killed
Natural Laborers- teachers, secretaries, nurses and domestic servants
Educators- Raise Children loyal to Germany and the Nazi party
Consumers- Dont buy foreign products, only German product s
Nazi economic policy
The Labor Front- Strength through joy, paid vacation, people must put everything into work, suspend civil liberties
4 year plan- Herman Goring, Bring Germany to a state ready for war,lead to WWII in 1939
Facts or Events that led to World War II
World War, Great Depression, Treaty of Versailles, Hitler and Nazis
Examples of how the League of Nations failed
Manchurian Crisis, Japan invades and conquers it, League of Nations reprimand but since it has no authority Japan continues to conquer land withdraws from League of Nations
German Rearmament- League of Nations condemns Germany and Hitler but didn’t stop it
Stresa Front- France, Italy, Britain
Anglo-German Naval Agreement- Germanycould build naval up to 35% of Britain’s Navy
Results of Italy’s attack on Ethiopia
League of Nations issue economic sanctions in the form of an embargo on weapons imported and exported which didn’t work, should have put an embargo on oil and gas but worried that another would break out and Hitler and Mussolini would form an alliance
Consequences of Germany’s invasion of the Rhineland
League of Nations appeased Germany allowing for it to continue conquering land and breaking rules established in the Treaty of Versailles, broke down the buffer zone
Facts about the Spanish Civil War
July 1936-April 1939, General Francisco Franco lead resistance, set ideological battle lines for WWII, led to Anti-Communism pact that was very right-winged and against communism (Italy, Germany, Japan were apart of), Fascists won and Republicans fall from power, dress rehearsal for WWII, Bands
German Aggression of Austria and Czechoslovakia
Hitler mobilizes troops to northern border and Mussolini mobilizes troops to the southern border and with the Spanish civil war Hitler and Mussolini came together which led to Hitler annexing Austria and ends Treaty of Versailles permanently in 1938 (Anschluss), Hitler has his eyes on Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) because of all the German people that live there , Global community insists he stops but chamberlain meets with Hitler and let’s him take it because Hitler claims he will stop after claiming Czechoslovakia
The Munich Conference
September 29, 1938, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and some other outlying countries, Soviet Union isn’t there because communism, let Hitler take the Sudetenland because he claims that he will stop after attaining Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain believes him, March 1939 Prague is taken by Nazis leads to Franco-British-Polish Pact and says that if Poland is attacked France and Britain will intervene
Facts about Germany’s conquest of Europe through 1941
lightning war or blitzkreig, very effective and took countries by surprise, starting WWI by invading Poland, invaded Finland but Finnish put up a good fight, took a break during winter (Sitzkreig), Germany took Denmark and Norway, Hitler makes mistake in Dunkirk and Allies escape, 1940 Germany takes France: Franco-German armistice, Vichy Government
The Lend-Lease Act
1941, agreement between Britain and United States that the United States would lend resources to Britain to help them fight off the Nazis and Britain would leave the United States colonies for military bases
The Battle of Britain
Operation Sea Lion, Hitler knew it was impossible to win by attacking Britain by seas so they decide to attack southern England where a majority of Industry is in hopes of breaking the infrastructure of England down, August 1940, Royal air Force had radar which was very effective and caused them to begin attacking civilians which led to the London Blitz- 57 straight nights of bombardment, brought people together, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hitler lost
Operation Barbarossa
June 22, 1941, Hitler attacks Soviet Union and initially it’s a huge success and caught Stalin by surprise in the first 2 days 2,000 planes are lost, in just a few months 2.5/4.5 million soldiers are lost, out of only 15,000 700 tanks are left, Hitler’s mistake was putting a siege on Leningrad that lasted for three years and forced Hitler to divert troops to but Russia won
Factors that drew the US into the war
Japan began the conquest of Asia to kick Western powers out of Asia, “ Asia for Asians”, liberated but Japan wanted to have an empire and be world power Therefore the United States places an embargo on supplies that Japan needs for conquest, tensions rise and delegates are sent to DC when Hideki Tojo decides to bomb Pearl harbor on December 8,1941 so United States declares war on Japan and on December 11, 1941 Germany declares war on the US
Facts about the North African campaign
Battle at El Alamain, General Bearnard Montgomery sent desert fox into retreat in Morocco, commander of British-American pushed desert fox out so axis powers surrender which was the first major Nazi defeat which opened a door to the Mediterranean or Southern Front
The Italian Campaign
Operation Torch, Soft Underbelly of the Axis Powers, launch attack on Italy and people rise up leading to Mussolinni’s exile and eventual execution, Italy declares war on Germany showing they are no longer part of the axis powers and it forces Hitler to divert troops to Italy which weakens it
The Battle of Stalingrad
1942-43, German offensive to attempt to capture the city named after Stalin, a lot of street fighting which destroyed the city but Russians were victorious, even though they suffered one million causalities And Germany lost 800,000
Strategic Bombing
USA preferred precision bombing where they avoided civilians but instead go after military and infrastructure of country whereas Britain preferred area bombing in which they attack civilians in an attempt to defeat the moral of the people because that what Germany had done to them
June 6, 1914 opened up the western front and was the beginning of the end for the Germans, Operation Overlord, largest amphibious attack in history, 5,000 ships and 136,000 troops, led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, misguided the Germans by dropping bombs in northern Normandy, first dropped paratroopers, 12,000 casualties and 4,500 were killed
Chronology of major events of WWII
Germany takes Poland, Finland, Denmark, Norway then Benelux then France falls to Germany then the Battle of Britain next Germany trys to take USSR next Pearl Harbor which launched the US into the war and caused the north African campaign plus the Italian campaign , next the Battle of the Stalingrad and D-Day plus the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle of Berlin next the US bombs Nagasaki which caused the war to eventually end
The Costs of WWII
Mass Death- 40 million and only 15 were military
Mass Destruction
Mass Dislocation-many went to the US because the American Economy was booming
Holocaust Victims, Statistics, Explanations
targeted Jews, Gypsy, Gays, People with disabilities, communists, Slavs, Africans etc, put in ghettos then taken to Concentration camps in small train cars, First killed old then children, men and women were worked to death or exterminated, scientific experiments, interested in twins, scapegoats for Germany’s problems, propaganda, modern technology, and radical nationalism cause it to happen
Descriptions of the domestic fronts in Britain, France, Germany and the USSR
Britain- British were very supportive, Industry surpassed Germany, citizens were directly influenced by the blitz attacks, made a lot of sacrifices in lifestyle, BBC is propaganda, quality of life remains high
France- occupied by Germany, Church is part of government, helped Germans, resistance movements
Germany- Military Production, labor shortages, total mobilization, lots of propaganda
USSR- Germany occupied, Suffered, did not trust citizens
Preparations for Peace during and after WWII
Atlantic Charter- military alliance between Britain, Russia, America
Tehran- tensions between big three about second front, Japan, Germany
Yalta- War with Japan, Britain v. USSR, US wanted UN
Potsdam- Russia moved into Poland, German Occupation Zones, Council of Foreign Ministers, Terms with Japan (Russia and US)
The Iron Curtain
stated by Churchill in a speech in relation to the division between capitalism and communism in Europe
American Foreign policy after WWII
Truman Doctrine- President states that they are assisting Greece to keep Greece democratic in an effort to assist them in their struggle against communism
Marshal Plan- ERP, economic relief aid to Europe in an attempt to prevent communism from taking over, the prosperity boosts morale of the people, 13 billion was spent, contain in Russia and Eastern Europe
Stalinist policies imposed on Eastern European states
Cominform (1947), very similar to the cominterm, establishes puppet states to act as a buffer zone between eastern and western Europe, included Baltic States, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, each puppet party only had communist party+dictatorship+cooperate militarily+ collectivize agriculture+communist education+propaganda+no religion
Facts about Post-War division of Germany
not sure how to take care of Germany, agreed on joined allied control commission, 4 zones (Britain, Russia, French, US) and Berlin was also divided between each country west Germany was prosperous so Berlin was divided to prevent East Berlin from moving to the West, Berlin blockade led US airlifting supplys to east Germany
NATO and Warsaw Pact
NATO-1949, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, military defensive alliance against communism
Warsaw Pact- 1955, pact between USSR and puppet states in a defensive military alliance
Battle lines drawn between democracy and communism
Facts about the creation of Israel
announced in Balfar Declaration, due to western sympathies, Zionist Movement, Britain gave to UN, Jewish Homeland, Arabs were upset so Israeli War of Independence where the UN+US+Britain support the Jews so they won= Israel, US did it for oil interests surrogate war between US and USSR
The Korean War and The Cold War
Japan was in control of Korea but when they lost Korea was taken away from them and decided at the 38th parallel= north and south Korea, 1948 North Korea declares itself Independent= Democratic People’s Republic but is communist and South Korea calls itself The Republic of Korea, North Korea invades South Korea-US asks to stop them and UN approves- US pushes North Korea all the way to china who then pushes back and Armistice is created to settle boundaries and creates a demilitarized zone
Facts about the Khrushchev Era
Stalin’s successor, denounces Stalin, liberalized, tried to improve relations with the West in a peaceful coexistence, Three Crises- The Suez Crisis, Polish October, Hungarian Uprising,Cuban Missile Crisis, forced out of office in 1964, authoritarian, modest attempts at creating more consumer goods+ decentralize economic planning, removed restrictions on agriculture which worked a little, Berlin Wall, Sputnik
Examples of Late Cold War Conflicts
- U2 incident, Soviet Union shot down spy plane- Khrushchev demanded apology- Eisenhower accepted responsibility but did not apologize- refused to take part in Summit conference- Eisenhower’s trip to USSR was cancelled= tensions
- Berlin Wall, people from the east of Germany escaped to West Germany (embarrassing), erected concrete wall to separate
- Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962, Fidel Castro took over Cuba and made it communist (allies with Soviet Union) USSR stored missiles in Cuba, threat of nuclear war but eventually the threat was removed
Facts about the Brezhnev Era
Khrushchev’s successor, built up military,space, nuclear, world expansion, consumer goods, hard lined communism, lacked food (rationed), economic stagnation, did not allow communist countries to become liberalized, supported foreign policy that weakened the United States+supported their own interests, invaded Afghanistan (drained them for ten years), Poland became more liberal, Prague Spring, Brezhnev Doctrine (SALT talks)
Gorbachev’s reforms
Perestrokia- restructure Russian economy, increase standard of living, private ownership, free market= continued stagnation of Russian economy
Glasnot- openess of discussion+ criticize of Soviet Union, censorship was relzed, free expression, Dissidants were released from prison, Party congress with debates, elections were permitted, small minorities had more of a voice= this aspect Gorbachev had underestimated which would lead to the collapse
Key Factors that led to the collapse of USSR
Reunification of Communist Monopoly Boris Yeltsin Unrest in Soviet Republics Coup of 1991 1991 Commonwealth of States
The Fall of the Berlin Wall and its signifigance
autumn of 1989, demonstrations and Gorbachev had told eastern Germany that the USSR would not support them which led to the east German government resigning and in November ordering the opening of the Berlin Wall, symbolized collapse of communsim
WWII Dates
Spanish Civil War Dates
Cold War Dates
Korean War
Vietnam War
V-E Day
May 8, 1945
V-J Day
September 2, 1945
Israel Independence
Indian Independence
Irish Independence
Where were the Revolutions of 1989
Poland, Hungary, E.Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania
Major areas of colonial withdrawl
Dutch left East Indies
Belgium left Congo
Portugese left Mozambak and Angola
South Africa was no longer dominantly run by whites
Cause of Cold War
Truman, Atomic Age, going against agreements, USSR demanded heavy reparations of Germany, political ideologies