The Age of Enlightenment, Chapter 17 Flashcards
Two most important influences on Enlightenment
Issac Newton, John Locke
Uniqueness of Britain politically and socially leading up to Enlightenment
religious toleration, political sovereignty, effective courts, small army, less regulation
Britain’s influence on the Enlightenment
example of a society that benefited everyone with economic prosperity, political stability, loyal citizenry, more freedoms then other European countries,enlightenment writers contrasted Britain with other countries
Public Opinion
new social force, effect on political and social life of view that been circulated
Print Culture
Culture in which books, journals, newspapers and pamphlets achieve status of their own, increased sharply at this time, very valued, share ideas and information, more could read, moral + social instructions, being an author was an occupation, division in literary world
Voltaire’s views and literary works on Britain
religious toleration, against war, pessimistic about human condition, Letters on the English: religious liberty and criticized French Society
Voltaire’s literary works and their subject matters
Elements of the Philosophy of Newton: popularized the ideas of Issac Newton
Candide: satire attacking war, religious persecution and unwarranted optimism about the human condition
Philosphes criticism of Christian Church
they held people back from improvement and happiness, did not allow for science, only worthy through divine grace, higher concentration on afterlife, promoted intolerance bigotry torture and war
Major points of the Deists Creed
belief in god that was justified by nature, life after death determined by virtue in one’s life, rational toleration
closely related god and nature, written by Boroch Spinoza (Jewish), secularized Judaism, criticized as being an atheist, excommunicated
Moses Mendelsohn
philosopher, advocated Jews enter mainstream life, Jew could be loyal and rational, believed in toleration, Jerusalem; or, On Ecclesiastical Power and Judaism, similar to Locke
Pascals’s view of Islam
false religion, Muhammad was an imposter, sexually promiscuous due to polygamy and Heaven had “sensuous delights”
Editors, contributors, topics/themes and effects of The Encyclopedia
Denis Diderot, Jean Le Rond di Alembert, religion, government and philosophy, manufacturing, canal building, ship construction, agriculture, spread the ideas of the Enlightenment throughout Europe
On Crimes and Punishments
1764, Marauis Cesare Beccaria (Italian Aristocrat), making punishments effective (Germany and Russia), attacked capital punishment and torture, speedy trial, to deter further crime, secure the greatest food for the greatest number of people (utilitarian)
Adam Smith and views on Mercantilism
he wanted to abolish it because it held countries back