German Reformation, Chapter 11 Flashcards
Where did the Reformation begin?
Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Why did the Reformation begin in Germany?
The Pope was becoming corrupt (anti clerical feeling), things were changing politically and the townspeople felt powerless, wanted to remain independent and free, nationalism started up
Where did Martin Luther grow up and what was he greatly influenced by?
Thuringia Holy Roman Empire or Germany, Brothers of the Common life
Where did Martin Luther go to university?
University of Erfurt
Who influenced Martin Luther while in university?
William of Ockham and Gabriel Biel
What did Luther plan on studying after college? And did he finish this goal?
Law and no
What made Martin Luther join a monastery?
He came upon a lightning storm and he thought he was going to die so he prayed to Saint Anne and promised that if she let him go he would dedicate his life to a monastery
What event causes Luther to see how corrupt the church us?
His pilgrimage to Rome where he witnessed justification of criticisms he had heard in Germany
Where does Luther go after his pilgrimage to Rome and does he receive his doctorate in?
Wittenberg and theology
What did Martin Luther consider to be problems if the church’s explanation of salvation?
They believed it was a joint venture between man and God, works and grace equal salvation
What are some examples of works?
Helping the poor, baptised + confirmation, fasting, praying, paying certain fees to the church like touching relics
What did Luther believe was the only way to achieve salvation?
Justification by Faith alone
Where and how did Indulgences occur initially?
During the crusades if a soldier had died without his penance alleviated was given an indulgence
What are Works of Satisfaction?
Alms, tithing, fee for relics or buying indulgences
What is the Treasury of Merit?
All the good works of clergy, like a bank of good deeds
1476, which pope begins indulgences?
Pope Sixtus IV
1517 Pope Leo X begins which from of indulgence? Andy why?
Jubilee Indulgence, to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica
What did the Jubilee Indulgence do?
Pardons one’s sins for past, present and future
Who is Albrecht of Mainz and why did he receive one half of the revenue’s from juniper indulgences?
Member of the Fugger Family, future archbishop, to gain exemption from the Popes rule he had built three church offices which had caused him to go into debt
Who is Johann Tetzel?
Well known indulgence seller, inspired the 95 theses, “When a coin in the coffer rings the soul from Purgatory Springs”
What year were the 95 theses? Who wrote the 95 theses?
1517, Martin Luther
What was Luther’s intentions in posting the theses to the church doors?
He wanted the church to talk about their problems and fix them, not start a revolution
How did the 95 theses become accessible to the German people?
Humanists took the theses, translated them into German and printed it
What led to the Order of Augsburg?
The Pope pressured Maximillius I to act against Luther
Date of Order of Augsburg and what did it do?
October 1518, summoned Luther to court for heresy
What occurs in January 1 1519 tabulate Luther’s trial?
Maximillius I dies and the Reichstag picks a new emperor (Charles I of Spain)
Who is on Marin Luther’s side?
Frederick the Wise
In June of 1519 who did Luther debate and did he discuss?
John Eck, defended teachings of John Huss and said Clergy were not to be trusted
What three works did Martin Luther write?
Address to the Christian Nobility of the German nation, The Babylonian Captivity of the church, Freedom of a christian
What did address to the Christian nobility of the German nation discuss?
Urged German Princes to force reforms of the Catholic Church
What did The Babylonian Captivity of the church discuss?
Attacked the seven sacraments except for two (Eucharist and Baptism)
What did the freedom of a Christian discuss?
Salvation by Faith alone
What is the Esurge Domine (1520)?
Condemned Luther of Heresy and gave him 60 days to recant what he said about the church
When was Luther excommunicated?
January 3 1521
What occurred at Diet of Worms (1521)?
Martin Luther is brought before Holy Roman Emperor, John Eck leads the discussion, John Eck asks Luther to recant and he refuses
What is the Edict of Worms?
It says Luther is an outlaw, before papal representatives came to take him away from the Holy Roman Empire Frederick the wise kidnaps him and brings him to the Castle of Wartburg
How long was Luther in hiding and what did he accomplish?
11 months, translated new testament to German
What are Hapsburg-Valois War?
War between Spain and France over territory in Northern Italy and defend themselves from the Ottoman Empire
What is the Diet of Speyer?
German Princes enforce the Diet of Worms and they think of it as their own religious authority in realms
What happened in the Peasants Revolt?
All over the Holy Roman Empire, believed that freedom of a Christian meant freedom from lords not spiritual freedom, ultimately Luther ordered the revolt Christian and urged princes to be harsh (79-100,000 deaths)
What is the Diet of Augsburg? (1530)
Orders all protestants to readopt Catholicism, refused, threstensbwith imperial army and they still refused
What is the Augsburg confession?
Protestant beliefs, salvation by belief, Eucharest, baptism, clergy allowed to marry
What is the schmalkaldic league?
Defensive alliance of protestants against Catholicism and the Emperor’s imperial army
What’s so special about Magdeburg?
It became a refuge to protestants after many people were forced to go somewhere after exile
Who was the Schmalkaldic War between?
Protestants and Catholics
What is the Peace of Passau (1552)?
Reinstated Lutheran princes back to realms, emperor finally gives up on idea of religious unity
What did the Peace of Augsburg (1555) do?
Let German Princes decide for their people if they would Catholic or Protestant, lots of dislocation, no other options for other protestants