The Triumph of Romanticism, Chapter 19 Flashcards
Characteristics and time period of Romanticism?
Reaction against the ideas of the enlightenment, imaginAtion was used to perceive the world instead of reason, interested in folk lore, folk songs, and fairy tales, plus interested in dreams, hallucination s and sleepwalking because it showed there was more to the world they saw around them 1762-1841
What kind of architecture,literature and art did romantics like?
Medieval times because it represented a time of simplicity and stability
What is the Sturm and Drang movement?
Storm and Stress, rejected the influence of French rationalism on German literature
What two writers provided the intellectual foundations for Romanticism? And what did they raise questions about?
Immanuel Kant and Jean Jacque Rousseau+ whether rationalism that was dear to philosophers was sufficient to explain human nature and be the main principle for organizing human society
What did Rousseau claim had corrupted human nature?
Society and material prosperity
What did Rousseau write? Date?
Emile 1762
What ideas did Emile discuss?
How an Individual could lead a good and happy life uncorrupted by society, difference between children and adults and children should be raised with maximum freedom, different gender roles for women and men, open education
What two pieces did Immanuel Kant write and what were the dates?
The Critique of Pure Reason (1781) The Critique of Practical Reason (1788)
What ideas did Kant’s pieces discuss?
Accept rationalism of Enlightenment but preserve human freedom and belief in God and immortality, noumenal v. phenomenal, categorical imperative
What is the categorical imperative?
All people are born with a moral conscious and mortality of the means not the consequences
What did Samuel Tyler Coleridge contribute to the ideas of Romanticism?
ImaginAtion was God doing work in one’s mind, Rime of Ancient Mariner (guilt, punishment, salvation)
What did William Wordsworth contribute to the ideas of Romanticism?
Ode on Intimations of Immortality (maturation had caused him to lose his his childlike imagination), ideas about pre-existance, The Prelude (growth of poet’s mind)
What did Wordsworth and Coleridge write together and what is it?
Lyrical Ballads 1798, manifesto of new poetry that rejected the rules of the 18th century
What did Lord Byron offer to the Romantic era?
Child’s Harold’s pilgrimage (1812) Don Juan (1819)
What did Ludwig Tiek write and what ideas did it discuss?
William Lovell, love and imagination versus cold hard reason
What did Frederich Schlegel write and what ideas did it discuss?
Lucinda 1799, attacked Rousseau’s ideas about women, portrayed women as heroic, friendly, equal to males and sexy
What two pieces did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe write? And what ideas did they discuss?
The Sorrows of Young Werther, emphasis on feeling 1774
Faust, poem in two parts about a man who makes a deal with the devil for knowledge goes on a series of adventures and decided to devote life to humankind which breaks the pact and he goes to heaven
What is John Constable known for painting
Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows and the Hay Wein
What is William Turner known for painting?
Rain Storm and Speed, The fighting Temeraire
What is Caspar David Friedrich known for painting?
The Polar Sea Wanderer of the sea of fog and Man and Women contemplating the moon
What are characteristics of Romantic Art?
Idealized rural life, mysterious and unruly sides of nature, sublime
What is sublime?
Subjects from nature that aroused strong emotion and questioned how much control we have of our lives
Romantic and Neo-Gothic architecture characteristics and notable monuments or buildings?
Modern imitations of medieval style buildings, Castle of Neushwenstein in southern Germany, British Houses of Parliament
How did Methodism begin and what are some characteristics of it?
Middle 18th century, John Wesley was inspired by Moravians,began to preach in open fields in western England, began to organize Methodist society’s with his brother, took off in America, people were tired of denial and Methodism stressed inward heartfelt religion with a possibility of Christian perfection
What is The Genius of Christianity?
1802 by Viscount Franco’s Rene de Chateaubriand, called the Bible of Romanticism discusses the ideas that essence of religion is passion, and foundation= emotion and sacraments inspired in the heart of a christian
Johann Herder’s contributions to Romanticism and German Culture?
On the Knowledge and Feeling of the Human Soul, rejected reasonable explanation of nature believe society’s grew organically like plants, Grimm Brothers and revival of interest in history and philosphy
George Willhelm Friedrich Hegel’s views on the conflict of ideas and his contributions to the study of History?
Ideas develop in an evolutionary form and must involve conflict, thesis-antithesis-synthesis, all periods of History are equal because without them the world would not be the same, all cultures are valuable because they contribute to humankinds development
What two pieces did Hegel write?
The Phenomenology of mind 1806, Lectures on the philosophy of History 1822
What did Eugene Delacroix paint?
Liberty Leading the People
What did Theodre Gericault paint?
The Raft of Medusa
What did Fransico Goyen paint?
The Third of May