Italian Renaissance and Italy's Political Decline, Chapter 10 Flashcards
What were the dates of the Italian Renaissance?
What does Renaissance mean in Latin?
Who is Jacob Burkhart?
Wrote Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, where he discussed ideas about people’s newfound interest in the classics of Greece and Rome, new secular and scientific values, people concentrated more on now versus afterlife, prototype for the modern world,
What was the Renaissance a transition from?
Medieval times
The renaissance began with the death of which two individuals? And what were they both known for?
Francesco Petrarch (Father of Humanism) Giovani Boccacio (The Decameron)
What event ended the Renaissance?
Rome being sacked by Spanish imperial soldiers in 1527
What were some factors that led to the Renaissance in Italy?
Major trade area, gateway between east and west
What were the major three ports of Italy?
Genoa, Pisa, Venice
What are patrons?
Anyone with substantial worth that uses wealth to a cause worth going for
Why were so many artists sponsored during this time period?
It was a social status if you sponsored an artist or Manu, competition
What is civic humanism?
Humanism and civic reform
Due to Italy’s rich trade market what occupations began to become more prominent?
Banking and Manufacturing
What makes Italy different from European countries, government wise
Italy didn’t have kings or princes, cities were independent and could expand on their own, oligarchies competed for.power
Most Italian cities turned into despotism just to survive, who was the exception and what kind of government did they have
Venice had a patrician Senate of three hundred members and a ruthless judicial body called the council of ten that was quick to suppress rival groups
Which city was the best example of social division?
Who is Cosimo de Medici?
Very wealthy Florentine, he controlled the city behind the scenes, Signoria was loyal to him
Who are the Grandi?
Old rich, have held wealth for centuries typically lawyers or politicians
Who are the Popolo Grasso?
Means fat people, new rich, new politicians
Who are the Middle Burgher?
Middle Class, guild masters, apprentices, small business men
Who are the Popolo Minuto?
Not substantial, laborers but not the poorest
Who are the Pauper?
Peasants, no money, had to pay for most burdens
What revolt occurred in 1378?
Ciompi Revolt
What were the three reasons for the Ciompi Revolt?
- Fight between old rich and new rich
- Half of the population die in the Black Death, social anarchy
- Collapse of the Bardi and Peruzzi
Who is Lorenzo the Magnificent?
Grandson of Cosimo de Medici, brought Renaissance to its height under his rule, strong leader that did good things for Florence, did not trust anyone
Why did Lorenzo the Magnificent not trust anyone?
Pazzi family who were rivals with the Medicis assassinated his brother and plotted with the pope
What are Podesta?
Bullies that ruling families would hire to protect themselves and do their dirty work
What are Mercenaries?
Armies hired by the protests that would protect families, didn’t care about politics just getting paid
What are Condottieri?
Military brokers that pedestal used to obtain mercenary armies through
Who is Francisco Petrarch?
Father of Humanism, wrote many letters, celebrated Roman figures, wrote biographies of great men, Sonnetts to Laura, everything was in italian
Who is Dante Alighieri?
Divine Comedy, was in Italian and Alagory
Who is Giovanni Boccacio?
Decameron which was about the Black death
Who is Baldassore Castiglione?
Wrote a book on how to be a courtier, had unrealistic expectations
What is civic wisdom?
Eloquently spoken, inspired others
Who is Christine de Pisao?
Considered first European feminist, wrote The treasure of the city of ladies which was a how to book on how women should handle their husbands
What group became cliqueish and snobby?
Civic humanists
Who is Giotto?
Father of Renaissance painting, medieval and renaissance styles, dull and dark
Characteristics of Renaissance art?
Secular, realistic, natural, emotional, symmetric, balanced, 2-dimensional, geometric, revival of Roman architecture, individualism, shadowing, soft, subtle in changes of features
Characteristics of Medieval art?
Religious, one dimensional, flat, abstract, unnatural, expressionless, mysterious
Who were the three geniuses of Renaissance art?
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelango, Raphael
Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
Jack of all trades or a Renaissance Man, Painter, Architect, sculptor, scientist, botanist, engineer, inventor
Discuss Leonardo da Vinci’s painting
Virgin of the Rocks, Vitruvian Man, Mona Lisa, Last Supper
What did Leornado sculpt?
The Equestrian statue, meant to be the largest equestrian statue in the world but was never finished
What did he study in biology?
Anatomy, He would dissect people’s bodies after they died, curious how the human body worked
What different technologies did he predict?
Tanks, helicopter, airplanes,, submarines
What did Leonardo da Vinci’s engineer?
Water lifting devices, siege defenses
Who was Michelangelo?
Renaissance Man, sculptor, painter, hated da Vinci, insecure, alone and critical
What different art pieces are Michelangelo known for creating
David, The pieta, The Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgement
Elaborate on the Sistine Chapel?
Fresco, nine scenes from the book of genesis, Michelango hated Pope Julius II for making him do it because it resulted in temporary blindness and a disfigured back (14 hours of painting for 4 years)
Who is Raphael?
Similar to da Vinci in style, Baldassare Castiglione, Betrothal of the virgin, known for Madonnas, School of Athens, Liberation of St. Peter, Portrait of Pope Julius II and Pope Leo X
Describe the school of athens
Fresco of Plato and Aristotle surrounded by peers
Key words to associate with Pope Julius II and Pope Leo X
Warrior Pope and Corruption+ Medici
Who is Sandro Botticelli?
Birth of Venus and Primavera
What form of government did Florence, Milan, Venice and Naples have?
Republic (Medici), Despotic, Republic and Despotic
What were the two sides of the Treaty of Lodi?
Milan Naples and Florence then Papal States and Venice
What was the Treaty of Lodi?
Defensive alliance for the benefit of each city state, balance of power, took away the opportunity for one city state to come monopolize, if foreign power came then all city states could unite together, 1454
Who is Ludovico il Moro and what role did he play in Italy’s Political Decline?
Despot from Milan and a member of the storza clan who Naples hated therefore Naples convinced Florence to draw out of the Treaty of Lodi with them then Ludovico opens “Pandora ‘s box” by inviting Charles VIII to help then
Why was it so awful that Ludovico invited France to help them?
France used to have territory in Naples and saw an opportunity to regain it
Who is Piero de Medici?
In charge of Florence and gives France Pisa sothat France wouldn’t invade Florence which ultimately led to his exile
Who is Girolamo Savonarola?
Extreme Catholic Preacher and told Florence they deserved France invading them due to the Medici family, very convincing, came to power after Piero de Medici was exiled, once the French invaders were kicked out he was burned at the stake
How did the League of Venice come about?
Ferdinand of Aragon was nervous because he too had hoped to gain land in Italy and did not want a French-Italian axis so he formed the League of Venice
Who were members of the League of Venice?
Spain, Venice, HRE, Papal States
Who joined the League if Venice after he realized what he had done?
Ludovico il Moro of Milan
What is Charles VIII’s ultimately forced to due and why?
He is forced to leave Italy because the League of Vienna could have defeated him
Which pope is referred to as the most corruption and what was an example?
Pope Alexander VI, he put his children in political positions
What big family was Pope Alexander VI apart of?
Borgia Family(mafia)
Who is Caesar Borgia?
Bulldog of the Borgias, Pope’s Son
What three things did Pope Alexander VI do to get on the good side of France?
Annulled his marriage allowing him to marry Charles VIII ‘s wife, made his favorite clergy member a cardinal, dropped out of the League of Venice
Where did Louis invade and what was the date?
Milan, 1499
Where did il Moro spend the rest of his life?
French Prison
What part of France was overtaken and divided by whom?
Naples, Spain and France
Who is Duke of Romania?
Caesar Borgia
Which Pope was very secular and had bulk fights in the papal office?
Pope Julius II
What was the title of the book Erasmus wrote about Pope Julius II
Julius excluded from heaven
Who were members of the 1511 Holy League? And what was their objective?
Papal States, Venice, HRE, Swiss, Spain, drive out the French and take back Romania from the Borgias
What occurred the Battle of Novara 1513?
French were defeated and retreated
Who led the French in the third invasion of Italy?
Francis I
What occurred at the Battle of Marignano 1515?
The French Slayed the Swiss
Who issued the Concordat of Bologna 1516?
Pope Leo X of the Medici Family
What did the Concordat of Bologna 1516 due?
Let French control their own clergy, Pope superiority over church councils, right to collectables in France, France stayed Catholic
Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?
From Florence, witnessed great people, wanted Italian Unification, nationalist, humanist, republican, The Prince