French Revolution, Chapter 18 Flashcards
Causes of the Crisis leading up to the French Revolution
The government could not finance itself, defeated in seven year war, weak government, sexual scandal, corruption and was snooty
Facts about Compte Rendu
Report to the king, public report of Royal Debt, stated France would be in surplus if they didn’t aid the american revolution and aristocratic pensions
Makeup of the Estates General
1- Nobility
2- Clergy
3- Everyone Else
What date did the Estates General convened and explain why
1789, to establish a land tax based upon amount of land v. social rank , to get France out of Debt
What financial reforms did Charles Calonne recommend?
Encourage internal trade, take away taxes on certain products and put in place a new land tax
What did the 1st and 2nd Estates attempt to do to limit rights of the 3rd Estate?
Make each estate have an equal amount of representatives, one vote per an estate versus a vote per a person
Grievances included as part of the cashiers de doleances
goverment waste, indirect taxes, church tax, corruption, hunting rights of aristocrats, regular meetings of Estates General, equal taxes, local control of administration, unified weights and measures for trade, free press
What date was the creation of the national assembly what is it?
June 17 1789, new legislative body
Explain what occured during the tennis court oath
National Assembly room was locked by Louis XVI, National Assembly moved to a nearby tennis court where they refused to leave until France had a constitution
Reasons for the riots in winter of 1788 and spring of 1789
Necker was dismissed and King Louis XVI tried to regain power, general estates differences
Explain what occured during the storming of Bastille
Louis tried to take his power back and fired Necker which resulted in the people of Paris organizing a citizen army, they marched to Bastille to get gunpowder and by accident the governor fired into the crowd therefore the crowd stormed the fortress which showed that the people were their own independent political force
What is the Great Fear?
Rumors that royal troops would be sent to rural districts+ more peasant disturbances, destruction of legal records, refusal to pay feudal dues, reclaiming rights and property
What occurred during the Night of August 4th?
Liberal Aristocrats and Clergy gave up rights, everyone is made equal, more job openings based upon talent v. money + birth
Describe the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen and a few changes it made
Frances new Constitution, civic equality, popular sovereignty,
Describe who Jean Paul Marat is
He was a lawyer who became poor and was forced to live on the streets where he contracted a skin disease that required him to bath often, radical supporter of the revolution, had a newspaper called “ The People’s Friend” where he wrote against the monarchy, was known for doing whatever it takes to change people’s mind about the revolution (lie), only way to change government
Describe the October Days
Louis hesitated to ratify the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, Bread prices increased, 7,000 women march on Versaille (demand the royal family moved to Paris) Royal Family taken to Tuilleries Palace
What are some characteristics of the constitution of 1791
Constitutional monarchy, major political authority, uni-cameral, legislative body, elaborate systen of indirect elections, departments, parlements were abolished, degrading punishment sbolished,
How did the Declaration of Women’s Rights occur and were some characteristics of it?
Butcher’s daughter became major radical asking for a declaration of the rights of women , own property, equality, inproved education
Examples of economic reforms during the reconstruction of France
Liberated grain trade, uniform weights and measurements, forbade workers associations
Whay did the Civil Constitution of Clergy change?
Church becomes state controlled, elections of pastors and bishops (paid employees) , dissolved religous order, big mistake, refractory were clergy who refused to say thr oath, Pope was against it, and it split people into Religon V. Revolution
What were the Roman Catholics view of the Revolution?
Against the Revolution and Liberalism
What are emigres
Aristocrats who settled in countries near the French Border where they sought to incite the idea of counter revolution
Characteristics of Jacobins
Most advanced political group, pressed for a republic versus constitutional monarchy, Rosseau
Characteristics of San Culottes
Name means without breeches, mainly shopkeepers and artisans, Wage earners, and some factory workers, demanded relief from food shortages, known for being radical and crowd action
Describe what occured during the september massacre
The Paris commerce executed or murdered about 1200 people who were in the city jails, most were aristocrats and clergy
What challenges did theFrench Revolutionary government by 1793?
They were at war with much of Europe and Royalists + Clergy, Girondists had led country into war but was unable to win
What did the Declaration of Pillnitz say?
Leopold II of Austria and King Frederick William II of Prussia promised to intervene in France, to protect the royal family and preserve the monarchy
What is the National Convention and what was it’s first action?
An assembly to write a democratic constitution, the convention declared France a Republic governed without a monarch
List the countries that France was at war with by 1793
Great Britain, Holland, Spain, Prussia and Austria
What was Edmund Burke’s view of the French Revolution
He believed the Revolutionaries ideas were dangerous rulers with no political experience and France would end in military deposition
Characteristics of “The Mountain” or Montagnards
They were called the Montagnards because they sat on the highest benches in the assembly, very radical, opposed the Girondists, led by the Jacobins, dominated The Convention and The Committee of Public Safety
What is the Brunswick Manifesto and what was the date it took place?
It was a threat from Prussia if Royal Family was harmed they would demolish France, July 1792
What is the Paris Commune and what was the date it took place?
Government of Paris from 1789-1795 but was most vital in July of 1792
Characteristics of the Girondists
Campaigned for the end of the Monarchy, but then resisted the oncoming revolution, opposed the Montagnards which led to their mass execution during The Reign of Terror
Who is Maximillien Robespierre?
French Politician and Lawyer, influential French Revolutionary, member of the third estate general+ constititute assembly+ jacobin club+ comittee of public safety, the incorruptible, reign of terror, impacted by the ideas of Rousseau eventually the power went to his head and he was executed ( after attempted suicide attempt)
Explain what occured with the Partitions of Poland and how it affected the Revolution
The second partition of Poland resulted from the Polish Patriots a group of nobles attempting to reform Poland’s government based upon ideas of the French Revolution the 3rd partition another a billion straw set up with the same ideas I see for and it was going well until all three powers took them out and partitioned Poland thenPrussia moved its troops to protect Poland away from the French Revolution which helped the France
What is the levee en masse?
military requisition on the entire population conscripting males into the armyand directing economic production to military purposes
Ways in which the French Republic attempted t achieve a “Republic of Virtue”
repression of women, de-christinization, revolutionary tribunals ( summer of 1793-spring of 1794)
Values important to the Republic of Virtue
sacrifice of oneself and once interest for the good of the Republic also public good versus private good
The Committee of Public Safety and its purposes
made the decisions the public good, Robespierre was in charge, April 1793 created by National Convention, dictatorship
Facts about the Reign of Terror
First victims were the royal family and the aristocrats then Girondists politicians then Republican women next it moved to provinces where they mostly executed peasants then Nantes where several hundred drowned, enrages, republican leaders
What is the Law of 22 Prairial?
permitted in the Revolutionary Tribunal to convict suspects without hearing substantial evidence against them
Results of the Thermidorian Reaction
the reign of terror ended, Catholic religion came back, reconstructed the government with a new constitution, Jacobin club closed, bands of Jesus and white terror, began to dress the same way as before the revolution,new plays and literature, middle class prosper, peasants gain lands, removal of San Culottes, food shortages,peace with Prussia and Spain, militarily focused
What are Bands of Jesus and the White Terror
throughout the country people have been a part of the reign of terror were attacked and often murdered, bands of Jesus were gangs that roamed the streets beating known Jacobins and dragging them from prisons and murdering them
compare women’s rights before and after the revolution
women had more rights at 1789 then they did in 1795
Describe the new governement after the revolution
Constitution of Year III, The Directory (5 man executive body), House of Elders and House of 500
What is the Vendemiaire
Royalist Uprising which was dispersed by Napoleon Bonaparte
What is the two thirds law?
Said that at least two thirds of the new legislature must have served in the convention itself, in fear that radical democrats and royalists would join the council of 500
Countries in the first coalition?
Britain Prussia Spain Portugal Sardinia Austria Holland