Trichuris spp. (2) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
Ovine, etc.
Describe an adult
Resembles a whip - thick posterior end tapering rapidly to a long
filamentous anterior end
Characteristically embedded in mucosa
Size varies with host
Describe an egg
Lemon shape
Yellow or brown in fecal flotations
Conspicuous plug at both ends
Size varies with host
Explain the life cycle
Eggs are excreted
Eggs protected by thick shell
Eggs develop to have an L1 stage within egg
Egg with L1 ingested
What is the site of infection?
Cecum and/or colon
Describe the Pathogenesis
Most infections are light/asymptomatic
Heavy infections
- Diphtheritic (“leather-like” character) inflammation of the cecal
- Heads of whipworms embed beneath endothelium resulting in
tough, bumpy texture
- Sporadic diseases - watery, bloody diarrhea
Severe infections
- Weight loss - Dehydration - Death
Eggs may survive for several years, and therefore reservoir of infection
How do you diagnose?
Eggs in feces
Importance of PPP
What is the common name?