Linognathus spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
Describe adults
Up to 2.5 mm
1st pair of tarsal claws smaller than 2nd/3rd pairs
Head narrower than thorax
Slow moving
Tend to live clumped together
Blood sucking mouthparts
Tan to bluish black
Explain life cycle
Females lay eggs
Develop to nymphs and adults
Require host to complete life cycle
Gregarious form dense isolated clusters
What are the sites of infestation in dogs?
Linognathus setosus - canine sucking louse
Head and neck
What are the sites of infestation in cattle
Linognathus vituli - Long-nosed cattle louse
What are the sites of infection in sheep?
Linognathus pedalis - ovine foot louse
- Feet - Lower region of hind limbs - Scrotum - Belly
Linognathus ovillus - Ovine face or body louse
- Face - Ears - Cheeks - Neck - Body of heavy wool breeds
Describe the Pathogenesis
Loss of body conditions
Skin damage
Signs of animals with malnutrition or chronic disease
Pediculosis - During winter
Severe infestation
- Anemia - Production losses
Small wounds that may become infected
More prevalent in very young, old, or debilitated animals or animals in unsanitary conditions
More of an issue in housed animals (crowded)
How do you diagnose?
Based on clinical signs
Identification of lice/eggs
How do you treat and prevent?
Avoid direct contact with brushes, combs, and blankets
Readily treated with many flea control products
- Repeated in a week to ensure newly hatched nymphs are killed
Monthly flea control also controls lice
MCLs effective
Carbamates/Organophosphates (specifically in phenyl and heterocyclic derivative groups) effective
- Repeated (depending on insecticides used)
What is the common name?
Sucking louse