Gasterophilus spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
Describe adults
Up to 1.8 cm (large)
Short lived
Describe 3rd stage larvae/instars
Found in feces
2 cm
Red or yellow with rows of spines - differentiate between species based on color and spines
Explain life cycle
3-9 weeks - adult fly
G. intestinalis
- Eggs deposited on hair of forelegs/shoulder - 1st instar hatches from egg - Licked by horse, attaches to tongue/lips - 3rd instars in non-glandular part of stomach and cardiac region - Color in feces - Red
G. nasalis
- Eggs deposited on hairs of intermandibular area - 1st instar hatches spontaneously, crawls into mouth - 3rd instars attach around pylorus - Yellow in feces
Oral cavity - develop to 2nd instars, swallowed
Develop to 3rd instars in stomach (G. intestinalis) or duodenal ampulla (G. nasalis)
- Can live for up to 12 months
Late spring these will pass out with feces to pupate soil
What are the sites of infestation?
Larvae - attached to stomach
Eggs - on hair of forelegs/shoulders/intermandibular area
Describe the Pathogenesis
Adults - annoyance
Fly worry
Attachment of instars can provoke an inflammatory reaction
True pathogenic significance remains obscure
How do you diagnose?
Differentiate based on color, spines, and location in host
Seen during gastroscopy
Identification of:
- Larvae in feces - Eggs on hair
Adult fly activity
How do you treat and prevent?
Eggs - removed from hair coat with special fine-tooth comb
- Process slow/laborious
Parasiticides effectively remove larval stages in equid
What is the common name?
Bot fly larvae or instars
Bot fly