Trichodectes canis (1) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
How do you identify?
Up to 2 mm
Yellowish color
Biting/chewing mouthparts
Active louse
Explain the life cycle
Female lays eggs
Develop to nymphs and adults
Require host to complete life cycle
Transmission: direct contact with infected animal, fomites
What are the sites of infestation?
Can spread throughout body
Describe the Pathogenesis
More prevalent in very young, old, or debilitated animals
Unsanitary environments
Some breeds of dogs tend to have more of a predilection toward lice infestation
Little irritation, except in heavy infestation
- Heavy infestations - in neglected and underfed animals - Pruritis - Restlessness - Alopecia - Scratching - Ruffled/matted coat
IH for Dipylidium caninum
How do you diagnose?
Identification of louse
How to treat and prevent?
Avoid direct contact with brushes, combs, and blankets
Recent products include MCLs
Readily treated with flea control
- Some products require treatment to be repeated in a week
Monthly control of fleas controls lice
What are the common names?
Canine biting louse
Canine chewing louse