Trichinella spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
How do you identify?
Adult stage - rarely found
Infection usually identified by presence of coiled L1 in striated muscle
Explain the life cycle
L1 infective
Encysted in striated muscle - primarily in masseter and diaphragm
Infected by ingesting L1 in muscle
Develop into adults in small intestine
Embryonic prelarval stage enter lymphatic vessels of the gut, migrate and encyst in striated muscle
One animal eating another determines the epidemiology of trichinellosis
Ingestion of raw meat (cannibalism, cryptocannibalism, or wild animals)
Larvae establish in small intestine, molt 4 times and become adults
Females invade the small intestinal wall within 4-5 days
L1 larvae may be diagnosed after 17-21 days
Urban transmission cycle
- People -> Pigs -> Rodents
Sylvatic and arctic life cycles
- Wild fauna maintain transmission through predation, cannibalism,
Domestic Pig Cycle - transmission is maintained by feeding pigs on
food waste containing flesh of infected pigs
- Rats in piggeries maintain a secondary cycle
What is the site of infection?
Adults - small intestine
Larvae - Muscles
Describe the Pathogenesis
Transmission to humans is commonly associated with ingestion of raw or undercooked pork
Infections also result from improperly cooked horse meat or game meats such as bear, walrus, cougar, or wild boar
Cases associated with domestic swine have decreased
- Other meats have increased
Only humans exhibit clinical signs
- Other animals - infections are asymptomatic
How do you diagnose?
3 methods
- Pooled sample digestion: pepsin and HCl added to ground skeletal
muscle, incubated, and the sediment
examined for L1 under microscope
- ELISA: Detects antibodies to Trichinella in serum. Fluids from
muscle at slaughter is simpler and quicker than collecting
blood and processing for serum
- Squash preparation: Muscle tissue squashed between 2 slides and
scanned under microscope. Detect moderate
to heavy infections
How do you treat and prevent?
Anthelmintic treatment uncommon
Any meat fed to pigs should be cooked and rats in housing controlled
Meat inspection and consumer education essential to prevent human infection
Hogs raised outdoors in close contact with rodents and other wildlife have an increased change of acquiring Trichinella infection
What is important about Trichinella spp.?