Paramphistomum spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the final hosts?
What is the intermediate host?
Describe adults
1 cm long
Conic in shape
Ventral sucker at the posterior end of the body
Describe eggs
Up to 130 micro m long
Less yellow in color
130-180 micro m
Explain life cycle
Unembryonated eggs passed in feces
Embryonated eggs in water
Miracidia hatch, penetrate snail
Snail development
- Sporocysts -> Rediae -> Cercariae
Leave snail
Free-swimming Cercariae encyst on water plants
Metacercariae on water plant ingested by human, sheep, cattle
Adults in hepatic biliary ducts
Development in final host occurs entirely in alimentary tract
Immature stage in duodenum for about 6 weeks
Worms encyst in rumen
Immature stage penetrates mucosa, migrates anteriorly to abomasum, exits mucosa, enters lumen, moves to rumen, develops to adult
PPP: 7-10 weeks
What is the predilection site?
Describe the Pathogenesis
Adult parasites well tolerated
Migrating juveniles cause: - Enteritis (severe) - Hemorrhages - Diarrhea - Anorexia - Depression - Dehydration - Anemia - Bottle jaw - Can lead to secondary infections with Clostridium spp. (Can be fatal)
How do you diagnose?
Clinical signs - young animals with a history grazing around snail
Eggs are usually not found due to the acute disease occurs during the prepatent period
How do you treat and prevent?
Cattle and sheep - Resorantel and Oxyclozande effective against both
mature and immature stages
Control - avoid snails and contaminated pastures
What are the common names?
Rumen fluke
Stomach flukes