Stomoxys calcitrans (1) Flashcards
What is the common name?
Stable fly
Biting housefly
What are the hosts?
Any animals
Describe adults
Long pointed proboscis
- Prominent, Rigid, Conspicuous, Forward projecting - Forms piercing and sucking organ
5.5-7.5 mm
Shorter abdomen
- 3 dark spots on second and third abdominal segments
Flies sit with head up, rear end down
Describe eggs
Creamy white
1 mm
Banana shaped
Explain life cycle
Egg -> Larva -> Pupae -> Adult
Feeds on blood
- Requires 3 minutes to finish its blood meal
Flies prefer to lay eggs (batches of 25-50) in decaying vegetable matter (hay and straw contaminated with urine, lawn clippings, damp grain)
3 larval (instar) stages
Adult - Feed on blood 1-2 times/day
Length of life cycle: 7 days - several months
What are the sites of infestation?
Anywhere on animal
In barns
Sits on walls in characteristic head up posture
Describe the Pathogenesis
General nuisance
Males and females avid blood feeders (any warm-blooded animal)
Increased head/ear movement, skin twitches, tail swishes in animals
Bite is painful
- Interrupted feeding patterns in animals
Mechanical Vectors
- Anthrax - Trypanosomes - Equine Infectious anemia
Intermediate host for Habronema muscae
How do you diagnose?
Fly identification
How do you treat and prevent?
Do no treat compost
Insecticides (Organophosphates, Pyrethroids, others)
Control flies - Regular application of insecticides to animals and fly breeding sites - Aerosol space sprays - Residual insecticides - Solid or liquid fly baits - Ear tags - Sanitation - Reduced breeding places
What is important about Stomoxys calcitrans?