Nanophyetus salmincola (1) Flashcards
What is the common name?
Salmon Poisoning Fluke
What are the final hosts?
Other fish eating mammals
What are the intermediate hosts?
1st intermediate hosts: Snail
2nd intermediate hosts: Various Salmonoid Fish
Describe adults
Up to 2.5 mm long
Creamy white adults
In small intestine
Describe eggs
Up to 80 micro m long
Yellowish brown
Thick shelled
Explain life cycle
Adult fluke produces eggs
Eggs excreted in feces
Eggs develop to miracidia
Miracidia infect snail
Snail releases larvae
Larvae develop to cercariae and infect fish
Develop into metacercariae in fish
Fish ingested by final hosts
PPP: 1 week
What is the site of infection?
Adults - small intestine
Describe the Pathogenesis
Extremely pathogenic
Pacific NW US and Canada
Clinical Problems
- Caused by rickettsial organism (Neorickettsia helminthoeca) - Flukes are vector - Causes salmon poisoning in dogs only
Salmon poisoning Disease
May infect people
Describe Salmon Poisoning Disease
Hemorrhage enteritis
Lymph node enlargement
Sudden onset of:
- Fever - Vomitting - Diarrhea - Weight loss - High mortality
How do you diagnose?
Fecal sedimentation for detection of eggs
How do you treat and prevent?
Appropriate trematocidal Anthelmintics (e.g. Albendazole or fenbendazole)
Praziquantel and Fenbendazole - Dogs
Tetracyclines - Treatment of choice for rickettsial organisms
What is important about Nanophyetus salmincola?