Haematobia irritans (1) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
Describe adults
3-4 mm
Smallest blood sucking muscids
- Half size/shorter proboscis from Stomoxys calcitrans - Piercing proboscis
Explain life cycle
Overwinter (diapause)
Egg laid in freshly passed feces
Remain on hosts, leaving only to fly to another host
Length of life cycle: 7 days - several months
What are the sites of infection?
Abdomen of cattle
Around the horns/poll after feeding
On belly when raining
Describe Pathogenesis
More than 200 flies leads to economic losses, bites hurt
May feed in thousands along back, sides, and ventral abdomen of cattle
Common name derived from clustering at horns when not feeding
Large numbers
- Intense irritation - Impair milk production - Weight gain
Transmit cattle helminths
How do you diagnose?
Fly identification
How do you treat and prevent?
Control - relatively easy
- Flies spend much time on hosts - Parasiticides can be applied directly to cattle - Sprays - Dusts - Back rubbers - Ear tags
Developed resistance to many insecticides
Insect growth regulators/Organophosphates fed to cattle, render manure unfit for development and pupation
- Breaks life cycle
MCLs effective
What is the common name?
Horn fly