Melophagus ovinus (2) Flashcards
What are the hosts?
Describe adults
5-7 mm
Hairy and wingless
Short head
Broad, flattened, brownish thorax and abdomen
Mouthparts adapted for sucking blood
Describe pupa
Dark brown
3-4 mm attached to wool
Explain life cycle
Entire life cycle takes place on host
Heavy infestations - Autumn and winter
Female produces 1 egg which hatches inside her body
Female gives birth to mature larvae - adhere to wool
Pupate within 12 hours
3rd instar adheres to fleece
- Immobile larvae pupate (3-4 mm) and visible on fleece
Adults emerge in 3 weeks in summer, longer in winter
Producers mistake pupae for engorged ticks
Transmission by direct contact
Adults and pupae only live short periods off hosts
What is the site of infestation?
Describe the Pathogenesis
Keds suck blood
Heavy infestation
- Lead to loss of condition and anemia
Long-wooled breeds - susceptible
Irritation caused leads to animals biting/rubbing
- Results: Damage to fleece
Transmits Trypanosoma melophagium (non pathogenic in sheep)
How do you diagnose?
Fly identification
Close inspection of damaged, dirty wool
Underlying skin reveals infestation
Unique appearance of wingless, hairy flies or pupae
How do you treat and prevent?
Shearing removes many pupae/adults
- Shearing before lambing and subsequent treatment of eyes with
- Control remaining keds - reduce possibility of lambs becoming
Usually treated after shearing
Best results: insecticides with residual activity of 3-4+ weeks used
Treatments to control lice also control keds
What are the common names?
Sheep ked
Sheep tick