Tabanus spp./Chrysops spp. (2) Flashcards
What are the common names?
Tabanus spp.
- Horse Flies - Gad Flies
Chrysops spp.
- Deer Flies
What are the hosts?
Any animal (generally large animals)
Describe adults
Medium to large - up to 25 mm long
- Wingspans up to 65 mm
Horseflies larger - 10-50 mm
Horseflies highly colored
Deer flies medium sized
- Dark band across wings - Antennae elongate - Bite horses in shaded areas (horses will stand in sun to avoid)
Mouthparts adapted for slashing and sponging
Explain life cycle
Adult flies lay egg in muddy/marshy areas
- Underside of vegetation/on shores
Requires minimum of 4 months, can last up to 3 years
What are the sites of infestation?
Anywhere on animal
Describe the Pathogenesis
Only females feed
- Inflict painful bites - Suck blood - Intense irritation/annoyance - Feed primarily on large animals (cattle and horses) - Become restless in fly presence
Mechanical vectors of organisms responsible for:
- Anthrax - Pastuerellosis - Trypanosomosis - Anaplasmosis (gall sickness - disease in ruminants) - Equine infectious anemia - Human filarial disease (loasis)
How do you diagnose?
Fly identification
How do you treat and prevent?
Most difficult to control
Adulticide compounds used for other biting flies can kill both horse and deer flies
Flies intermittent feeders
- May not be exposed to compounds - Larger doses may be required
Horse fly traps effective - confined to manageable areas
Pyrethroid pour ons - limited repellants
Self-application techniques - not effective
Breeding places - diffuse hard to detect - Remove unnecessary woody plants - Drain wet areas - Insecticides in water may not have detrimental environmental effects
What is important about Tabanus spp./Chrysops spp.?