Hypoderma spp. (1) Flashcards
What is the common name?
Warble fly
Heel fly
Ox warble
Cattle grub
What are the hosts?
Possibly humans
Describe adults
1 pair of lungs
Vestigial mouthparts
Describe third instars
Barrel shaped
2.5-3 cm long
Dirty white in color - newly emerged
Rapidly turn black brown
Bear short spines
Describe eggs
About 1 mm long
H. bovis - laid singly
H. lineatum - laid in rows of 6 or more
- Reaches host by series of hops along eggs - Remains on lower limb while laying eggs - Animals may be unaware of presence
Explain the life cycle
Adults glue eggs on hairs of legs of cattle
H. lineatum - active at the beginning of summer for 2 months
H. bovis - takes over through the remainder of the summer
First instars
- Less than 1 mm - Hatch in a few days - Burrow through skin - Migrate through CT tissue - H. bovis - larvae accumulate in epidural fat of spinal cord - H. lineatum - larvae accumulate in submucosa of esophagus
Migrate to subcutaneous tissue of back, cut breathing hole in skin
Appose spiracles
Molt 2x, growing larger
3rd instar spends 2 months in warbles (backs of infested cows)
Fully developed larvae enlarge breathing hole
- Emerge through them - Fall to ground to pupate
Adult emerge from pupal case 1 month later, immediately seek mates
Females lay eggs and die
PPP: 1-2 weeks
What is the site of infection for larvae?
Suncutaneous tissue of back (warbles)
What is the site of infestation of eggs?
On hairs of legs
Describe the Pathogenesis
3rd stage larvae under skin - damage/perforate adjacent tissue
- Necessitates trimming/downgrading carcass
Greenish gelatinous tissue - “Butcher’s jelly”
- Infested esophageal submucosal tissues
Larvae of H. bovis die in spinal canal -> release of highly toxic proteolysin -> PARAPLEGIA
Death of H. lineatum larvae in esophageal wall -> BLOAT (esophageal stricture) and FAULTY REGURGITATION
Buzzing noise of adults -> Panic in animals -> Injury
How do you diagnose?
Identify parasite
How do you treat and prevent?
Systemic MCLs (ivermectin, doramectin, Moxidectin)/Organophosphates (coumaphos, fenthion) - kill larvae in early stages of migration
Treatments given in fall before H. bovis larvae reach spinal cord - TIMING CRITICAL
- Increase damage by treating at wrong time, cause larvae to die in
spinal cord
What is important about Hypoderma spp.?