Moniezia spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the final hosts?
What are the intermediate hosts?
Oribatid mite
Describe adults
2 m long or more
Unarmed scolex
Segments broader than long
Describe eggs
Triangular shape
55-75 micro m long
Explain the life cycle
Mature segments pass in feces, disintegrates and release eggs
Ingested by oribatid or forage mites - develop to cysticercoids
Infected mite eaten by ruminant while grazing
Mites may be present in bedding, hay, grass
No seasonality
PPP: 25-45 days (depends on species); 1-2 months
Describe the Pathogenesis
Non pathogenic
Heavy infections in young lambs and kids
- Unthriftiness - Diarrhea - Intestinal obstruction
If present in feces of ill animal may overshadow other overlooked causes of ill health
How do you diagnose?
Noticed by livestock owner - proglottids in feces
Large adults - Necropsy
How do you treat?
Albendazole approved
Praziquantel off label
Weanling treatment
What is the common name?
Milk tapeworm