Cuterebra spp. (1) Flashcards
What are the common names?
Rodent Bot Fly
Rabbit Bot Fly
New World Skin Bot Flies
What are the hosts?
Rarely Humans
Describe adults
Large - 20-30 mm
Cannot feed or bite - Mouthparts vestigial
Describe the third instar
2-4 cm long
Dark brown
Covered with spines
Explain the life cycle
Female fly lays eggs along rabbit runs/near rodent burrows
Infestation as they pass through contaminated areas
Eggs hatch in response to heat from a nearby host
1st stage larvae hatch instantaneously
Enter body via mouth or nares during grooming or open wounds
Larvae migrate to various subcutaneous locations
Develop and communicate with air through a breathing pore
One month later, larvae exit skin, fall to soil, pupate
Duration of pupation - depends on environmental factors
What are the sites of infestation?
Subcutaneous tissue
Aberrant sites
- Mouth - Nose - Brain
Describe the Pathogenesis
Hair matted at affected area
Fibrotic cyst forms - larva in subcutaneous tissue
Migration of larvae in cat brain -> INFARCTION (tissue death due to
obstruction of blood
supply) and
ENCEPHALOPATHY (deficiency of
blood because
of obstruction
of blood vessel
to brain)
What are the clinical signs?
Lumps in neck
Fur constantly wet
Hole drips fluid
How do you diagnose?
Seasonally - Dog/cat presents with lump in neck/legs, fur constantly
wet, hole drips clear fluid
Second instar larvae
- 5-10 mm long - Gray/cream in color
Third instar larvae - most commonly seen by vets
Definitive diagnosis - Finding and identifying larva
How do you treat and prevent?
Larva removed by enlarging breathing hole and carefully removing with forceps
Care taken not to crush larva
- Squashing larvae may result in severe tissue reaction from Type I
hypersensitivity type reaction
Wound heals slowly
- Secondary bacterial growth or leakage of Cuterebra antigens
MCLs heartworm prevention, imidacloprid, fipronil protect but not approved for this claim
What is important about Cuterebra spp.?