Dipylidium caninum (1) Flashcards
What are the common names?
Common tapeworm
Cucumber tapeworm
Flea tapeworm
What are the final hosts?
Can be humans
What are the intermediate hosts?
Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.)
Lice (Trichodectes canis)
Describe adults
Up to 50 cm long
Describe the eggs
230x170 micro m
Packets released from proglottis
- Contain 10-20 eggs
Proglottids - 2 sets of reproductive organs with bilateral genital pores
- Easily recognized - Visible in feces - Fresh: Often moving, cucumber seed - Old: Dry and look like a grain of rice
Explain life cycle
PPP: 21 days
Gravid proglottids break off of strobila
Exit FH
Active, seen “crawling” about tail region/moving on feces
Oncospheres contained in egg packets
Expelled by active proglottids or released as proglottid disintegrates
Oncospheres ingested by IH
Develop into cysticercoids
FH ingests flea or louse
Scolex released from cysticercoid
Attaches to small intestine, develops to adult
Posterior segments to adult worm passed in feces
Segments and egg packets in feces and on fur
Cysticercoid larvae come out
- Synchronous development of tapeworm and flea
Can infect humans - especially in children
What are the sites of infection?
Adults - Small intestine
Larvae(cysticercoid) - in flea/louse
Describe the Pathogenesis
Largely non pathogenic
Proglottids - May cause discomfort
- Results in excessive grooming of perineum
Clinical signs
- Excessive grooming
How do you diagnose?
Seeing proglottids and egg packets
Proglottids seen on feces, coat around perineum, dog’s bedding, where dog sleeps
Egg/Egg packets seen via microscope in feces
- Can be collected from perineal area using adhesive tape method
How do you treat and prevent?
Cestocide and insecticide
Treating just for cestode insufficient
Host becomes rapidly infected by fleas or lice
Flea control
Treatment of environment with insecticides
What is important about Dipylidium caninum?