Treatments for Nicotine Addiction - Hypnotherapy Flashcards
What is hypnotherapy?
Uses hypnosis to try and change habits
What does hypnotherapy aim to do?
Aims to break negative behaviour and thinking patterns associated with smoking
Thoughts and behaviours the smoker holds is often what prevents them from successfully giving up
Key aspect/focus is to let go of the routine and change their perspective of cigarettes
What is hypnosis?
Trained hypnotherapist induces a state of intense concentration
Process uses verbal cues and repetition
Smoker enters a deep state of relaxation but remains fully aware of what is going on
What happens during a hypnotherapy session?
Smoker is first hypnotised and put into a deeply relaxed state
During this time the mind is more open to suggestion
Suggestibility is the state in which the smoker will willingly take on board ideas put to them by the therapist
Therapist can guide them to change their perspective of cigarettes and smoking
What suggestions are made by the hypnotherapist?
Hypnotherapist will guide the smoker through the session and encourage them to imagine different scenarios
Any suggestions made must be positive and devoid of ambiguity
Hypnotherapist may ask the individual to imagine unpleasant smells and feelings that they can associate with smoking
What is self-hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis are transferable skills which the smoker can implement themselves outside of the therapy sessions
Sometimes involves audiotapes that the smoker will listen to
What is Spiegel’s method?
A self-hypnosis technique that clients can practice at home
Encourages smokers to employ affirmations based on three ideas
This technique is distracting the attention away from abstinence by ignoring it altogether
What are the three ideas in Spiegel’s method?
Smoking is a poison for your body
You need your body to live
To the extent that you want to live, you owe your body respect and protection
What is the supporting evidence/strengths of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Green & Lynn (2000)
Schmidt (1992)
No adverse side effects
What is the refuting evidence/weaknesses of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Cochrane review (2010)
Not suitable for everyone
Long term
Ethical issues
Social control
Why is Green & Lynn (2000) supporting evidence for hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Green & Lynn reviewed the results of 59 studies of hypnosis and smoking cessation and found that hypnosis was superior to a wait-list control group, which makes hypnosis an empirically supported treatment for smoking cessation
Why is Schmidt (1992) supporting evidence for hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Schmidt used a meta-analysis and included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers
Results clearly showed that hypnosis was the most effective treatment for smoking cessation
Why is no adverse side effects a strength of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Hypnosis is a natural healing remedy and has no adverse side effects or interactions
This may be preferable to some people who don’t wish to experience the side effects associated with treatments such as NRT
Why is the Cochrane Review (2010) refuting evidence for hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Cochrane review on Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation a meta-analysis considered the effectiveness of hypnotherapy regarding whether smokers were abstinent for at least 6 months
Concluded that hypnotherapy has no greater effect than other interventions/treatments for smoking
Why is not being suitable for everyone a weakness of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Hypnotherapy isn’t a suitable treatment for everyone
e.g. if an individual is affected by psychosis or certain types of personality disorder, hypnotherapy could make these conditions worse
Why is long term a weakness of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Hypnotherapy isn’t a quick fix, in most cases 4-6 sessions along with learning self-hypnosis is needed for the full effects of hypnotherapy to create permanent behaviour change
Can make hypnotherapy a more expensive option as its unlikely to be offered on the NHS
Why is ethical issues a weakness of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
Some concerns on ethical grounds regarding the use of hypnotherapy
Therapist must carefully avoid the implantation of false memories whilst the client is in a hypnotic trance and ensure that the client is made fully aware that memories experienced while in a suggestible state aren’t real and valid memories
Why is social control a weakness of hypnotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction?
There is a danger that therapists may make assumptions about what their client needs
Highly important that any changes a client is guided to make, having been induced into a hypnotic state, are in accordance with goals established beforehand and clearly understood by both client and therapist