Diagnosis of Mental Disorders - The Four D's Flashcards
What are the four Ds referred to as?
What does deviance refer to?
Refers to behaviour and emotions that aren’t the norm in a society and deviate from cultural or statistical norms
What is deviance from cultural norms?
Every culture has certain standards and norms for acceptable behaviour
Concept of abnormality changes over time
What is deviance from statistical norms?
Abnormal behaviour statistically infrequent or deviant from the norm
Many characteristics such as height, weight, and intelligence cover a range of values
What does distress refer to?
Refers to negative feelings that someone with a disorder experiences
Distress alone not a good indicator of abnormality - may be an obvious cause such as bereavement
What does dysfunction refer to?
Refers to a persons behaviour preventing them from carrying out everyday tasks and living their life in general
Include insomnia, being unable to work, relationships being affected, decrease in pleasure
No longer socialising and going out with friends would be considered dysfunctional
What does danger refer to?
Refers to danger to others or the individual
Person may seem to be endangering themselves by being least bothered about their diet/health or in extreme cases suicidal thoughts
What is the supporting evidence/strengths of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Erroneous diagnosis
Holistic approach
What is the refuting evidence/ weaknesses of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Davis (2009)
No hard and fast rules
Social control
Why is erroneous diagnosis a strength of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Using all four Ds helps avoid erroneous diagnosis
Avoids situations in which eccentric but harmless people are seen as abnormal, and those with common but debilitating symptoms of depression are missed
Important as a valid system should be neither over or under inclusive
Why is data a strength of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Use of all four Ds adopts both a qualitative and quantitative approach to defining abnormality therefore proving more objective data from the statistical criteria and more in-depth and individualistic data when considering aspects such as dysfunction and danger
Why is effectiveness a strength of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Four Ds are effectively applied to diagnosis of mental disorders
Four Ds are used by clinicians in conjunctions with classified systems (DSM-5 & ICD-10)
Different mixes of Ds in different disorders
e.g. deviance from statistical norms helps define intellectual disability, while deviance from cultural norms dysfunction and danger help define anti-social personality disorder
Shows that each of four Ds is used in diagnosis
Why is holistic approach a strength of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Using 4Ds to diagnose abnormality provides a more holistic approach than previous definitions of abnormality
This definition combines a number of previous definitions such as failure to function adequately, social norms and deviation from the statistical norm to provide a more complete definition of abnormality
Why is Davis (2009) refuting evidence of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Davis suggested that the use of the 4Ds is insufficient and a further concept must be considered, namely the duration of the symptoms
Why is no hard and fast rules a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
No hard and fast rules about how to combine the 4Ds
e.g. someone struggling to cope (signs of distress and dysfunction), but no signs of danger or deviance may not require a diagnosis
Could be the situation causing the problem, so could not be resolved by treatment which is the point of diagnosis
Why is objectivity a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
4Ds lack objectivity (reduces validity of diagnosis)
Various methods try to increase objectivity (K10) but this is unlikely as they use self-reported rating of feelings (subjective)
4Ds compare individuals with others, so decisions would be better if made in comparison to a reference group (more objective) rather than a clinicians view (more subjective)
This shows that if the 4Ds are to be applied meaningfully, a clinician needs information not only about the person, but also their community
Why is subjectivity a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
The use of the 4Ds can be problematic
e.g. what a professional views as dysfunctional may not be considered as dysfunctional by the individual themselves; therefore highlighting issues with subjectivity
This would affect the validity of defining abnormality
Why is reliability a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Two different professionals may not reach the same conclusion regarding the individuals mental disorder
Raises issues surrounding the reliability of defining abnormality
Why is labels a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
4Ds create labels
e.g. ‘danger’ as a criterion for mental disorder leads people to equate mental illness with being dangerous
Becomes distorted in the media, but most people with Sz are no more dangerous than those without it
Why is social control a weakness of the four Ds for diagnosis of mental disorders?
Potential for social control and the abuse of power
Those who breach social norms or challenge government policies can be quieted by being labelled mentally disturbed
e.g. Russian psychiatrists (Koryagin) described how the KGB pressured psychiatrists in the 1960s to diagnose and impression dissidents