One Twin Study and One Adoption Study Flashcards
Why are twin studies used in psychology?
To establish the extent to which behaviours such as aggression are the result of nature (genes) and nurture (environmental influences)
How are monozygotic and dizygotic twins compared?
Compared in terms of concordance rates - the probability that if one twin displays behaviour such as aggression, the other twin will also display it
Describe MZ (identical twins)
MZ or identical twins come from one egg and one sperm and so have identical genes
their DNA is 100% the same and they are always the same sex
Describe DZ (fraternal twins)
DZ or fraternal twins come from two eggs and two sperms and so are non-identical so they can be the same or different sex
they share around 50% of their genes and their DNA is only as similar as that of any siblings
What are the differences in concordance rates in MZ and DZ twins?
If concordance rates are higher for MZ twins compared to DZ twins the behaviour is more likely to have a genetic cause rather than an environmental cause
MZ twins share 100%
DZ twins share 50%
What are the strengths of twin studies?
Pre-existing data
Large sample sizes
What are the weaknesses of twin studies?
Often don’t share same environment
Epigenetic modification
Why is pre-existing data a strength of twin studies?
They use pre-existing data from variables such as aggression making the research more ethical because there is no direct manipulation of the twins behaviour
Why are large sample sizes a strength of twin studies?
Information for twin studies often taken from twin registries which hold information about thousands of twins and numerous variables
This means that sample sizes are large and more representative
Why is the fact that the environment of twins often not the same a weakness of twin studies?
MZ twins, being the same sex are likely to look identical and are often treated more alike then DZ twins producing important environmental differences
Despite this MZ twins don’t share exactly the same environment, even in the womb, so they often develop differently despite identical DNA
Why is epigenetic modification a weakness of twin studies?
This means over time, different environmental influences will cause different genes to be switched on and off
Young MZ twins have few epigenetic differences, older ones (50 years old) have over three times the epigenetic differences
Why are adoption studies used in psychology?
Because the environment of adoptive children is not the same as that of their biological families
How can behaviour such as aggression be assed with adoption studies?
This is done by comparing the children to their biological parent and their adoptive parent and assessing concordance rates
What are the strengths of adoption studies?
Remove extraneous variables
What are the weaknesses of adoption studies?
Selective placement
Why is the removal of extraneous variables a strength of adoption studies?
If MZ twins are similar, it isn’t clear whether the similarity is due to the same environment or the same genes
In adoption studies, the adopted individual doesn’t share the same environment as their biological parents, therefore, any similarities in behaviour are due to shared genes
Why is the study being ethical a strength of adoption studies?
Tends to be quite ethical because there is no direct manipulation of the participant’s behavior
The adoption occurs naturally so the psychologists simply track and measure behaviour
Why is selective placement a weakness of adoption studies?
Adoption agencies try and place children with families similar to their birth family and therefore environmental influences may be similar
Such factors may influence development rather than genes
Why is unrepresentativeness a weakness of adoption studies?
People who adopt are unlikely to represent the population
They tend to be better educated, have lower rates of mental illness and come from higher socioeconomic groups
Any conclusions from adoption studies about the effects of genes or environment may not be generalisable to the whole population