Capafons et al (1998) - Contemporary Study Flashcards
What was the aim of Capafons study?
To see if systematic desensitisation (SD) is a successful therapy for fear of flying
What type of sample was used in Capafons study?
Self selected sample obtained by advertising for volunteers with aviophobia (fear of flying) who would like to have free therapy to try and remove their phobia
Who did the sample consist of in Capafons study?
41 volunteers with a fear of flying
Divided into a therapy and control group
What was the IV and DV of Capafons study?
IV - whether the patient was currently receiving therapy or waiting for therapy
DV - success of therapy, measured by using sel-report scales, clinical interviewing and physical measurements
How were the two groups in Capafons study balanced?
Balanced in terms of age, gender and strength of their fear
How many participants were in each group in Capafons study?
20 patients in therapy group and would receive SD
21 patients in control group who were told they were on a waiting list to receive SD
How were therapy sessions carried out in Capafons study?
Carried out at the University of La Laguna in Spain
Consisted of 2 one hour sessions a week over a period of eight weeks
What was the first stage of therapy called in Capafons study?
Relaxation and imagination training
What happened during the first stage of Capafons study?
patients interviewed by researchers at start of therapy
Fear of flying scale measuring levels of anxiety in different flying situations
Resting measures of heart rate, muscular tension and skin temperature taken before they were shown video of someone else taking a flight - measurements taken again
Another interview conducted explaining moving onto therapy or when they would be assessed again (control group)
What were patients in the each group taught in Capafons study?
Therapy group taught how to use relaxation, imagination and breathing techniques to help with fear response
Control group simply experienced passage of time
What happened during the second stage of therapy in Capafons study?
Patients asked to develop individual anxiety hierachies for fear of flying
Patient exposed to around 25-33 elements of hierarchy during therapy
Some elements presented using virtual reality and some ‘in vivo’
Each stage patients taught how to apply relaxation techniques to remain calm
What happened during stage three of therapy in Capafons study?
Patients asked to take 2 simulated flights - first to take place in 7 days following treatment
Patient watched videotape of plane trip made from subjective perspective
Recordings of heart rate, palm temperature and muscular tension were obtained and comparisons made with original measurements
What were the results of control group in Capafons study?
Before and after results of control group showed that just passing of time didn’t lead to significant changes in phobia
What were the results of treatment group in Capafons study?
Significant change took place in self-report data, interview data and physical measures
e.g. mean score for fear during flight dropped from 25.6 to 13.25 after treatment
One area that didn’t show any improvement after treatment was skin temperature which elevated slightly from 0.00 to 1.01
What did Capafons conclude?
Concluded the treatment group showed significant improvement in their fear compared with control group
Treatment doesn’t work for everyone all the time with two patients failing to respond to SD
What are the strengths of Capafons study?
Internal validity
Scientific credibility
Objective measurements
What are the weaknesses of Capafons study?
Long term effectiveness
Why is internal validity a strength of Capafons study?
Control group carefully matched to treatment group in regards to gender, age etc.
Allowed researchers to assess any improvements in phobias because of therapy sessions or simply passage of time
Why is scientific credibility a strength of Capafons study?
Wide range of measures obtained by researchers including interview data, self report and physical measures
Allowed concurrent validity of findings to be checked
Why is objective measurements a strength of Capafons study?
Collection of both quantitative and qualitative data from research increases validity of findings
Data collected from interviews provided researchers with a detailed insight into the patients phobia whilst data collected from measures such as heart rate provided more objective measurements
Why is generalisability a weakness of Capafons study?
Sample self selected
Patients who volunteered may have been individuals more likely to respond positively to therapy than others with the phobia who didn’t respond
Generalisability to findings is limited to the success of SD with patients who have a fear of flying and who have volunteered for therapy
Why is effectiveness a weakness of Capafons study?
Further research would be required to establish long term effectiveness of SD as a treatment for fear of flying
Measures were taken shortly after therapy sessions and it may be possible that effects are short lived and may fade over time