Realistic Conflict Theory - Sherif 1966 Flashcards
What are the claims of realistic conflict theory?
Prejudice is caused by intergroup conflict/competition - prejudice and hostility intensify when two or more groups strive for the same goal.
Realistic conflict is thought to arise between two groups only when they are of equal status.
Prejudice more likely if the resource is finite or zero-sum (one winner, one loser)
Prejudice can be reduced using the principles of shared goals (superordinate goals)
What are the components of realistic conflict theory?
Limited (finite) resources
Negative interdependence
Conflict of interests
Intergroup relationships
Positive interdependence
What are limited (finite) resources?
Can be physical (e.g. food, territory) or symbolic (e.g. political power, prestige and authority)
Highest levels of prejudice and discrimination occur in situations of competition for physical and finite resources (e.g. specific strip of land)
Lower levels if compromise is possible or when the commodity is more subjective.
What is negative interdependence?
Two groups seek to achieve a goal important to both of them, but only one can reach that goal (zero sum).
What is ‘conflict of interests’?
Negative - Each group acts to obstruct the other groups achievement.
Interdependent - ‘one groups’ win is contingent on the other groups loss.
What is intergroup relationships?
Intergroup relations refers to the way in which people who belong to social groups or categories perceive, think about, feel about, and act towards and interact with people in other groups.
Deteriorate in situations of negative interdependence
Interactions with people in the other group become antagonistic and hostile.
Interactions with own group become more cooperative (more solidarity)
What can positive interdependence and superordinate goals do?
Positive interdependence and superordinate goals can reduce prejudice.
How can prejudice arising from intergroup conflict be reduced?
Prejudice arising from intergroup conflict can be reduced by groups working cooperatively to achieve a common goal.
When does positive interdependence occur?
Positive interdependence occurs in situations where neither group can reach it’s goals unless the other group also reaches theirs.
When can superordinate goals be achieved?
Superordinate goals can only be achieved through the cooperation of both groups.
What are the strengths/supporting evidence of realistic conflict theory?
Ember and Ember (1992)
Sherif’s Robbers Cave experiment
Aronson et al (1978) - useful applications
What are the weaknesses/refuting evidence of realistic conflict theory?
Tyerman and Spencer (1983)
Cultural differences
Why is Ember and Ember supporting evidence for realistic conflict theory?
Ember and Ember observed that in tribal societies intergroup hostility increases when social or natural conditions mean that competition for resources are necessary
Why is Sherif’s Robbers Cave experiment supporting evidence for realistic conflict theory?
Sherif’s Robbers Cave experiment found that competition increased hostility between the two groups of boys
Why is Aronson et al supporting evidence for realistic conflict theory?
Can be applied to real life by helping reduced prejudice between groups in society through use of superordinate goals
Aronson introduced competition in classrooms where competition was rife Using the jigsaw method where students were divided into small groups that had to succeed in one group task to ensure the success of overall class project, they found levels of competition decreased
Why is Tyerman and Spencer refuting evidence for realistic conflict theory?
Tyerman and Spencer didn’t observe inter-group conflict in a scout group in the UK when there was competition for scarce resources
They suggested this may be due to the fact that the scout group already had superordinate goals
Why is the fact that cultural differences aren’t taken into account a weakness of realistic conflict theory?
The assumption is that competition for scarce resources will always result in prejudice and conflict
However, in some collectivistic cultures such as China, values such as cooperation are more important than competition