Non Biological Explanation for Depression - Cognitive Explanation Flashcards
What is cognitive psychology interested in?
Interested in cognition (thinking)
Depression is due to faulty or maladaptive thinking
What three parts are there in Beck’s cognitive model of depression?
Cognitive triad
Cognitive errors
What is cognitive triad on Beck’s cognitive model of depression?
Negative thoughts about self, world and our future
About self - feeling inadequate
About world - all experiences that we have will be negative
Future - nothing will change
What is schema?
‘Packet of information’ which we use to tell us how to behave / what to expect in a certain situation
Developed through experiences
What is schemata in Beck’s cognitive model of depression?
Might develop negative schemata through unpleasant experiences when we are children - e.g. bullying, parental breakups
Can lead to withdrawal from others to avoid rejection/bullying
Depressed individuals will have many negative schemata
What are cognitive errors in Beck’s cognitive model of depression?
Inaccurate thoughts which we use to reinforce negative thinking and keep us feeling bad about ourselves
Overgeneralisation - if something bad happens once we expect it to happen again next time we are in the same situation
Catastrophising - thinking of the worst possible scenario and fully believing that will happen
What is the relationship between depression and negative thoughts?
More negative thoughts = more severe depression
What is selective attention?
A depressed individual will have selective attention
Only focuses on negative aspects of an event / conversation
What is the supporting evidence/strengths of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
Alloy and Abramson (1999)
Beck et al (1967)
Psychology in society
Beck’s depression inventory
What is the refuting evidence/weaknesses of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
Scientific evidence
Psychology as a science
Direction of effects
Monoamine hypothesis
Why is Alloy and Abramson (1999) supporting evidence of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
Alloy and Abramson conducted a longitudinal study of the thinking styles of young Americans in their early 20’s for 6 years. Their thinking style was tested and they were placed in either the ‘positive thinking group’ or ‘negative thinking group’.
After 6 years the researchers found that only 1% of the positive group developed depression compared to 17% of the ‘negative’ group.
This is a strength because these results support the cognitive model and the idea of negative thinking as an explanation of depression.
Furthermore, the research is longitudinal and therefore advantageous because it is studying developmental changes in the sample.
Why is Beck et al (1967) supporting evidence of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
Beck et al investigated the cognitive distortions in patients with depression using thought diaries and demonstrated that several themes appeared in the depressed patients’ thoughts that did not appear in non-depressed patients. These included low self- esteem and self-blame.
This is a strength because it supports the cognitive model’s assumption that patients with depression exhibit more cognitive distortions by using a control group for comparison.
Why is reductionism as strength of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
The cognitive model considers both environmental and cognitive factors. The role of early experiences in the development of negative schemata is acknowledged by the model; predisposing the individual to developing depression as an adult.
This is a strength because the cognitive explanation may be viewed as more holistic because it acknowledges multiple factors which combine in the onset of depression. It is not simply isolating one specific factor.
Why is psychology in society a strength of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
This explanation has led to the development of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which has been found to be effective in treating depression by focusing upon issues around negative schemata and thoughts and changing these to more positive thoughts
This is a strength because the success of CBT in reducing the symptoms of depression supports the link between negative thoughts and depression.
Why is Beck’s depression inventory a strength of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
The explanation led to the development of Beck’s Depression Inventory. This is a self-report questionnaire consisting of 21 multi-choice items relating to symptoms of depression such as feelings of guilt, fatigue and weight loss.
This is a strength because it provides a way of collecting quantitative data/scores about each patient allowing the clinician to establish the severity of their depression.
Why is Kendler refuting evidence of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
Kendler found that concordance rates for depression in mono-zygotic twins were 76% whereas the concordance rates for depression in di-zygotic twins were 19%.
This is a weakness because these findings do point to genes being an important factor in the development of depression rather than cognitive differences therefore challenging the cognitive model of depression.
However, genes do not fully explain depression because the concordance rate for MZ twins is not 100% therefore environmental factors must also play a role.
Why is scientific evidence a weakness of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
There is strong, scientific evidence from genetic testing that genetic inheritance and biological differences are much more important in the development of depression than cognitive causes.
This is a weakness because it challenges the cognitive model of depression by providing more credible evidence based on genetic testing.
Why is psychology as a science a weakness of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
It is incredibly difficult to measure thoughts and therefore the assumptions being made are often based upon data collected via self-report methods such as thought diaries.
This is a weakness because self-report measures are prone to being subjective and rely upon the patient being open and honest about how they feel. Some self-report data may be prone to social desirability bias and this would not be viewed as having scientific credibility.
Why is direction of effects a weakness of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
It is difficult to establish the direction of effects regarding negative thinking and depression. Negative thoughts seem to disappear when depression stops, which may suggest faulty thinking comes with depression rather than being a cause of it.
This is a weakness because the evidence is correlational, and no cause-and-effect statements can be made. It is unclear as to whether negative thoughts cause depression or are a product of having depression.
Why is the monoamine hypothesis a weakness of Beck’s cognitive model of depression as a cognitive explanation for depression?
(A comparison point between monoamine hypothesis and Beck’s model)
The monoamine hypothesis is based on scientific evidence from PET scans which makes it more scientifically credible than Beck’s cognitive model.